Chapter 4 - Parents worries

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"What do you mean by mama?" Or did I lie?" Mrs. Lucy asked as she stared at Carolina's frowning face. Carolina replied, "Mama, I will get pregnant, but not now, as I'm not God who gives children." "Really? But when?" Mrs. Lucy yelled at her first daughter, but her husband immediately interrupted them: "Don't mind your mother, Carolina; you're welcome home, and how was your travel journey down here to the village?. You're welcome my first daughter, and my pride." "Thank you, papa, good evening," Carolina smiled to her father as she walked up to kneel down beside him, and he replied to her, "Stand up, my lovely princess. You're a married woman now, and so you shouldn't be kneeling down to greet me again." "No papa. I have to greet you according to our traditional custom of greeting our fathers," Carolina said with a smile, and her father said to her, "It's okay, my daughter? Stand up, as you're welcome. So how are your husband and his people?." "They're fine, papa," Carolina replied as she stood up from the ground, and she dusted her knees and said, "Martin is good, as I only came back home because of Cora, as she spoke to me about moving to the city to get a better job in the city." "Cora??" Mr. Mavin Brown asked, as his eyes shifted back to stare at Cora, where she stood with a basket of yam in her arms, and he frowned, as he didn't like the idea of Cora going to live with her elder sister and the husband in the city. He knew Cora to be troublesome and corrupt. "Yes, papa, Cora." Carolina replied, while Cora said, "Papa, you're asking my sister questions like you don't know that I have graduated since... And I cannot seem to find a good job here in this dusty village." "Hmm. But you can still apply as a teacher in the school village. As I heard, there's a vacancy there for a village school teacher needed," replied Mr. Mavin. "No papa! .. Sister is already here, so I will be going with her to the city tomorrow," Cora replied with a deep frown, and Mr. Mavin sighed, as he couldn't say a word next. They all stood outside in front of his village house, while his wife finally spoke to them, "That's fine; can we all go inside first to relax, as Carolina just arrived and we haven't even welcomed her yet? Or, Carolina, is it still today that you and Cora will be going back to the city?." "No mom. Maybe tomorrow morning, as you know, my husband won't be happy with me staying too long here in the village," said Carolina. "That's alright; let's all go inside first. Have you spoken to your driver that you're staying for today, as he cannot keep standing outside under the sun like this?" Mrs. Lucy asked, as they all walked to the frontage. Carolina replied, "Not yet, mama, but I will do that now. Mark!" Carolina stared back at Mark, and he replied, "Yes, madam." Mark stared ahead to them while standing beside the Jeep parked, and Carolina said to him, "We ain't going back today. So will you sleep in the car or will you come inside, as there are still some vacant rooms in the backyard too?." "Carolina, how can you ask him to sleep in the car?. No young man, come with me; let me show you to a room in the backyard, as you can all go inside." Mr. Mavin said to Mark as he cut Carolina off while he walked away to meet Mark. Carolina smiled and replied, "Alright, papa." Carolina walked into the house with her mother and sister as they stepped into the parlor, and the interior paint was brown, while her father left for the backyard to show Mark a room there. "Wow, long time missed home," Carolina said as she finally sat on one of the seven blue couches in their parlor, while her mother smiled and replied, "You're welcome home, my angel. You're really looking so beautiful, or Cora, am I lying?." Mrs. Lucy stared at Cora's face to hear her response, but Cora forced a fake smile as she replied, "Of course not, mama; you're telling the truth, and sister is really looking so cute now." Mrs. Lucy smiled back at Carolina, just then Mr. Mavin finally walked into the parlor, and said, "I've already shown the young man to a room in the backyard." "Okay papa. I'm tired now; let me go inside and rest small," Carolina said as she stood up from the couch, and she was feeling a little dizzy while her mother said to her, "That's alright, Carolina. Cora and I will prepare dinner soon. So you can go in and rest in your room. Once we're through, we will wake you up." "Okay, mom," Carolina replied with a smile, and she finally walked away to the corridor that led to her former room. Carolina hadn't been feeling too fine since the previous month, but she had already promised Cora that she would travel down to their village and bring Cora to the