I want you to strip

1672 Words
the smell of dust woke me up from what seemed like an everlasting sleep. The sun shone brightly as I tried to adjust my sight to see where I was. With one proper look around, it was certain I wasn’t in the moonlight pack house anymore. The last thing I remembered was being choked to death, but there I was laying in the middle of a field while a gigantic mansion stood in front of me. I stood quickly which I regretted because I almost tipped over due to dizziness. When I was more stable, I looked around to try and recognize where I was. I almost passed out when my eyes met an inscription on the huge walls. DARK MOON PACK. “Oh god no!” I cried out. I knew Leanne was heartless, but I didn’t know she was the devil herself. The dark moon pack was known for its hatred for omegas. There was no pack that didn’t hate my kind, but the hatred from the dark moon pack was just something else. The Alpha himself_ Alpha Jaxon_ hated them even more than the pack members did. It was obvious Leanne sent me here for him to kill me. This pack had a name attached to it and it was NO OMEGAS ALLOWED. Yet, there I was, wandering around the huge premises. I needed to get out of there. The wall was so huge for me to climb and the gate was heavily guarded. There was no way I would remain to get killed by their Alpha. “Hey, you!” I heard a loud deep voice and I almost peed on my body. Turning around, my eyes met with a hefty-looking man. He must be a guard, I thought inwardly. Well, I didn’t wait to find out. I took to my heels immediately. I didn’t know where I was running to, but I kept moving as fast as my legs could carry me. By the time I turned around to check if the guard was still chasing after me, I saw two more guards alongside him. I increased my speed as I turned around, but that made me bump into someone instead. It was yet another guard. I stood up as fast as I could to try and maneuver my way through the free path, but I stopped when I saw one guard coming from that direction. Knowing fully well that I was surrounded, I dropped to my knees. The first guard that got to me, punched me hard in the face sending me to the floor. He jacked me up almost immediately as he glared at me. Then he looked at his fellow bodyguards. “She is an omega” he announced. “Let’s take this b***h to beta Jackson,” another one said with a disgusted look on his face. “No no no!” I cried out. I didn’t care if it was the Alpha or the Beta. I just didn’t want to meet any of their superiors. “This is all a mistake... I…” before I could finish speaking, he grabbed my hair tightly. “Shut the f**k up b***h!” he roared in my face and I instantly became nonverbal. He grabbed my hand roughly and began to pull me in the direction of the mansion. “Please” I begged as more tears went down my cheeks. That plead only earned me a slap. My cheek stung so bad that I clenched my fist to bear the pain. “Are omega so weak that they can’t walk fast enough?” his harsh voice which had a lot of contempt pierced through my ears as I nervously increased my steps. “No sir” I mumbled already walking hastily to deter him from yelling at me. “Then get it moving b***h!” he dragged me more roughly even though he could tell my pace had been improved. As we got closer to the mansion, my distress increased. I bit my lips in nervousness, my legs wobbled and my heart thumped so fast that I feared it might jump out of my chest. All these were a result of the numerous rumors I had heard of the alpha of the pack_ Alpha Jaxon. He was ruthless, powerful, and dangerous. I couldn't help but pray that all those were just mere rumors. We got to the mansion and he led me right in. It was then I realized why they called it the dark moon pack, not because it looked dark or anything but because of the different aura it exuded. A kind that sent shivers down my spine. It was a miracle that I didn’t faint as a result of the tension that consumed me. I couldn’t count how many rooms we walked past in the enormous house and how many stares I got from some of the pack members. I could see the animosity in their eyes as they scanned me. I ignored all of them because I had a bigger problem to face. He led me through a door and pushed me to the floor before a man who sat behind a desk. I started crying again because I knew I was dead for sure. “she was found on the premises sir” “Intresting” The man said without taking his eyes off what he seemed busy with. “She must be an intruder” the guard decided to make thing worse for me by saying that. After sometime, the guard left me there. His job had been done anyway “Who are you and what do you want?” his crisp voice rang out, peeling his blue orbs off the laptop in front of him as they landed on me. My heart skipped a beat due to how intense his eyes were. Even while seated he still elicited so much power that it caused a cold shiver to run up my spine. His features were something that could blow the brains of anybody. Sharply chiseled jawline and overly flawlessly sculpted body. He knew I was an omega. My scent wasn’t hard to miss, yet he wanted me to say it. I clutched my skirt by my side to stop my hands from trembling too much. Then I cleared my throat to speak. I didn’t want to keep him waiting. “This is all a mistake. I didn’t….” “That wasn’t what I asked,” he said, cutting me off at the same time, bringing his two hands on his desk as he leaned closer. Damn right. That wasn’t what he asked. I was too nervous to tell that. “Oh, my name is Amaya from the moonlight pack headed by Alpha Lucas. I am an omega, born in…” he cut me off as soon as I got to that point. “And you chose to step your filthy feet here?” I could see the contempt in his eyes as he said those words. “The audacity” the glare hardened “I wanted to ask for permission to stay” I blurted out even though it wasn’t true. To think of it I had no other place to go. Leanna was surely going to do worse if I returned to the moonlight pack house. If I kept on going with the excuse of all this being a mistake, that wasn’t going to change my fate. Maybe if I begged hard enough, I was going to be allowed to stay there until I was fit enough to live on my own. “That is very bold of you,” he said in a cold, but authoritative tone as his hooded eyes darkened. “I have nowhere else to go” I pleaded shamelessly. I was going to be humiliated and treated more badly than I was in the moonlight pack, but that didn’t mean I wanted to end up on the streets. I had nothing with me and the moonlight back was hours away from where I was. “How does that in any way concern me?” why did he hate me so much? I mean he barely even knew me “Because you are the Beta of this pack and you have the power to give me permission to stay” “No, the Alpha does” "Then let me speak with him” I begged. “Go back to your pack house omega”. He said, ignoring my request The last thing on my mind was to return to the moonlight pack. I didn’t have the funds to go back and even if I did, it was going to be a slap on my face_ that I came crawling back after everything... Shamelessly I dropped to my knees because I had no other choice. Tears trickled down my cheeks as I parted my lips to speak “I will clean, work, cook, and do anything I have to do to be useful here. I swear you won’t even know an omega is around. I am not going to cause any trouble at all and I won’t pick up a fight with anybody” I stopped to catch my breath when I couldn’t rack my head for any more words. He leaned back on his seat with his eyes fixated on me. He looked utterly stunned and confused at the same time. It was almost as if he was deciding my fate within himself. It was hard to tell what he was thinking due to how rigid his face was. “Please," I said as I locked eyes with him. Something I hadn't been able to do since I stepped into his office. I watched with pleading eyes as his lips curled up into a smirk. “I have never seen an omega naked before" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What?" I muttered loud enough for him to hear. “I want you to strip," he said in a daring tone
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