
1796 Words
LUNA’S POV “Lovegood! Come on!” Isla hollers at me from the other room. That stupid nickname. My parents clearly didn’t think about that when they named me after that damned Harry Potter character. While it frustrates me when people I don’t like use the nickname, it’s the only thing from my parents I have left. “Why do I have to go with you again? I don’t remember ever having an inkling of a desire to go seek out wealthy dudes to swipe their wallets.” I’ve gone with her on these stupid ‘missions’, as she calls them, more than once. However, I really can’t complain because I know that is how she pays the rent and that allows me to pursue my music without any need for money. I’d never be able to afford the rent here on the tips I make busking or the small amount I make doing gigs at the smaller bars around here. So, I guess the least I can do is be her wingman. Today, we head to MGM Grand. She's been seeing one of the dudes on their staff, probably a couple of the ladies on their staff too, I chuckle to myself, and that’s how she gets the keycards to their exclusive pools. She’s picked one today with the VIP tents, clearly she is looking for a bigger score than the lowly dudes she frequents, in order to not bring attention to herself. Luckily, the only thing I ever have to do is giggle and flirt to get her to their room. I’m not about sleeping around with strangers, well, it’s not really my thing to sleep with anyone really. It’s actually been one of the things that has held my music career back and has been blatantly stated to my face. She runs up to one of the bars outside the gate to grab us drinks before we make our way inside. “Two shots of tequila and two Starburst over rocks,” she says in her most sultry voice to the bartender. She eyes the fish bowl on the bar with the tips in it, but I know she won’t touch it. She’s a modern day female Robinhood. Take from the rich only. Anyone who is staying at these hotels has money to blow, the bartenders are just trying to get by. She grabs her drinks and all of a sudden screeches, “Hazel! Amelia!” She runs into the arms of her friends that I hate the most. I roll my eyes quickly and plaster on a fake smile. “Hey there ladies! Are you here to party too?” Hazel looks at me in annoyance, she doesn’t like me either, but we play nice for Isla. “Here to snag me a hot chunk of meat!” She exclaims shamelessly. We walk into the gate and we’re all laughing and joking when Isla looks at me, “Bullseye.” I follow her eyes to a cabana at the far side of the pool. In it sits a group of guys who are certainly loaded with money. Two of the three catch my attention, one more so than the other. There is a surfer looking dude who has the typical attractiveness you’d find in a magazine with his hair meticulously styled to look unstyled, he catches my attention first. The other guy though, I’m definitely drawn to him. I take in his muscular build and his very wavy dark hair, that is not quite curly, is cut low on the sides and tapered to 5-6 inches on the top. From here, his eyes look like they are an extremely light amber but it’s hard to tell. The other guy that is with them stands up and makes his way over to us. “Hey ladies, care to join us?” He says, trying to sound confident. “Don’t mind if we do,” Isla replies without hesitation. We follow the guy over to the cabana and I’m so drawn to the other two guys it's insane. I usually come on these little outings with no intention whatsoever of actually being attracted to any of the guys that Isla sets her sights on but man, these two just have something about them and I want them both! Hazel and Amelia have no problem hiding their desperation and they quickly jump on their laps and my brow furrows a bit. I quickly wipe the look off my face as the two guys continue to stare at me. Are they staring at me because I looked like a psycho checking them out? Oh God, what have I done? I internally panic. Isla sits on the other guy's lap, which I honestly couldn’t even describe to you at this point, because my attention is on the other two. I sit on the ottoman that is in the middle of the cabana and then get up and frown, ugh, this is not why I came here. I get up and all three of the guys stare at me as I push the ottoman into the sun, remove my sarong, and sprawl out on it, ahhh, much better. The guy that came to get us finally speaks up as the other two sip on their drinks. “So