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We went to an haute cuisine restaurant with elite guests. When I entered, everybody seemed to stare at me. I just smiled when I made eye contact. And we settled at the table given us. While we ate, some people would still stare at our table. “Don’t be conscious, Natalie. I mean Tahja Celestine. Get used to it.” I smiled at Aunt Maisie as I know she saw how I fidgeted for a moment. “You should have seen your aunt when she was starting.” “How was it, Brian?” “I won't go into detail but you’re ....” “You’re handling it better than I.” Aunt Maisie finished the sentence for Brian. “I messed up the first time I went out.” Uncle Theo smiled and held Aunt Maisie’s hand. “That was the day I saw you.” “Don’t get too cheesy here.” My mom, Brian, and Mia all laughed at Aunt Maisie and Uncle Theo as they looked at each other and smiled at us. I remember when I attended their wedding. Uncle Theo said that he saw Aunt Maisie as a goddess when she almost fell and he caught her in his arms. Being struck with love at first sight, he applied as a model, too. But because his body wasn’t that firm, he had to go to the gym for some fitness routine to be accepted. They are so sweet to each other and would always look for each other. If I would have to choose somebody for myself, I would choose somebody like Uncle Theo. A total knockout on looks and his soft side have always cared for Aunt Maisie. Our food finally came and we all ate. The food was great. We had shrimps, steak, veggies. But my fave was the flambeed fruit wrapped in a fine delicious crepe, topped with cream, ice cream, and chantilly sauce. Brian’s phone rang several times. As he would answer, he would always explain that we’re still eating and will be done in twenty minutes. “I hate to do. this but we need to hurry up. Golden hour is just two hours away.” “Oh!” “Time passes by when you’re having a good time.” Aunt Maisie called the makeup artist and made sure she was already in the area. While Brian was paying the check, the staff of the restaurant had a chat with us. “Are. you celebrities? Can I have a picture with you?” “Sure! We are actually models.” “I thought I saw you in a magazine.” Then we all posed and had a picture with her. As we thanked her, we bade goodbye as well. People smiled at us because now they knew we are some kind of celebrity in our own right. We went straight to the park that was planned for the shoot. As we neared the venue, I saw big flying fabrics, as if gymnasts line to beat their wands in the air. It was frilly and majestic. “Woaw, it’s fantastic!” “Are you ready Tahja Celestine?” “I have never been excited in my life as now.” Then I looked at my mom who seems to be more excited than me. “I am so happy for you Natalie.” “Tahja, mom.” Then we both laughed. “I forgot about that.” When we alighted the SUV, an assistant ushered me right away to redo my makeup. They were quick to move. “Golden is fast approaching. Quick! Quick!” My face was sprayed with foundation earlier and was made up with retouches in a very sophisticated aura. “Direct, what clothes!” “Let her wear that first then ask Sachi for the next.” I was guided to go to the garden. Reflectors line in front and a cameraman stood in front of me. “Tahja, can I call you by your first name?” “Sure!” “As you pose, lookup, sassy eyes looking at the camera. Then seductive like this.” And he showed me the facial expression which I mimicked. “Great!” And he clapped his hands and shouted. “Let’s take it!” “Stand here and do your stuff.” And as soon as the assistant director went out I did my pose and I immediately heard the camera shutters. I did several poses and faces. “Cut! Change outfit!” And I hurriedly ran to the changing area where Sachi was waiting for me. The outfit was prepared and I was readily changed for the next shoot. When I came out, different props are now laid. It matches my outfit nicely. For the whole day, Sachi made me change three times and we shot a lot of pictures of the four outfits. We sure made use of each minute of that golden hour. After the shoot, director Matt and Sachi made some browsing on the photos in their computer laid by the garden. I peeped on it. “Come here Tahja, call your mom, too.” And I went close to Aunt Maisie and hugged her by her side, she placed her hand on my shoulder, while I placed my arm around her back. “Look at you, you have nice face projection.” “Thanks!” And I placed my other arm around my mom. Beside me are two women that I admire and get my motivation from. Sachi was pointing to some photos on the screen. “What are they talking about, Aunt Maisie?” “You see Sachi is already an icon in the fashion industry and she wants to place an advertisement in a leading magazine, she wants your picture to come in.” “Really? As in my fave will be in magazines?” “And billboards, too!” “You heard that mom. Your daughter will soon be famous. I hope, fingers crossed.” “Just keep your feet on the ground and you’ll go places. Directors and advertising firms don’t want models who are always late, has a lot of issues and sorts.” “I will remember that.” “You need to practice more facial projection for magazines and walking for ramps.” “I notice that in ramp modeling, the models are like walking dead, absolutely no facial expression?” “Yeah, because you’re not selling yourself but the dress. The attention should be on the dress, not the model.” Aunt Maisie leaned her head onto mine. “Be careful my dear, a lot of men will die to have a night with you. Don’t dare to sell yourself or just give in to anybody.” “I won’t.” And I hugged my mom tighter. “I have both of you to model my life with.” “Okay, let me check what’s going on.” Aunt Maisie went to director Matt and Sachi. Brian was there too and they talked while pointing at some pictures on the computer monitor. I hugged my mom. “Will I be seen as Natalie?” “No, you don’t look like her anymore.” “I am still a bit scared, mom.” “I will always be with you until such time I know you can.” “Thanks, mom.” Then we heard them cheer and clapped all together. Aunt Maisie and Brian signaled for us to come nearer. “Tahja, Emma, these pictures will come out at Elle where Sachi will be featured.” I and my mom’s smiles went ear to ear. “When Sachi said that she will give you clothes that were for wearing her, now for the featured photos, you’re going to be paid. Not that high but a good one for your first.” “Wow, thanks, Brian.” “Now, usually when other signatures see you and your potential and aura, they ring at once. Let’s wait and see after one cover.” “Cover?” “Yes, you’ll be on the cover of Elle. Sachi will be featured, they usually put the featured clothes as well.” My smiles went from ear to ear again in elation and excitement. My mom clasped her hand in thrill and amazement. “A picture will still be processed for a print ad.” “Can I see it after it’s processed?” “Definitely.” “Oh, I am so excited.” After the shoot, Sachi treated us to dinner. Not a fancy restaurant, but the food was really sumptuous and filling. But what I love. most were their dessert. It was a not too sweet and tangy cheesecake. Then we went home with Aunt Maisie. “Are you tired?” “A little, but the excitement kept me going.” “You still don’t have class right?” “Yeah, I didn't take summer classes. And school is still in two months.” “Are you going away for college?” “Ahm, I can’t leave mom alone. I just took college here. But I can shift.to modeling.” “Thank you, Maisie, for everything.” “Hey, it’s my joy, Emma.” As we went to our house door, we bade goodbye to Uncle Theo and Aunt Maisie. My mom, held me by my shoulder. “I am so.proud.of you Natalie.” Ans she laughed. “Oh, I forgot, Tahja.” “It’s just us, mom. You can call me by my real name.” “I need to get used to it.” I shrugged my shoulders. “You’re right. How did I look earlier?” “You were beautiful.” And mom mimicked my projections “I can’t believe my daughter is now a model. I am sure your father is happy for you.” “I wish he is here.” “Rest now before we both cry.” And we hugged and went to our rooms. I took a magazine and imagined myself. I cleaned my face well and took off the makeup and showered. After that warm bath, I have to admit I was kinda tired that I easily dosed off. When my eyes were about to close, my phone rang.
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