
2480 Words

Killos: Heh! Eventually, you weren’t wrong when you asked about the puppet master back then, king Kain. Killos (continues): Everything started when the war has ended, I took Sword’s body to his family, I saw their tears, I saw their sorrow. I hated everything and everyone, I wanted to leave all my previous life and start a new one, a peaceful one, at least that what I hoped. One day, while I was walking alone in the middle of nowhere, I met a guy with a black cloak that didn’t really show his face. I was going to continue my way and pretend like I didn’t see anyone, but I stopped when he called my full name… That day… … ‘’Killos White, the elite guard, good to meet you finally.’’ Killos: I don’t know who you are but it’s better to continue your road. ‘’Don’t you have a minute to talk?

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