Chapter 7

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POV: Conner Lydia fell back asleep. I'm afraid that she will try it again. With how she's feeling and how hurt she is she just might. Conrad and I agreed that she's going to be watched for a while until we feel she's in the clear. I wish I could go back and do better by her but all we can do now is move forward. I've always wanted my fated and turns out she was there the entire time. Conrad and I agreed when we decided to take a chosen that if our fated came along we would choose her. In the end we ended up sharing a mate. I guess in a way it makes sense. I mean her attitude ,stubbornness. Someone has got to match up with Conrad's attitude. I'm stubborn so she matches to that. In personality Conrad and I are a lot alike. Looks wise we are opposites. Conrad has black hair. I have dirty blonde. Conrad is a black wolf. I'm a white wolf. There's a legend about black and white wolf twins. I've always wondered if Conrad and I were those twins. They're suppose to be able to bring the balance to the world. I'm not sure how the world would be off balance but whatever. "Alpha you asked to see me?" Alex our Gamma walks into my office. Conrad is with Lydia right now. We still have work to do so we're taking turns sitting with her. "Yes. Um I have something to show you and I want an explanation of your side of the story. I'd like Nathan's and Blair's too." I hand him Lydia's suicide note. He reads it. "No. No. Damn it." He says when he gets done. "Is she?" He doesn't even finish his sentence before dropping his head. "She's alive. We found her just in time." I tell him. You can see the look of relief on his face. "What do you want to know?" He asks. He knows the secret is out. No reason to try and hide it now. "Your side of things. Why not come to us and tell us that Vivian was doing her job." "To be frank. To protect Lydia. I knew if you knew she was training in place of Vivian that would end badly for Lydia. She doesn't deserve what you two have done to her. She lost her father and her mother doesn't even care about her. So yeah I covered for her. Plus despite the way Vivian has treated her. Lydia still wanted to protect her so she covered for her mother and did the job. Lydia did her job and chore and Vivian's on top of it." I can see his point of veiw. "Did you know anything about Dustin?" I ask him. I don't care who it is. Rape is not ok and will not tolerate it. The worst thing that Conrad and I have ever done to Lydia was s***h her and not to the point she would bleed that much. I understand the toll that all of that took on her and I'm not in any way shape or form innocent. What Dustin did crossed a line. "No. I had no idea. She his it so well." Alex answers. "So Vivian was the one person she told and she refused to believe her." I say. "Who lies about rape? Thats not something you just say." "Dustin will be dealt with. Lydia is in the infirmary of you want to go see her." I tell him. "I would." Is all he says before he leaves. After Alex I talk to Nathan and Blair. They both gave the same story. I then call Aunt Darlene up. She was my mother's sister and raised us when we lost our parents. Most of the pack calls her Nana Darlene. "Hey how are you doing? I haven't seen my boys in a few days." She says. "It complicated. Can you read this for me?" I give her the note. She reads it over and finishes with a gasp. "Oh that poor child. Why would you treat her this way. She did nothing to you." Aunt Darlene scolds me. "I know and I'm sorry. She's still alive though. Can you just please tell me you side of things?" "Yes. Lydia is a very hard worker. That kitchen has been a disaster since she's been gone. Lydia ran that kitchen. I lied for her a lot to cover for her. A few weeks ago I lied. She was out running errands getting more supplies and food. Lydia is the one that handles the kitchen budget and omega assignments. When you leave and hand me a list of assignments it screws it all up. Lydia and I have to go over those list and switch everything back to how it should be. We have a daily morning meeting every day for all of it." Wow. I had no idea Lydia did all of that. "And since she was six years old." Rain adds. Rain is my wolf. I guess that makes things even worse. "I'm going to tell you something we haven't told anyone yet. Conrad and I found our fated mate." "Yes dear I read as much. Lydia. You two should be ashamed of yourselves. It will be a miracle if that girl accepts you two. She more likely to reject you." Thats what I'm afraid of. "We know and we're trying. Can you just help us?" "I will but it won't be easy. That girl has been through a lot. I definitely would have said something before if I'd know about Dustin. You best do something about that." Yeah I know. Right now Dustin isn't here. He went to go visit his aunt. When he gets back we will handle it. I don't want to just spook him and he not come back. "We are believe me." I assure her. "I have one request of you. I'd like to go pick Mia up from. The orphanage and bring her to Lydia. I think that will help a lot." "Thats fine. I'm sure she would like that." I answer. Aunt Darlene goes to do that