
1925 Words

Jack: I saw all your tries after the first one when you launched the blue flames but till now it’s just normal red flames. Elvis: Blue flames? What are you talking about!? Forget that now, what do you think of my new technique, it’s amazing, right? I mean… Will it be able to make my dad notice me now!? ’Hmm… He did that unintentionally… Those Blue flames… Elvis, I think you’re special, because of your parent… You can strengthen your magic of flame and power it up.’ Elvis: Mister!? Jack: Aa-h, sorry. Elvis: So, what do you think!? Jack: I think I should train you. Elvis: Wooah!? Really! But you didn’t tell me who you are!? Haha…!! I mean you helped me master my new technique, I should catch your name at least, haha, don’t you think? Do you work for my dad? Jack: Heh! I am a friend o

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