
Fight For Luna

female lead
male lead
non-hunman lead
realistic earth

Luna is a human who has lived her life as trouble free as she could. Orphaned as a child she has had to look at the bright side in order to get through the darkest moments of her life. She loves her simple life, playing her music, and happy with the friends and family she has.

Arlo is a werewolf of Alpha proportions born to the weakest omegas in his pack. His parents raised him with humility and taught him to put the pack needs above his own always. They taught him to save himself for his mate, which he did without question. He climbed the ranks quickly and was appointed as Atlas' Beta.

Atlas is an arrogant Alpha who is a womanizer that has everything handed to him. Spoiled by his parents as the only child and next in line to the Alpha title, he's never had to truly earn anything in his life.

What will happen when Arlo and Atlas are both mated to Luna and both refuse to share? What will happen when Luna is let in to their world and the reality of fated mates sets in for her? Will Luna find a way to keep the peace, or will this mating result in hurt and destruction?

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Mated to Two
Arlo’s POV “Damnit, Atlas! Let's go! One f*cking job man, one f*cking job!” I barge into Atlas’ room to see him balls deep in some Omega fake blonde bimbo. “Seriously dude?!” He glances back at me and simply smiles, “Should’ve knocked.” He shrugs and continues his assault on the poor omega who is face down, a*s up and should know she is about to be thrown out like trash. Atlas is the Alpha of our pack. His parents handed over the title to him 2 years ago at the ripe age of 19. They had wanted to wait until he found his Luna, but Atlas is a spoiled brat. We have been friends, against his parents' wishes, might I add, since kindergarten. My parents were the lowest omegas in the pack, yet somehow they gave birth to me, the strongest warrior in our pack. Being as strong as I was and moving up the ranks quickly certainly saved me from the torment common to omegas, but even my status didn’t save my parents from that life. Atlas fought for me to be his Beta and I will be forever thankful for that. Ezra, the previous Beta’s son, was not happy to take a step down to Gamma, but we’ve all seen this balance works best. Luckily, the previous Gamma didn’t have any male heirs. It’s not like Ezra could have fought me for the title anyways, hell, I could fight Atlas for the title of alpha and win, but I’m loyal to him and I know strength isn’t all it takes to be an Alpha. Because of our status, my parents raised me right. They always warned me to not date and be with whoever and to save myself for my mate. I was taught to put the needs of the pack before my own, which is another reason I wouldn’t challenge Atlas. My parents believed that because they lived this way was the reason the Moon Goddess blessed them with me. They waited for each other and led a simple, peaceful life. They never wanted for more, they were never greedy, they never sought power. My parents were my greatest rock in this world and I long for the day that I will have a love like theirs. I will wait patiently for the Moon Goddess to bless me with a love so pure. I stand with my back against the wall and my leg propped up to the wall as the little omega runs out of the room with tears in her eyes. Atlas follows shortly after buttoning up his shirt. He smirks “Ready to go!” “Do you have to DESTROY them every time you finish with them? You are going to regret this all when you find your mate.” “Arlo, you and this mate bullshit is getting old. You realize that a mate is meant to be perfect FOR you, so my mate will accept who I am. Hell, MY perfect mate will be joining me in my escapades.” He chuckles as he runs his hand through his blonde hair. He is a very attractive male and I do see why women throw themselves at him. He’s 6 feet 5 inches, his hair is long enough on the top to part it in the middle or side for a more put together look, but also short enough that he can go with a shaggy look too. His hair is darker at the roots and lighter at the ends where the sun has kissed it. He’s got a shade of blue eyes that is close to an aquamarine gemstone and his skin is the color of honey. I used to envy him, then he turned into the player he is now in high school and I never envied him again. If anything I pity him, he’ll be lucky if his mate doesn’t reject him. “Your mate is what you need, not what you want,” I mutter as we make our way down to the bottom floor of the packhouse. Atlas rolls his eyes. We finally make it outside where Ezra is standing by the car looking annoyed. “F*ck what took you two so long? Circle jerk?” Ezra snaps at us. “Waiting on you now dumba*s. Bags loaded?” Atlas snaps back at him. “Bags have been loaded.” Ezra snaps back. “Atlas, I swear to the Moon Goddess herself if you didn’t grab the booze. You know, human alcohol doesn’t do sh*t for us, and I need to loosen up.” I question him “What do you think the omega was there for? I was thanking her for loading up a case for us.” He grins widely and pops the trunk, revealing three boxes with 6 bottles each of our favorite liquor. “Look at that! A box for each of us!” I shake my head and get into the driver's seat. “Why the f*ck do you get to drive?” Ezra complains. “Well, let's see, you drive 