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The next morning, mom woke me up. “Natalie, your Aunt Maisie, and Uncle Theo just called and said they are coming to pick us up. They said we would be celebrating something and they want us to go with them.” With heavy eyelids, I looked at my mom. “What time are they coming to pick us up?” “Eleven.” “And what time is it now?” “Thirty-five minutes past nine.” Then it dawned it me that Aunt Maisie and Uncle Theo would like to celebrate my entry to the modeling world. But how will I surprise my mom if she would already know? Anyways, she can come with me on modeling days and we can both enjoy it. She can also be the best person to tell me if I look okay with my make-up and my outfit. I dragged myself out of the bed to the bathroom to take my shower. I slept late last night looking at print models and their face projections. I tried to copy them facing a mirror, doing my best to project their facets. I also watched how to ramp modeling is done. Their face aura, their steps, their walk. And watching them, I think I can conquer their world as well. After a shower, I splashed on lotion. I need to make my skin ready for any strike of modeling, it has to be soft and supple. I also am buying later some face scrub and moisturizers. My face and skin are my present charm for this route of mine in life. It’s gonna be a beautiful chapter. I wore a deep V neck white blouse, black skinny jeans, and my bronze thin jacket. The color matches my bag and my knee-high boots. Then dabbing makeup and perfume, I am all set. I went to my mom and showed her how I looked. As soon as she saw me. “You look stunning!” “Thanks, mom.” “What is so special about this lunch? Is it about you?” “I am not sure. Well, remember when I went with them yesterday? The director kinda placed me into the battle.” “What do you mean?” “He sampled and took shots of me. I think I passed. I don’t want to assume...but I am hoping.” “Oh, congratulations!” “I am supposed to surprise you because I don’t want to give false hopes.” She came to me and embraced me. “I am so happy for you. If you have photoshoots, is it possible for me to go with you?” “I was about to ask you that. Because you know when I am pretty and when I am lazy.” Then we heard the horn of Aunt Maisie and Uncle Theo. I looked out at the window. “They’re here mom.” “Okay, let’s go.” And we held hands as we went out of the house. “I got the keys, mom.” Then mom saw Aunt Maisie as she went down of the SUV to let my mom get inside the back seat. “Hi! Emma, how are you?” “I am great. Thanks for taking us together for lunch.” “Oh, what do you mean? Natalie didn’t tell you.” Mom looked at me as I scoot to sit by her side. “Well, Natalie just told me something before you came but she wasn’t sure if she is really in.” “Oh, Aunt. I don’t want to put my hopes too high.” “I am not paying for today’s lunch. It’s Director Matt and Brian.” “Really? Why?” “They wanna talk to you and Emma.” “Oh!” “Let’s just wait until we get to the restaurant.” But my smiles came to my ear and I am so elated and excited at this thought. And we went to a hotel where there is a private room in a very prestigious restaurant reserved for us. When we opened the door, director Matt and Brian immediately stood up. “Oh, there you are.” “Direct, Brian, I know you already know Natalie. This is Emma, her mother.” “Oh, it’s nice to meet you.” “It’s nice to finally meet you.” And they all shook hands. “Please take your seat and relax.” “Thanks, Maisie, for bringing them.” We sat and Brian scrambled at a portfolio and showed us something. When he brought the page out of the portfolio. “Wow, is that?” “Yes, it’s you.” “Wait, that’s Nat?” And they all nodded. “Oh my!” “Now, here it is Emma. Would you permit her to sign a contract? Her face will be seen everywhere, and she will be famous.” Then my mom’s face turned from delighted to being anxious. “Is there a problem?” “Natalie is the only one I have. What if her father’s killer sees her.” “Oh, that’s one problem I told you, Matt and Brian.” Everybody was silent “Can we do something about it, so she won’t be recognized?” The two thought for a while then Sofie came near Brian and whispered something. So did the assistants of director Matt. “Okay, we will change her name from Natalie Landon to what?” “Natalie Smith?” “Take out Natalie.” “Gabrielle Steele Smith?” “It sounds nice!” “Gabrielle Steele or Gabrielle Smith?” “Well, it both sounds good.” “Let’s go for Gabrielle Steele.” “We should augment her hair color and makeup.” “Ready for a change tomorrow.” “I don’t know...maybe.” “Okay, here’s the contract. You want to take it home and study. Let’s see each other tomorrow morning for signing.” “Okay.” “For now, let’s eat Brian, I am starving.” “As you wish Maisie.” Brian called the waiter to start serving. Soup came. As the soup touched my palate, I closed my eyes to savor the taste. Salad and entrees came one after the other. Aunt Maisie came to me and explained the contract. It’s an eighty-five-fifteen deal, where fifteen is the manager's percentage. And she whispered that Brian only gets sophisticated high-paying clients. Normally a four thousand model shoot and your face can be everywhere. “Wait let me read the contract fast.” And she went through all five pages. When she was done, she smiled at me and gesture a thumbs up. “Grab it, and make that change of outlook tomorrow.” I smiled and nodded. “Mom, can I sign now?” “It’s up to you.” “Brian, guess what?” Brian and Matt looked at Aunt Maisie as she excitedly stood beside me. “She’s signing now!” “Great, so we can schedule your salon tomorrow.” And they gave me the papers to sign and I did. “You are now officially under my management. Bookings will be scheduled right away, is that okay?” I nodded in excitement. I can’t find words to describe my joy. It was like I was walking in clouds. I am not so sure what I will feel if I already see my face in a magazine in an advertisement. But I am not sure if I can handle the pressure, the guidance, and all the hardships there are. I don’t have any knowledge of this. “Am....Aunt Maisie, are you going to guide me with everything.” “Of course, but if I won’t be there, Brian will guide you through.” “You can start learning online Natalie...I mean Gabrielle. You better get used to it.” “You must turn when people call you by that name or they will notice.” “I will call her that name at home, too.” “Great, Emma.” “But we will definitely change the color of your hair.” “Okay, just not blue or deep red.” Everyone laughed. “We’ll just ask the expert tomorrow.” With more chatting and guidance, the lunch meeting finally ended and Aunt Maisie and Uncle Theo brought us home. “Congratulations, Gabrielle!” “Thanks. See you tomorrow.” “Bye!” When we entered the house, my mom held both my hands. “I am so proud of you. I know your dad will be happy for you, too.” “Mom, don’t make us cry now. Wait let me go to my room and I will start learning. While I browsed through magazines, I found out something.
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