2003 Words

“Hot one today, wasn’t it, Miss? Are you all right, if you don’t mind me asking? You look a bit upset”. “No, I’m all right, thanks”, she replied, “I just had a row with my boyfriend, that’s all…”. “Oh, the man must be an i***t. He’ll come crawling back tomorrow with his tail between his legs. You’ll see that I’m right. He must be a right plonker to upset someone like you, Miss, if you don t mind me saying so”. “Thank you”, she managed with a smile. ‘Attention all drivers! Attention all drivers!” screamed the radio operator. The cabbie leant forward and turned up the CB radio. “Excuse me, Miss, there’s an announcement from the office”. ‘There has been a large explosion near the Hyatt Hotel. The police warn that there could be further bombs, so stay out of the area until advised otherw

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