Down the palace

2326 Words

NEAR SWORD BLACKSMITH’S VILLAGE Next to a tree; there’s a grave with the name of Sword Blacksmith, and besides that grave, we see Killos; with too many bandages and a crutch; leaning on the tree while he’s sitting on the ground. Killos: Hey, Sword, heh! It’s been a while, I know, heh, damn, I did horrible things which you cannot imagine, I think, you’re watching me now as a soul or something like that, haha… So, I believe you know everything… Killos (continues): I still can remember when I came back to the main battlefield that day, I only found your body, heh, believe me, it was like if I lost my little brother. But what made things worse for me, is when I brought you to your family, I saw them that day, crying for you, for their loss, for me that I couldn’t have protected you, damn, i

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