Chapter 7

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He glares at him intently but the boy doesn't even seem to care about what is going on. He has caused a huge ruckus out there. He was 100% sure he did. Who else could have done that and here he is, sitting so peacefully like he had no care for the world. "Long time no see ol' pal" he waves at him. He just gave him a weak smile. That's right. He loves the boy like he was actually the one who gave birth to him. He didn't though but he technically raised him. "Benson" he calls out his name, drawing the boy's attention. He usually addresses him as little master which he pretended to hate but secretly likes. Everybody else in the house calls him Young master. Calling him by his real name now shows him that he means business. "I need to speak with you" he says and turns around to leave but then he didn't hear the boy following him. "In private" he adds. There are a lot of ears around and he is 100% sure that they are all eager to feed in to the rising rumour. Even though most of the employees here are loyal, you still couldn't be too careless as you wouldn't know when one will backstab you. Benson jumps off the island and picks up and apple along with a knife and follows me Steven. He was sure that he is angry and that he has something to do with it. But what exactly?. He keeps on following the man till they reach the library. Mr Steven closed the door as soon as both were in. "Did you do it?" he asked, straightaway. "Do what exactly?" Benson asks while slicing his apple. But Mr Steven knows that he would try to play innocent or ignorant and so, he made it more clear. "Did you order for that boy to be killed?" he made it more clear this time. "Ahh! That, uhmm, it was just a joke but some measly little girl had to come and interfere" she says, biting into his sliced apple. "Can you believe he was actually trying to fall off the roof, so funny" he adds, laughing. So he thinks this is a funny matter, Mr Steven thought. "Boy, you have no idea how much of trouble you have gotten yourself into this time, the school might even be shot and your parents will suffer a great loss" he tries to explain. "Lucky for me, the always know how to clean up messes" he says in an I don't care manner. Mr Steven was about to utter another word when a knock came in. "What is it?" he asks, slightly annoyed. A maid walks in with her head looking down. "Uhmm...uhmm... She has arrived" she says and he knows what that means. That hell is about to break loose. "See! She's already back, just like the struck of lightening... Guess this is much more important than her son's birthday" he says. A strain of sadness appeared on his face but it was gone as soon as it came. He placed the apple and knife on the study table and head for the window. "Tell her I say hi" he says and before Mr Steven could stop him, he jumped right out the window. Even though the library was on the second floor, the boy still tried to scale through it and sneak out of the house. He always wonders how he does that. But now isn't the time to think, it's the time to act. It's the time to face the evil witch. ########## "You've got to do something and fast, I'm getting tired of seeing this news, do something already" she yells. He bowed his head down, not able to give her answer. She got up from the chair and paced up and down. And then she finally stopped, turning to him. "Who is responsible for this mess anyway?" she asks. But Steven knows better than to tell her who. He would lose his job for that, that's for sure. "Don't care, just do something about that scandal before this girl ruins my empire" she cuts him off even though he wasn't trying to speak in the first place. He took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing" he whispered. "I suggest we offer her a scholarship" he says. "What..." she all but screams. "Uhmm, I think that if we give the girl a scholarship as a reward for saving the boy, then will be forgotten" he adds. She sits back down, as if she was thinking. Maybe she was?. He just hope that she doesn't finally fire him for suggesting that. She takes a deep breath. "Do all that has to be done, I want the matter gone as soon as possible" she says and he knows what that means. ########## It was eleven 'o clock in the morning when Frida heard a knock on the door. "Who could that be?" Her father asks. "Go and check" her mother snaps. "Let me check" Frida says and gets up. Her mother is such a handful. Why can't she just be nice to the man, just fir once. She opens the door and sees two huge suited men standing in front of her. She was taken aback that she lost all her words. "Is this Miss Frida Henry's house?" one of the men ask. "Who is it by the door?" her mom screams. She just nodded at them. "Are you Miss Frida Henry?" he asks again. She nods again. "Congratulations, you have been given a scholarship to the prestigious imperial academy"
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