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The night went so fast and it was already morning. Brian called around eight to remind me that he is picking me and my mom to go to the salon. “Is Aunt Maisie coming?” “It’s fine with me, but you have to ask her.” “Oh okay. I will call her after we talk. Where do I ask her to come?” “She knows the salon where I bring my models.” “Ok, great!” “See you and don’t be late.” We hang up and I called my aunt. “Hello.” “Good morning, Aunt Maisie. I am wondering, can you come with me with Brian to the salon? Ahmmm....I am not so great with aesthetic features, please help me out.” “What time are you guys going there?” “Around ten?” “Call me when Brian comes.” “Okay, I will prepare now. See you later.” “You got that, gorgeous!” I hit the shower room and shampooed my hair well and my skin was squeaky clean. I also made sure to lavish some perfumed lotion on my skin. I took a look at my nails and brushed them clean as well. I blew dry my hair and placed a hair clamp to bun it. “Mom, are you ready?” “I thought Aunt Maisie will accompany you?” “Yeah, but don’t you want to come, too? I found some nice hairstyles last night but am not sure that they’ll fit me.” “Just let them style it for you.” “So, you’re coming?” “I would love, too. I didn’t cook lunch yet.” “Let’s eat out, mom.” “Okay, I will just change shoes and grab my purse.” Then a few minutes after Brian came. I also called Aunt Maisie to let her know that we already left the house to go to the salon. “Hello!” “Hi, Brian. You know my mom already, right.” “Oh yes. How are you?” “I’m good.” “By the way, this is Mia, my girl. That’s Natalie.” “Hi!” “Hi, Mia!” “Ready for a change?” “Yup, I'm cool.” “Mia will help you find the perfect change.” “Great! I am excited.” Brian is tall, muscled, and smart while Mia, although I can’t see her full view seems to be a gorgeous young lad. We traveled around twenty minutes in bustling traffic and parked in front of a huge salon. As we went inside Aunt Maisie was already there. And everyone gave hugs and pecks on the cheeks. “Sit here, my lady.” A smart gay asked me to sit on a swivel chair. The backrest is not too high, it swivels and is very comfortable. “Let me see you. Your waves are good. Trim, color, and highlights!” I just shrugged my shoulders. “Brandy, make her totally different. Unrecognizable.” “Let’s do this. You shampooed?” I nodded “Conditioner?” I shook my head to say no. “Perfect!” He sprayed water onto my hair and trimmed it a little. Then the coloring started. They started to put plastics and foil on my hair with colors and wrapping. While they did my hair, another person is doing my nails. Wow, this is quite hectic for me. I saw mom and Aunt Maisie at the lounge having tea and whatever. But I can sense that they are having a great time catching up. After some twenty to thirty minutes the nails on my toes and fingers are clean. They’ll paint it with my skin tone as not to get so much attention. After almost three hours of hair dye, styling, and putting makeup on me. “Close your eyes, Natalie!” I did what I was told. They guided me to sit on a chair in front of a big mirror. “Okay, one,...” And everybody exclaimed with joy counting “Two, three...” “Open your eyes!” When I opened my eyes, I sat in awe of what I see. “Am I dreaming?” My hair changed from peachy blonde color to mocha honeyed highlights as they call it. My makeup doesn’t show Natalie anymore. My eyes became smaller and my nose higher. I look like somebody else from Vogue magazine “Woaw, Brandy, thank you so much. But is this me?” Everybody laughed as I waved at my reflection in the mirror. “You are now Tahja Celestine.” “Hey, I like that name.” “I kinda like that, too.” With pride and boasting, I posed “Hi! I am Tahja Celestine. Nice to meet you all.” I ended that with open arms presenting myself. “Now, let’s buy you some clothes for a start.” I looked at my mom in glee. We have money that came from the selling of the farm, but we’re keeping it because we both don’t have work and we take our daily needs from that savings. But because this is something I have always wanted. My eyes popped and my spirits were high because of excitement. I smiled at Brandy and hugged him “Thank you again for Tahja Celestine.” As I walked towards the vehicle, people gazed at me as a different person. I just smiled at them as I walked towards the SUV. “We will see your charisma in the boutique. Can we get discounts with that look?” “Sounds challenging. You think.....” “No, Natalie. I know who you’re thinking about. He won’t be able to know who you are. Brian, can her bio be hidden?” “Oh, about that. I planned on changing your roots for now so they won’t know who you are if it’s okay with you.” “What do you mean?” “We will change your parents, where you were born, even your age.” “So, I will totally be a different person?” “Yes. Is it okay with you?” “Yeah, I guess. What about to you, mom?” “If it’s for the best.” “Okay, we’re here.” We parked in spacious parking and went inside the store. As I walked inside, a beautiful lady came to welcome us. “Hello, Brian. Hi, Mia! Nice to see you both. And who is this gorgeous young woman?” “This is Tahja Celestine. We need just two sets to start.” “This is Sachi and she will take care of you.” “Wait, let me look at you.” I spun around and posed. “Hmmm...I have several. Boots for that long legs for a start.” And she asked her assistants to bring out several boots. Then came some pants, blouses, dresses that they parade in front of us so we can see them and choose what we like. So Brian and Mia chose an entire set for me to try. “Try these on.” And I went to the dressing room with two assistants to dress me up. As we finished I went out and ramp modeled the clothes. “Now that’s my girl.” I smiled at Sachi and posed again. Brian and Mia talked. “We like the ensemble.” “Okay, now dress up again Tahja Celestine.” And I went to the dressing room again with the assistants. As we were done, I went out again and modeled the dress. I can see my mother smiling from ear to ear as I went out of the dressing room. Then I walked on the floor, pretending I am already ramp modeling. Brian and Mia talked, Mia was nodding while Brian was saying something. “Sachi, can we change the blouse?” “Sure, please change to boho that fits the boots and shorts.” The assistants ushered me to the dressing room and changed my blouse.” As I looked at myself, I saw something I liked and my self-esteem shot a little higher. As I went out, I took a hat that goes well with my outfit and took it off as I walked towards them. “Perfect!” “Okay. I won’t give a discount for this time Brian. But I want Tahja Celestine to wear me around today. I am giving her two sets. You can wear one as you go out of the shop.” “Great!” And I smiled and hugged her. “Oops, sorry, I got carried away.” “It’s okay. Hey, can we take a picture of you wearing it? And can you sign it?” I looked at Brian and he nodded “Sure.” Then, they took shots and printed the best one. Sachi took the picture from her assistant and asked me to sign. “Brian, this lad will go places and I am just excited for her.” “Thank you.” I went to the dressing room to wear what she asked me to. Since it’s free, why not. As I slipped in it, I saw a smart lady that’s wearing candid clothes. I love it. I went out casually. “Wow, that looks gorgeous on you.” And Sachi took a picture again, quickly printed it and I signed it. And I thought so too. Brian called somebody on his phone. “Tahja, do you have something this afternoon?” I looked at mom and shook my head. “Maisie?” “What are you planning?” “Let’s eat and shoot at the park.” “Great, let’s get the golden hour.” “Matt is coming.” “I will call Krysta to do make-up.” “Tahja, what do you want to eat.” I looked at mom and we both shrugged our shoulders. Then Sachi got excited. “I want to be in her bio. Can I come, Brian?” “Sure!” “I will prepare her clothes and call me where to meet you later. Let’s pizzazz.”
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