for Lydia. Conrad and I need to have a conversation about Mia. Lydia is very attached to her. From what I've heard the pup even calls Lydia mama. Maybe we can bring Mia here in the Packhouse for Lydia. That would help us win her over too. I do some paperwork and go through my emails. Conrad and I will be telling Vivian about the mate situation together. Later on I go check on Lydia. I walk in to see her playing peek a boo with the pup. Lydia has her hands over her face. "Where's Mia. Where did she go." Lydia says. "Boo. There she is." Mia giggles when Lydia uncovers her face suddenly. "Hey everything good?" Conrad asks. "Yeah there are no issues happening right now. Aunt Darlene says the omegas are a bit of a mess right now though." "Yeah she said as much when she was here. Lydia fixed it though." He says. "How? What did she do?" I ask curious to know just how she could do that. "Apparently some people were in the wrong places and doing the wrong jobs. Things weren't where they were suppose to be." He explains. I guess Lydia had everything put back the way it was. "Did Alex come by?" I ask. "Yeah with Nathan and Blair. Nathan was not happy." I bet he wasn't. It sounds like they were best friends. "Are they ok though?" "Yes. Alex and her talked for a while alone. She wanted to talk to him. I don't know what was said but she calmed down a lot after that. She stopped saying she wanted to die and all that." He says. I wonder what they talked about. "Well at least she's feeling better now." "We need to talk about Mia." Conrad says. "Yes we do." I agree. Morgan comes in. "Alphas. Lydia seems to be doing better but there is still chance of relapse. I wouldn't leave her alone for too long. She can go home now." She informs us. "OK thank you." "Alright Lydia you can go home now. Blair brought you some clothes." Conrad tells her. "OK." Lydia grabs the clothes from him. "Can someone hold Mia?" She asks. "Oh. Yeah." I hold Mia for her. I honestly don't see what everyone is complaining about. She's not even crying. She's just sitting in my arms very calm. They way they talked about her they made her sound like a complete monster. Five minutes later Lydia comes out dressed now in normal clothes. "Ready?" Conrad takes her hand and we go back to the packhouse. We walk her to her bedroom. Blood stains the floor were we found her. Lydia freezes just staring at it. I didn't even think about her room. What state it would be in. What it would do to her of she came back. I was so caught up on getting her better. Her bedroom just went over my head. "Lydia are you ok. You know what let's just put you in a different bedroom." Conrad drags her out taking her to his room. What the hell is wrong with him. Is he trying to scare her? "Conrad what are you doing?" I ask him. "Our floor only has four bedrooms and our offices what room is she suppose to stay in? I can just bunk with you. We used to share a room before." He answers. "So you thought the best course of action was to put her in your room? There are plenty of rooms that she can stay. It may not be on this floor but maybe the distance will do some good." I say. "Then you can answer to everyone as to why she's down there and not up here." Conrad argues. "Or i can just go back to my old bedroom and you two stop arguing." Lydia mumbles. We both look at her. "What?" She says. "You want to go back to your room?" Conrad asks unsure. "I don't care. That room is where I have felt the safest here and you two just want to take that away. Of course you do. It's what you do." She take Mia out of my arms and walks out. "Where is she going?" Conrad and I rush after her. We find her in the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I ask her. "Am I not allowed to eat now. I tell you what. Write down a list of rules that I can and can't do." She says. "What of course you can eat." I tell her. Lydia rolls her eyes. I can tell that her attitude is starting to get to Conrad. He's starting lose his patience. "Calm down. She's just mad." I mindlink him. "That attitude of hers needs to tame down." He links back. He has never liked when she caught an attitude with us. Lydia has a lot of it too. She has always been all attitude. A lot more omegas enter the kitchen and thats when I notice the time. They're getting dinner ready. "Lydia where have you been. Thing have been chaos with you gone." One of the omegas says to Lydia. "It's a long story. Just stick to the menu and everyone stays to their own tasks. Don't stray from that path." Lydia tells her. "Fredrick thought he would get smart and change one of the menu items. Things got off track there." "Oh course he would. Fredrick always thinks he knows best. You just have to stay on him." Lydia says. "Hey your not here to help." Conrad says suddenly. "I'll see you later Emma." Lydia grabs some stuff from the refrigerator. She set Mia on top of a table while she makes a sandwich. "Come on Mia. We should get you back home now." Lydia walks to the back door. "Oh no you don't." Conrad blocks her. "Then how am I suppose to get her back?" Lydia asks. "Don't be a smart aleck. Mia can stay here. You're not going anywhere." Conrad tells her. Those two are going