Chapter 1

529 Words
She peddled into the surrounding with her head roaming all over the place. She has never come across an extraordinary sight in her life before. She crashed into the grasses and fell of the bicycle. She quickly got up from the ground and picks up the wrapped item from the ground, checking to make sure it's still intact, not paying any attention to the bruises on her knee. She checked her wrist watch and saw that it's quarter past two. "Oh goodness! I'm late already" she gasps. She was supposed to deliver these package by two The security man by the gate had to go and waste her time saying that she is just here to steal and nothing else. It took a lot of convincing to finally let her go in. "You have thirty minutes and I'll send the police after you, you poor brats always find a way to steal from the rich all the time" she remembered him saying as she peddled past the gates. "Humm" she huffed. "He thinks that all poor are thieves, huh! He sure is one too" she adds. Deciding to push all that aside, she peddled off again on her bicycle. She needs to deliver this on time or she'll get an earful from her mother for being late and making a costumer unsatisfied. They were even so lucky to get this service and she will not ruin it for her family. Who knows if she's on time she might be able to get some other costumers as well. They sure will pay handsomely. This particular one payed double the usual amount. She stopped in front of a huge building, more huge than her school even. "I hope I can find him in here" she mutters as she walks in. "Wow" Never in her life has she seen a heaven on earth like this place is. It is a dining area but it looked much more like a palace. Tables were arranged in opposites and each one of them was filled with all sorts of delicacies that can ever be imagined and those that cannot as well. And in the middle was some tables and chairs, one looking more gorgeous than the other. Each student was service himself with all this delicacies before they walk back to the glass constructed tables. The students, all dressed in black suit and white shirt with a bow tie clasped around the females neck while the males held their freshly ironed ties around the neck as well, like some sort of a trophy. There were all wearing a boysenberry coloured skirts and trousers. Her head automatically shot up to the ceiling and her eyes were feasted with three huge chandeliers, dangling around with only a single strand of chain holding each. From the looks of it, they might fall off any moment with the slightest tough of the breeze. Or so she thought. "Gosh! I wish I'm a student her too, so that a can enjoy all these privileges" she whispered. "What are you doing here miss?" she heard voice growl behind her. As soon as she turns, an unexpected gasp escaped her delicate mouth.
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