1051 Words

“Nobody knows, not even his parents, though you never know whether they’d tell me the truth anyway. They’d support their darling young son no matter what he did”. “Sorry to hear that it’s like that again, Soom”, soothed Ayr and Lek shot her a sad grimace. “There, there”, said Lek putting her arm around her daughter again, “it will all work out for the best. It always does, although it doesn’t always seem that way at the time. You’ll see, darling. We can go and pick up Shell in fifteen minutes. She’ll be so pleased to see you. Try not to let her see that you’re upset; she’s as sharp as a pin and picks up on atmospheres and moods quickly”. Kurt, Nong’s husband of eighteen months brought out the following round of drinks so that he could welcome Soom back to the village. However, he rarely

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