to get into so many arguments. "Then where is she going to sleep. There is nothing here for her." Lydia points out. "We can get her some stuff. Stay." Conrad says. "Woof." Lydia mocks. "Is that suppose to be so.e kind of joke? I didn't find it funny." Conrad is getting mad. Lydia is seriously testing him. I wonder if thats what she's actually doing. "Well your the one that wants to treat me like a dog. Giving me commands like stay. So woof." Lydia argues. Conrad just glares at her. "You deal with her." He tells me and walks away angry. "Do you have to do that. You should know by now wolves don't like dog jokes." "I didn't do anything. It wasn't a joke. You two are the ones doing this not me bit I guess I'm not forever locked in the tower guarded by the alpha dicks." She storms off up stairs. f**k! What the hell just happened. She was good but then her and Conrad had to get in to it. Now what do I do? I go after her. "Lydia!" I call out to her as I open her bedroom door. I find her sitting on the bed crying. "Lydia im sorry ok. You know how Conrad is. Why do you push him like that?" "It's always me. I'm the problem. The burden. I don't even know why you two are calling me by my actual name. It's always been burden." She says. "No your not the problem. Everyone just needs to calm down. Your still upset and rightfully so. Conrad and I are upset from finding you like that and are afraid that your going to try again." I explain to her. "You know what's sad? Whenever Dustin would come around me I would wish that I was back in your office getting punished because I would rather that. In some sick way I would just hope and pray that one of you would just walk in a see and save me but that never happened. And now I feel things for you two that I don't understand. I hate you two so much but at the same time my whole life i felt like I could trust you two. How sad is that?" She confesses. I know she's confused. She was taught anything about the mate bond. That's what she's feeling and the mate bond will effect her differently because she is human. You would think that with her being human that its muted but it's the complete opposite. For humans when if they do happen to have a mate the bond is more intense. It's stronger. They feel it more than what wolves do. I think that's because our bodies are accustomed to it and expect it. Humans are different. "Lydia i know your confused and im sorry that Dustin did that to you. He's not going to get away with it. I promise you that. Let's let everyone calm down and in the right head space and Conrad and I will explain what's going on with those feelings." "Can you just take Mia back?" She asks. I sigh. "OK. How about you take a nap." I take Mia from her and she lays down. I don't take her to the orphanage though. I just take her with me to my office where is find Conrad. "Why are you in here?" "How is she?" He asks instead. "Confused. Uspset. Tired. She's taking a nap now." I tell him sitting down in my chair. "What are we going to do about Mia?" He points at her in my arms. "I don't know. Let Lydia keep her. We can figure out a place to put her. I think Lydia also sympathizes with Mia since Lydia was adopted. She doesn't actually know where she comes from. It's an identity thing." I explain to him. "Yeah. I wonder if Lydia struggles with that. Knowing that this isn't her actual blood family. Wondering why she carries certain traits and stuff like that." He agrees. "And mia?" "I guess Mia can stay. She is pretty cute anyway and she make Lydia happy." Yes she does. I mindlink mason to come see us for a minute. Well maybe more than a minute. We have a lot to discuss with him. "Yes?" Mason comes in. "Sit down Mason." Conrad tells him. "Who's baby is that?" He asks. "This is Mia. Lydia is adopting her." I inform him. He just nods. "There has been an accusation made against Dustin." I say calmly. "What is it?" Conrad grabs the letter off of my desk and hands it to him. Mason reads it. Mason sighs deeply and growls. "Damn it. I warned him about this shit." He knew. "Did you know?" Conrad asks in warning. "No. Not about this. I didn't know he went this far. I caught him hitting a girl once. She had rejected him and he didn't like that so he hit her. I had a long talk with him and I thought I got through to him. Nine times. Fuck." Mason explains. "When Dustin gets back he will be arrested. Don't warn him." I tell him. "I understand. Is she ok?" He asks sadly. "Well she's alive. Ok? That's complicated." I say. "Vivian will no longer be Luna. That bond will be breaking. Even if Lydia wasn't out mate. After finding out that she has not done her job we can't allow her to stay in that position." Conrad informs him. "Lydia did a good job. She'll continue to do a good job." Mason says. I agree with this. "Thank you. We just wanted to warn you." I say. Mason bows his head and leaves the office. Conrad has all of Mia's stuff moved here to the packhouse. I have it all sent to Lydia's bedroom. Once it was all set up I lay Mia down in her crib. Lydia is sound asleep. She must be exhausted. I'm going to make it all up to her. She deserves the best.
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