Chapter 4

447 Words
She got a hold of his hand as he slips off the roof top. "Let go of me" he says, looking up at her. "No, I won't let you die, not on my watch" she says. "Look down there, do you see how many people are waiting for you to just fall off, they do not care if you live or die, you can only live for yourself and not them" she says, breathing heavily. The dude is too heavy for her to hold on tight. "I don't care, just let go of me, I am tired of living" he argues. "You let go of him you little dweeb, you are ruining the show" one of the guys says. Huh! A show?. This doesn't look like a show to her, not even close to it. This guy is literally about to fall off and die and they call it a show?. Gosh, this people are so dumb. She decided to ignore them and focused on helping the guy up. Even after all his resistance, she managed to pull him up. "Are you ok?" she asks as soon as they are away from the cliff. He turned to her with a sad smile on his face and then fainted. She held him from falling down. She wanted to ask one of them to call the ambulance but then she knows that they won't call, so she brought out her phone and did so. "Hello, 911" she says. "There is an emergency here at imperial academy" "Yes, yes, ok" she says and hangs up the phone. "Look, now you have ruined everything, the young masters won't spare us" one of the guys says, infuriated. She would have stopped to find out who those young masters were and deal with them thoroughly for messing with a person's like in that manner but then again, she needs to save this guy's life first. She ignores them and made her way to the stairs. Everybody was just watching her while some are taking video as she was pulling him down, not even caring to assist her in any ways. Ten minutes later, she managed to get him down and right on time the ambulance drove in. They picked him up and put him of a stretcher and held her into the ambulance as well. She too seems pretty exhausted as well and needs some medicinal attention. The ambulance drove off in the speed of lightning while the students kept on recording. "Well, now that's entertaining" one of the students say as soon as the ambulance is out of sight. Everybody starts going their own way, as if nothing happened a moment ago.
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