10 miles per hour under the speed limit and are terrified of other cars on the road, and socio over there only knows how to drive 50 over the speed limit and runs cars off the road. I’m our safest option and I want to get there and back alive. Well, at least not maimed.” He groans as he slides into the back seat of the black SUV. “Las Vegas, here we come!” This is going to be a long four hour drive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We pull up to the MGM Grand right on the strip and the bell-hop takes our stuff, minus the liquor, up to the room. We each grab a box and I throw the keys to the valet. We skip check in and follow them straight up to our room. Atlas turns to the bell hop and hands him a couple hundred dollar bills. “You make sure to get us checked in and bring the 3 keys right up. Can you do that?” “Y-Yes S-Sir!” the little bell hop stammers. Just as the very small guy turns to leave, Ezra gets a look on his face. “Hey, on second thought, why don’t you send them up with the most beautiful co-worker you have?” The bell-hop flushes and simply nods as he makes his way out of the room. “Holy f*ck! Dibs on the room with the bathtub in it!” I shout as I look into the first bedroom. Ezra runs in. “Man, that's not fair! You won't even use it to lure girls in here! Let one of us have it because we’ll get more use out of it!” “F*ck you man, I will get enough use out of it myself. The law of dibs is our most sacred.” He punches me in the arm and trudges away. Atlas certainly didn’t hold back any expense on the room. This room, well, basically apartment, could easily sleep 20 or more people. Which, I’m sure Atlas and Ezra both plan to try to fill it to capacity with unsuspecting women. As I’m lost in thought, unpacking my bags and ready to relax, I hear a knock at the door. Ezra dashes to it as I make my way out into the main area. The bell hop definitely did as Ezra asked and in walks a concierge with fake hair, fake t**s, and well, just about everything is fake on her. Totally Ezra’s type. Ezra shows off by flipping the key cards to us the way magicians flick cards to people and begins chatting up the blonde. She is in full flirt mode, twirling her curls on her finger and giggling at things that aren’t even funny. Yuck. “Alright, I’m heading to the pool!” I call out as I make my way toward the door with my shorts on and my floral Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned. “Oh! I like your thinking! All the women there are certainly going to be looking to party!” Atlas walks out of the room he decided was his. “Dude, could you possibly look anymore like a tourist?!” The concierge that is still flirting with Ezra giggles and has definitely changed her target after seeing Atlas. Ezra looks pissed. Atlas walks up to Ezra and throws his arm over his shoulder. “Tell me cutie, whats the chance you are going to be down on pool duty any time soon? I wouldn’t mind looking at you a bit more.” “No pool duty for me, but I get off in 30!” She gushes. “We’ll be in a VIP cabana somewhere. Come find us.” He winks and pulls Ezra out the door. Once we get down the hall a little more, Ezra finally complains, “Man, what the f*ck Atlas?! You are always swooping in like a f*cking vulture and taking my women.” “Not my fault you take too long to confirm the kill,” Atlas shrugs, and I laugh. Man, I’m so happy I’m not a part of this little game with them, this back and forth has been going on for years. The MGM Grand has quite a few pools but not all of them have VIP cabanas. I find a nice waitress who is the least attractive woman I can find and she gets us into a cabana. I didn’t want to put any other women on their checklist for this weekend. It doesn’t take long at all for the waitress to come get our drinks. We all order mixed drinks to our liking and pull out our own bottles of liquor made just for our kind. We take swigs out of our drinks and top them off with our own stash. “That’s more like it,” Atlas says. “Yes it is!” I throw back my drink. We are sitting in the cabana making jokes and talking about anything and everything except pack life and work. Atlas and Ezra are enjoying the view of all the women surrounding us when the wind lets loose a gust and the most amazing scent hits me. It smells like Starbucks, a mix of coffee, vanilla and caramel. My eyes search frantically for where the smell is coming from when my sight lands on a gorgeous tall brunette. She is walking up to the pool gates laughing with her set of friends. Her eyes land on me for just a minute and I see they are the same shade as Atlas’, a gorgeous aquamarine. Her dark full hair cascades down her back in thick ringlets that make her eyes pop and her sun-kissed skin is flawless. She has to be at least 5 foot 10 inches, if not 6 foot tall, she towers over her friends. Her body is certainly not lanky though as she has curves in all the right places. My wolf, Flint, is howling for joy in my head, Oh! The Moon Goddess continues to bless us! Mate! Mate! Mate! He’s chanting when we’re interrupted in our celebration by Atlas. “Mate!” My head snaps to Atlas, who I see is staring at the same beautiful girl. “What? Who?!” I ask, trying to hide the panic in my voice. He simply lifts his finger and points to the girl who is somehow also my mate. F*ck! There is no chance for me now!

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