ladies, what are your names?” Isla speaks for all of us, “I’m Isla, that’s Amelia,” She points to Amelia on the blond's lap, “That’s Hazel,” she points to Hazel on the brunette's lap, “And that, our art piece for the day, is Luna!” She says proudly as I soak up the sun. All of the guys sipping on their drinks spit out their drinks into their cups and I shoot daggers their way with my eyes. “Did you say ‘Luna’?” The guy under Isla questions. “Yea, yea, laugh it up. My mom was young and obsessed with Harry Potter.” I roll my eyes and he looks at me confused. “You know? Luna Lovegood?” This time the other dude laughs. The guy with the dark wavy hair speaks next, “I, for one, think she was one of the best characters. She had a vision of reality that others didn’t have,” I turn on my side and prop my head up with my arm and smile at him. He seems lost in my eyes for a second, his are a super light amber, before remembering his manners, “Oh, um, sorry, that’s Atlas” he points to the guy under Amelia, who is staring a hole through me and honestly making me a bit uncomfortable, “That’s Ezra," he throws his finger to the guy under Isla, "and I’m Arlo.” “Unique names yourselves. Nice to meet you all.” I speak directly to Arlo. Ezra pipes up again and I’m worried their friend Atlas is mute, “So what brings you all to Las Vegas?” This question is asked every time and I give the same answer every time, “Ahhh, just visiting and to steal your hearts and your money. Ya know? The usual.” Finally, Atlas laughs and his laugh is music to my ears. He finally speaks, “Y’all are from here, not tourists.” He says as if he knows this to be fact. “Ugh! How did you know?” Isla whines. She takes great pride in her tourist get up that she makes us wear every time. The sarong and the whole nine. “I can read people well,” he confidently replies. “So what do you all do around here for work? You work at the hotel?” Hazel is eager to cut into the conversation as she plays with Arlo’s hair. That small gesture makes me want to rip her eyes out. What has gotten into me? “I work in a dental office, Amelia is finishing up her pre-law courses, Isla,” she pauses, she knows her play but she won't out her I hope, “is very, um, handy, the master of lots of odds and ends type of jobs, and Lovegood over there is a musician.” She puts the word musician in air quotes and I want to slap her silly. Stupid b*tch. Not only did she use the nickname I’ve told her 100 times to NOT use, but she never takes my passion seriously. “Must be successful and serious enough if she can afford to live here,” Arlo comes to my defense. One thing I do know is that Isla has never told them she pays all of our bills. Isla is basically my sugar momma. Well, I guess the guys she steals from are our sugar daddies, but still. She spoils me, feeds me and comes to every single gig I have. “A musician huh? Anything we can come see?” Atlas asks. “Uh, oh, nothing while you’re here probably. I’m assuming a weekend trip, huh?” “Weekends should be your busiest time here,” he retorts. Just as I’m about to tell him I took the weekend off for a vacation, Isla speaks up, “Oh, stop being shy! She’s playing at Artifice tonight. She’s the main show!” She beams proudly and I now want to hit my friend in the face too. I simply glare at her. “Isla! They could be serial killers!” Now Arlo laughs and his laugh is even more attractive than Atlas’. “Besides, I’m sure they have better things to do than to come see my show that a whole whopping 100 people will be at. That doesn’t exactly give him options of who to take home,” I deadpan and I see hurt flash across Arlo’s face. “Ouch, who said we haven’t found the options of who we want to take home?” Atlas quickly responds. “Well, I guess you are pretty matched up there, but just know, I don’t go home with anyone.” I look Atlas in the eyes, “Ever.” I enunciate it to get my point across. I’m probably the only 21 year old virgin in this city. “Well, anyway, the show starts at 10 and it’s an hour long. Come if you want, but I won’t expect you.” I look at Isla, who is seething with anger, and quickly right my wrong, “Those three might be sad though. It looks like you’ve made a commitment to them.” I shrug my shoulders and sprawl back out on the ottoman and close my eyes soaking up the sun as I listen to my friends chat up their prospective candidates for tonight's fun.
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