Chapter 6

1159 Words
POV: Lydia I open my eyes only to close them back. Damn the lights are bright. Wait why are there light on in my room. The lights aren't normally that bright. I blink them open a few time adjusting to the lighting. I look around at my surroundings. I'm in white room the walls are white. The ceiling is white. The floor is white. The bedding is white. Talk about white on white. I see two heads laying down next to me feet. One is raven black hair the other is dirty blonde. Who are they? Why are they in here? Where am I? What happened? These are all the questions that are spiraling in my head right now. I think back to what I did before I went to sleep. I don't remember going to sleep. I don't remember being in this room either. It was my birthday. I know what happened. Damn it. They should have let me die. Wait the two mops laying at my feet are them. I kick their heads mad. I wanted out. They gave me no way to get out. The raven head pops up showing his green eyes. This is Conrad. "Your awake." He says. Yes captain obvious. I go to say something but my throat is so dry nothing comes out. "Here I'll get you some water. He gets up to leave. I kick the blonde mop that still asleep. Blue eyes finally pops his head up. "Lydia? Did you kick me?" Wow thats what he says. Full of charm isn't he. "Here's some water." Oh good I need that actually so I can yell at them." I gulp down the whole thing. "How are you feeling?" Conner asks me. "Are you talking to me?" I ask. "Who else would I be talking to. Your the one in a hospital bed." So thats where is am. "Did you lock me up in some ward because I tried to commit suicide?" I ask. "Oh my goddess don't be so dramatic. No." Conrad says. I cross my arms. "You should have let me die!" I yell at them. "Are you kidding me. No way." Conner argues. "I want to die! I don't want to be here. I hate you. Both of you." I say angrily. Suddenly a rapid beeping sounds. What the hell is that. "OK we need to calm it down." Conrad says looking up. What is he looking at. I look up to see what he's looking and it some kind of screen with a bunch on lines and numbers. I don't understand what that is but I know that it's beeping a lot. "Why am I here?" I question them. "Because you almost died Lydia." Conner says. "I wanted to die. Let me die." I say. "Lydia. We are sorry just don't do this again." Sorry? Alpha d***s Sorry? No way. "You lie." I deny. "Lydia we are not lying. Ok just listen to us for once in your life." Conrad says. "I am listening. I am always listening to you. I do everything you say and it is never enough." I vent out. The beeping gets louder and annoying. It's giving me a head ache. "Ugh! Will someone shut that beeping up!" I yell. "Lydia that machine is connected to you. It's beeping like that because your upset and your heart rate is a little higher than what it should be right now. You need to calm down." Conner explains. I take a few deep breaths to try and calm down but it doesn't work. The beeping is getting on my nerves. I don't want to be here. I don't want them here. Conrad grabs my hand and it's like this calm just fills me. I close my eyes just breathing in and out. What the hell did he just do? "See all better now." Conner says. I just look at my hand that Conrad is holding. The door suddenly opens and in walks some lady. "Hi I'm dr. Morgan. How are you feeling?" I don't say anything. "It ok you don't have to talk to me. Let just check your vitals real quick. She make me look into some light and follow it with my eyes. She does a bunch of other annoying things. Then she did something that has me freaking out. She has a needle in her hand and is coming toward me with it. "Relax it's just a shot." Conrad says. I notice then he's still holding my hand. What the hell is a shot. She sticks the needle into my arm and it stings. Then she takes it out. What did she do to me. If you can't tell already I've never been to a doctor before. "Alright you should be able to go home tonight with supervision of course." She says and leaves the room. "How long was i out?" I ask. "Two days." Two days! "Great. Two days of work to make up for. Two days of punishments to make up for." "No everything is handled. Don't worry about it." Conner says. "Do you want to talk about this?" Conrad holds out a price of paper. They read it. "No." I say simply. "OK well how about Dustin. I want to know more about that." Conrad pushes. All the blood drains from my face. No. No. No. They know. "And? What about it. I'm sure you think I'm lying to." I say. My own mother wouldn't even believe me. "Lydia we believe. People don't lie in suicide notes." Conner says. I look up into his blue eyes shocked he believes me. You know he really does have the prettiest bluest eyes. Wait where did that thought come from? "Lydia just tell us what happened. How did this start?" Conrad pushes again. I think back to the first time it happened and it all plays out in my head. No! I try to pull my hand from Conrad. "No. No let me go. I can't." I cry. I do the one thing I promised myself to never do and cry. Every emotion just comes out right there. I suddenly find myself being lifted up and arms wrapping around me. My vision is so blurry I can see who it is. "Shh. It's ok. Just let it all out." I hear Conner's voice saying. It felt like I cried for hours. It was like this rock was lifted off of me. I could finally breath. "We don't have to talk about Dustin right now." Conner says. "Who's Mia?" Conrad asks. He's looking over the letter I wrote. Oh Mia. I left her. "She's a baby at the orphanage. I'm normally the only one that can calm her down." Conrad nods. I wonder how she's doing. Are the kids ok? I feel sleepy. My eyes feel heavy. Conner lays me back down. "Just sleep." Conrad says. I close my eyes and welcome the darkness.
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