city. So she pretended with her husband that she was fine and in good health, as she didn't want to disappoint Cora, and Martin would also allow her to travel home. Carolina stepped into her previous old room, which still looked neat, and she walked up to her old bed, which was neatly covered in white bedspread. She carefully sat on it and laid gently on it to cool off her aching head, and soon she gradually fell asleep on the bed. ---- Meanwhile Cora hadn't been herself after seeing how pretty her only elder sister looked. She thought to snatch Martin away from Carolina once she got to the city, and she stood by the corridor and lost in her own thoughts. "Cora! What are you thinking about, as I said that you should go and prepare the dinner, and you're still standing there since and staring lost into space?" Mrs. Lucy Brown questioned Cora, as she stepped out to the corridor, and saw Cora seeming lost and standing in the corridor alone. "Nothing, mother; I'm fine." Cora replied, and she immediately walked away into the kitchen while her mother shook her head and chimed, "What's she even thinking about? Hmm." Mrs. Lucy finally retired back to her room to join her husband as the night gradually fell while she waited for Cora to be through cooking. Later in the night, the whole family sat on their parlor couches to have their dinner, as they didn't have any dining room. Carolina sat with them too, as she was now awake and feeling a little better. "How are you feeling now, Carolina? I hope you're fine now." Mrs. Lucy asked Carolina in concern as she stared at her eagerly. Cora quickly said, "Mama, let my sister be. As I'm here with you since, and all your focuses are only on my sister." Cora pouted her lips, and Mrs. Lucy laughed and replied, "You're fine, Cora, and I know that. But your elder sister here just arrived, and so I need to know if all is well with her in her husband's house in the city." "Hm.." Cora rather stared away from her mother in jealousy, saying that their mother was now showing too much care and love to Carolina alone, while she was there too, eating her meal. Her mother spoke, "Don't mind Cora, Carolina... Cora is a very jealous lady, and she has me here every day with her since, and only today that I have to spend with you, she's pouting." "It's okay, mama? I can understand Cora," Carolina replied with a smile, not wanting their mother to continue dissing Cora. "It's not okay, Carolina? And Cora, I hope that you ain't going to Carolina's house to jealous her and her sweet husband?. If that's the case, then you better stay here with us in this village and look for a job here." Mrs. Brown warned. Cora immediately frowned and replied, "No, mama, I'm only going there to work, and why will you accuse me of such?." "Because I know you too well, Cora. You're my daughter, and I know what you're capable of doing," Mrs. Lucy replied, and Carolina rather laughed out and spoke, "Mama, It's okay? Cora is just going there to work, and that's all." "I know Carolina. But Cora shouldn't go there and be eyeing your husband and you. I pray that she finds a good job quickly and also finds her own husband too, so she won't have to stay long in your house and leave on time." "It's alright, mama? You and Papa worry too much. Cora is only going to work and not like she's jealous of my husband or me," Carolina spoke. "Tell Mama. Every time Mama accuses me wrongly." Cora faked her tears, and Mrs. Lucy eyed her second daughter before she replied, "It's okay? I'm only advising you, Carolina. Just keep your eyes on Cora. And you too, Cora, keep your distance away from Carolina's husband." "Mama!" Carolina exclaimed, as she laughed out loud, while Mr. Mavin finally chipped in, "Carolina, your mother is right. I myself amn't in support of Cora going there with you to the city. You know Cora isn't a little girl, even though she's a little girl. She's still a woman. And I don't want her to go there and cause problems between you and your husband." "Hmph, no, papa. My husband isn't a flirt, and he doesn't flirt with women," Carolina replied, as she trusted her husband. She was sure of Martin's love for her. As ever since she knew Martin and records of him. Martin hasn't cheated on her, and his previous relationship ended because he stated that he didn't like his ex. Simple because she flirts a lot and loves traveling a lot too. Something he didn't like, and to avoid long-distance relationships. "Hm.. Okay. You just took the warning from your mother and me seriously. We hope that you live peacefully with your younger sister and your husband too." Mr. Mavin spoke, and Carolina replied, "You have nothing to worry about, Papa and Mama. We will be fine."
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