Meet Luna

1428 Words
ATLAS’ POV I damn near choke on my drink as my mate says her name is Luna. What are the f*cking odds? I’m staring at her, taking in her entire body. Just as I told Arlo, my mate would be made for me. She’s definitely human however, and I’m not sure I know what to do with that. Then she drops another bombshell on me. It sounds like she isn’t promiscuous at all. F*cking full moons, all I need is for Arlo to be right about having a mate that won't put up with my, what did I call them earlier? Escapades. I realize that I’m sitting here, with her super fake blond haired friend on my lap, and not doing anything about it. She doesn’t know anything about mates and she won't feel the bond, so if I want to be with this woman, I’m going to have to chase her. I roll my eyes, not listening to the conversation of my friends. Do I even want to chase her? She’s human and, for that reason alone, I want to reject her. But what are the odds of a woman named Luna not being made to be a strong Luna? It’s like she was meant for this all along and had no idea. I’ll have to talk to Arlo about it when we get changed to go to her show. Arlo abruptly excuses himself to go get us more drinks. What the hell? He knows that he can just call over the waitress. I look over to see the girl named Hazel, I think, pouting. Ahhh, he wanted to get away from her and she knew it. I chuckle at my virgin friend. He doesn’t play these games at all. I quickly mind link Ezra. How much you wanna bet he sits in the empty seat when he comes back and leaves Hazel by herself? What? No way, that’s probably the most gorgeous girl he’s ever touched, she can break through his innocence! $500 What?! Bet $500? I see his face factoring the odds and I see Arlo about to come back. Clock is ticking Ezra, gonna pu*s out? F*ck! Fine! Deal! We both watch as Arlo makes his way back to the cabana. He’s got a whole tray of different drinks and stops at Luna first. Holy sh*t, he does like one of these girls, clearly not Hazel though. Now I gotta find out which one it is. He goes over the different drinks he got : S*x on the Beach, Bloody Mary, Cosmopolitan, Malibu Sunset, Pina Colada. Good Goddess he put that bartender to work. Probably tipped them a ridiculous amount too. He’s the “good guy” out of all of us. “I’ll take the S*x on the Beach, never had that before!” She says happily and her friend Isla erupts in laughter. “Oh, you shut the f*ck up!” She glares at her. “I just didn’t realize we were telling the strange serial killer dudes our darkest secrets,” she shoots back at her. The girls all pick their different drinks and I notice he’s got some whiskeys on there too. Hmmm, he went from mixed drinks to whiskey real quick, he definitely likes one of these girls. I think in my head, do I help my celibate friend finally get laid or not? I smile, not a chance. He finally makes his way to me and I take not just one but the last two whiskeys and smile widely at him. He rolls his eyes and sits down in the empty chair as Hazel slumps off the arm rest that she was on to make room for him, down into the chair alone. PAY UP! I say to Ezra in mind link who rolls his eyes in response. Arlo is left with a Strawberry Daiquiri or some blue drink. “Oh! What’s the blue one?” Ezra questions innocently, but Arlos face flushes red. “Oh, this oughta be good!” I chuckle. He looks like he isn’t going to answer us when Luna speaks up and I notice she is already done with her drink. “Oh come on, I wanna know! I’ll take whichever one you don’t want!” His face gets redder and he mumbles something under his breath that even I can’t decipher. “Come again?” “The bartender recommended them all! It’s called D*ck S*cker okay?!” We erupt into a fit of laughter as Luna grabs that one probably assuming he doesn’t want to drink that in front of us, and once again, I’m surprised. “Hey look! Another first for you! We’re popping all your cherries today!” Isla exclaims and the girls laugh as the guys and I are stunned to silence. How pure could this girl really be? She throws her straws and the fruit pieces from her last drink at her friend. “Will you shut the f*ck up?” She pleads with a mix of anger and embarrassment while also laughing at her friend. “I’m going to give you something to s*ck on in a second if you don’t!” Her friend's eyes go wide like she's scared for a second and her face cr*cks a smile, “Well, you know I like s*cking all things, so I’m down for that compromise.” She laughs again. Her friend seems right up my alley for what I would look for in a mate and she isn’t bad looking either. Luna gets up and glares at her friend and swiftly dives into the pool. I glance at her friend a little angry that she made her leave and she shrugs her shoulders. Luna pops her head up and looks at us, “Well, is anyone going to join me?” Her friends have no intention of getting off our laps and I would look desperate if I threw her friend off me to chase her, so I stay put, waiting for her friend to move, which doesn’t happen. Arlo however, looks back at us and gets up and takes off his shirt and cannonballs right next to her. The anger inside me can’t be described. Now I get to sit here and watch my best friend and Beta spend quality time with MY mate while her fake ugly friend that I really want nothing to do with, sits on me. As I’m lost in my thoughts, I’m interrupted by a mind link. Yo! Ezra cuts into my head, Blond bimbo has been talking to you. I shake my head, “Sorry babe, I’m not used to the dry air and it’s giving me a headache. What did you say?” “I asked if you were going to go to the show tonight? Honestly, Hazel and I never go to Luna’s shows,” she looks around and leans in to whisper, “she’s really not that good, I don’t think. I’ve never seen her perform, we either show up too late or not at all, Hazel has, but she’s been doing this since high school. Why wouldn’t she be signed if she was good? She claims she’s gotten offers but that they come with her having to s*ck d*ck and well, as you heard, she isn’t willing to do that, but I think, really, she just can’t accept she doesn’t have that much talent, ya know?” “Amelia!” Isla cuts in, “Way to be a conniving b*tch. I don’t know if you notice, but these are well respected men. You aren’t getting closer to his d*ck by tearing your friend down.” Amelia pouts as she has just been called out and I want to ease the tension a little bit, “Isla, you seem closer to Luna, is she any good?” Isla takes her eyes from Amelia, who she is still shooting daggers through and softens them when she meets mine. “You really wanna know?” I simply nod my head, “Come to her show tonight and find out.” She beams a smile at me and turns to Ezra, “Ezra baby, can you go get us drinks?” Like a love sick puppy he nods his head violently and goes to move, “Do the same thing as your friend and get lots of options,” she pulls her arms in so they are vertical to her chest and acts giddy. My attention is back on my mate in the pool talking to Arlo. I’ll f*cking kill him.
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