Chapter 2

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"What are you doing in here, you don't belong here?" he also again. The words got stuck in her mouth and she was unable to utter anything. This hunk of a man standing before her looked so scary, more scary than the horror movie she just watched yester night. "Are you here to steal something because if you are, then I'm going to have to have you arrested?" he asks again. As if the a thief would agree that he's here to steal. "No,no,no, you've got it all wrong sir, I'm actually here to deliver something to some certain Mr..." She finally got the words to come out of her mouth. She checked the name tag on the package. "Mr Roy" she adds. "No surname?" he asks. "Uhmm, let's see" she checks again. "Nope, it just says Roy, Mr Roy" she answers. "Uhmm, if you could please..." "You have thirty minutes to find him or we'll be forced to send you out, you are destructing the peace of our students" he says and walks away. She lowers the package back. She actually wanted to ask him if he could please help find the owner so that she can have more time to explore this heaven on earth place. "Guess I'm gonna have to find him myself" she says. She walked over to the first person she saw walking by her way. "Uhmm, excuse me, can you please..." "Eww! Who let a beggar into the school premises, security!" she yells out. Frida inspected her clothing and saw that they do not look my close to a begger's. So why is this girl addressing her as one?. The security guard that she met earlier cane walking towards them. "What is it ma'am?" he asks. He looks way older than her but the way he is talking with her right now, fear is evident in his voice. Frida huffs at this scene. How can he ever be scared of this girl?. I mean, look at the size of difference, she looks like a piece of chewing gum about to be stepped on by an unsuspecting individual. "This beggar here is trying to pester me, why did you even let one into the hall, do you want me to have you fired?" she asks. "Sorry...sorry, ma'am, I didn't know she was a beggar..." "That's because I'm not one, I just walk in here trying to ask..." "Shut your mouth or I'll be forced to throw you out" the security guard thunders at her. She flinched back. "As I was saying ma'am, please don't fire me, this girl here came in saying that she is going to deliver some package and I do not know why she is not doing that only" he continues to explain in a rather soft voice to the little girl. She huffs then turn to me. "Who the hell is she looking for?" she asks. "I'm looking for Mr Roy" she says again. "Well, good luck finding him then, that is if he would still live to open what you are about to deliver" she says and walks away. What does she mean by that? "What does she mean by that?" she turns to ask the now frowning security. Just as he opened up his mouth, some sort of security alert went off and this caught students attention and then, the screen hung above the tables, showing the type of cusine available, flashed. SOMEONE HAS EARNED HIMSELF A RED CARD, LET THE GAMES BEGIN.
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