Chapter 6

1043 Words
"News have confirmed that a student has attempted to kill himself yesterday at the high school" a woman from the news says. "And according to our sources, this has been happening for the past few years that students are forced to kill themselves due to oppression by bullies" she continues. "This issue has always been overlooked by the empire for so long, ignoring the lives that was being lost because of their own progeny, whenever a case like this pops up, they always use the power of their money to cover it up" "So far, no evidence has been found against this school more the empire but luckily, they were not lucky this time around..." "A girl was there and she finally saved the life of this innocent boy, who happens to be laying in the hospital in a critical situation right now" "But the question right now is, who is that girl and what will the empire do this time now that their dirty games are exposed?" The news woman says. "Look, you are now all over the news" her mother scolded. "It isn't her fault, she did something heroic, so she is bound to be on the news" her father defended. "That's right, keep on supporting her, one day she will get into a heck lead of trouble and then you'll be where then?" her mom scolded. It doesn't matter whoever you are, but you can never escape this woman's scolding. "But mom, Dad is right, I did something heroic, so I deserve this praise" Frida chimes in. "So you did it for the credit right?" her mom accuses. "No,no,no, how could you say that Mom, I'd never do that" she tries to defend herself. "Please let her be, at least for today" her father pleaded. And just like she thought, he wouldn't hear the end of it. Her mother started sparking like a transformer about to explode. "That's mom for you, km sure now we won't get to have breakfast" one of her siblings whines. She pulls her out and they headed to the kitchen, getting ready to prepare something for them as mom is on strike. The moment she starts that, then its no house chores day. ########## Meanwhile, on the other part of the town. The part where actual mortals with all the privilege reside. Those who get to have servants at their every beck and call. But today, things are not going all right for them it seems. The. Empire is in a huge chaos from the event that went through the other day. Media has surrounded the whole building of the empire, trying to force themselves in but it seems like the security guards are doing good at their job as none of the reporters managed to get inside and get the truth out of the cruel CEO. It is a day and there still hasn't been any feedback about the incident that went on their school. One would think that they are trying to ignore the whole incident and let it go astray like all the other times. But this time, this time, the media will stand up and make sure that this never happens because this time they have a concrete witness about what occurred. "Excuse me Sir, we just want to know how these people are going to deal with this issue, are they going to come out and apologize to the public or are they going to pay some money and let the matter for off as usual?" one reporter asks. "How dare you talk such nonsense" on of the guards shouted. "Is it true that the heir of -- empire is responsible for all this?" another reporter asks. They kept on bombarding the poor guards with questions that they do not have the answer to and yet, they still didn't let them get inside the property. As the noise became so unbearable, a man came out of the house and heads to the gate. All the reporters went silent, waiting for his arrival. As soon as he reached the gates, the questions strolled in again. "Is it true that the heir to the imperial empire tried to commit murder and this time he was caught?". "Are you going to cover up for his crimes again this time?". "Where are his parents?, Are they planning on bribing the high-ups once again?." The questions kept on coming up and down, side by side, it's like they wanted to swallow him whole. "Uhumm" he cleared his voice and the place went silent again. "As you all know, this is a very sensitive situation and we are doing our best to get to the root of the matter and as it is, there is no concrete evidence that the heir of the empire is behind this, the victim hasn't woken up yet and so, I suggest we all sit back and relax until we get a statement from the boy" he announces. Murmurs starts echoing everywhere. "That's for your time now I suggest you excuse us and please leave the property and we'll notify you guys as soon as there is any concrete information" he says and turns around to leave without looking back even for a second. He closed the door behind him and exhaled. "This is a very tiring job" he thought but it's all he has. Benson has gone a little bit too far this time and disappeared into thin air. He has tried to reach to him but to no avail. His parents, well his mother especially informed him that she is coming back home today and he his terrified of what will unfold when she finds out about what is going on here. He exhaled deeply once again and walked away. Whatever is going to happen, he hopes it wouldn't lead to a disaster. He walked into the kitchen to check the activities and preparations going on. Everything is going on perfectly well, at least that's good to hear. He walked around, inspecting each and every work. He was about to walk out when something that he didn't see before caught his attention. "Hi, Mr Steven" he wakes at him, licking the rest of the chocolate mix from his hand.
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