Chapter 5

563 Words
Frida walked into her house, feeling all tired. Today have been a hectic day for her and she is half that it is finally over. "Mom, Dad, I'm home" she calls out. She dropped her bicycle and walked into the building. The room was surrounded by four huge washing machines and dryers. This is her family business shop. Ever since when she was born, she knew only of such business in her life. They are also the best laundry washers around. She walks up to a stairs which will lead her to her family room. "I'm home" she announced as soon as she enters and head over to her room. She doesn't what to be disturbed at all today but then it was too late. "Hey, sister, you are on TV" her younger brother echoes. "Come and see" his twin says. She rushes over and pulled her to their tiny little TV. One has to move real closer to see what's going on there. "I am proud of you my daughter" her father says, also watching the TV. "How can you be proud of her huh, he went into a rich school and made a fun of herself and almost got killed, she deserves a beating not a praise and you didn't even think it fit to give us a call when you were discharged from the hospital" her mother calls out from their adjoining kitchen. "Mom, your daughter is now a heroine and you are not in the least proud of me, how unfair" she calls out. "Ok then, let me show you just how proud of you I am" her mother walks out of the kitchen holding a huge wooden spatula. Frida quickly got up, ignoring all her bodily pains and starts to run away from her mother. The living room is rather small, about 10 feet long or so, so her mother finally caught up with her. To her surprise, she hugged her instead. "Of course I'm proud of you my child, I mean, you saved a person's life" her mother says. "Really mother?" she asks, not sure if her mother was telling the truth. Her mother is always the type to exaggerate on small matters. "But don't go ahead and start doing this all of the time and making it a habit alright, you are not superwoman" she warns. She nodded. She herself do not know why she saved the guy in the first place. Maybe she just did what she thought was best for him, she thought. Minutes later, her mother called everyone to the kitchen, where they are going to have their dinner. There is a four chaired breakfast lounge in the kitchen and so, they use it as a dining table. "Today, I'm going to feed my here daughter" her father announces. "No, you won't get all the credit, I am" her mother argues. They have also made all her favourite as well. Her siblings also chimed in that they want to feed her. "Ok, ok you guys, I will let all of you feed me then" she says and that was how they did it. Today, she felt really happy. Not because she did risk her life to safe a boy she didn't know and has no idea why he was trying to kill himself, but because she has made her family happy and proud.
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