Chapter 5

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POV: Conrad Conner and I have been arguing over what to do about Lydia all day. She can't be out f**k mate. f**k. Turns out Conner and I were always meant to share a mate. "Conrad I want my fated. Why don't you?" Believe me I want my fated. I want Lydia more than anything but the damage is done. We hurt her. She hates us. Lydia will never accept us. "Whats the point. She won't accept us. Conner we have hurt her. She hates us. You really expect her to accept us." I admit how I feel to him. "Conrad we have to at least try. We made a mistake but mistakes can be fixed." He says. "You really expect us to all just forget everything. Lydia is to stubborn for that. She wont and will never." I tell him. "We can fix it. I'm not saying forget but move on from it. Show her that we care and want her." Conner begs me. He can't accept her fully without me. He needs me on board to do this. Move on? Is that even possible? "Want mate." River says to me. I know he does. "OK fine I give in." I say. "Thank you. We should probably start with her birthday. We forgot so we should make up for that." "Go to mate. Soyhing is wrong." River suddenly says to me. He pacing all around. "Rain says something is wrong with Lydia." Conner says. s**t. "River too." We hurry out of the room in search of Lydia. Where is she. "Her room." River says. Conner and I run to her bedroom. The sight that we see. f**k what the hell happened. Conner goes into action. I look around and see a price of paper laying on the vanity. "s**t Conrad. She did this herself." Conner picks her unconscious body and runs to the infirmary. I quickly follow. Morgan gasps at the sight. "She attempted suicide. Save her." I demand. Why would she do that? She can't die. Conner lays are on the bed so that the doctors can work. Conner and I sit in the waiting room waiting for them to come out with news. "We should tell Vivian. She is her daughter." Conner says suddenly. Yeah we should. Her daughter just attempted suicide. I mindlink her about the situation that we just saw with Lydia. She just says to keep her updated. She didn't even act like she was that concerned. Morgan comes out. "Shes ok. She lost a lot of blood but she's going to pull through." She says. Oh thank goodness. "Can we see her?" Conner asks. "Yes but she is still asleep. She will be for a while." Conner and I both go in and sit with her. Both of her wrist are bandaged up. I had no idea she was this far off. I wonder if today pushed her over the edge. We did this to her. Conner holds her hand. "We did this." He says. I know. "Yeah." I agree. I then remember the paper she had wrote. I'm assuming this is her suicide note. I had shoved it into my pocket when we rushed her in her. I take it out and read it. If your reading this than I am gone. I had to get free one way or the other. The alpha d***s found out I was leaving and stopped me. All I ever wanted was to be free. My mother was never a mother. She never wanted me. My father was the one that wanted me. Then I lost him and I was left with her. She ended moving us here to the Moon Dust Pack. In the last pack I was in I remember them accepting me more as a human than this pack ever did. My mother has only ever cared about one thing. Money. She loves to go shopping and get new thing. She was raised very spoiled where she go whatever she wanted. She doesn't work at all. I do all of her work. Every Luna duty she has I do for her. I have to make her sign the paperwork. I train in her place. I do it all. Alex you were of a father to me than anyone else. Nathan you were my best friend and brother. I'm so sorry. Blair and Nana Darlene you were more of a mother to me than my own. I'm sorry that I had to go this was but I needed out of here. Mia I'm so sorry baby. I never wanted to leave you. If I could have adopted you I would have. I love you so much and I'm sorry I had to leave you. Maybe you can find a family that will love the way that I love you. Charlie you take good care of those kids. Tell them that miss Grayson is looking down over them. Conner, Conrad. I don't really understand this mate thing but I can't do this. You two have hurt me so much. I wish I knew why. I did everything I was told and it never good enough. I taught myself a lot of what I know. Like writing. I only ever went to kindergarten. Just take care of my mom. I know you two are so bad. There were good times. I actually enjoyed our normal pleasant conversations. I liked those. Mom why? You let them hurt me. I wish you just threw me out on the streets. You called me a w***e. I don't even have the time for that. When I started my period for the first time I was so scared. I didn't know what it was. You were suppose to teach me that stuff. Instead Alex and Blair taught me. They sat me down had the whole s*x talk with me. Do you know how embarrassing that was? I confessed the one thing I had never told anyone and you called be a liar. I wasn't lying. It happened. Dustin really did rape me. Nine times since I was fifteen years old. He was 19 and now 23 years old. I just turned 18. That black eye everyone asked me about a few weeks age that's what happened. I was made to clean the kitchen all by myself and was left alone. Dustin took advantage of that. I screamed and said no. My virginity was the one thing I had left and he stole it. None of you care. I never said anything because as mom said I was lying right. It's his word against mine. Everyone would believe him over me. I'm just a weak pathetic little human in all of your eyes. Those of you that like to pretend that you don't know or don't see. How do you feel now? Is it easier that way? To pretend? I can't do this anymore. I can't be here. I made a pro.ise to myself that I was getting out one way or the other. I was prepared to die. I'm not afraid of death. I welcome it. I welcome the peace. Goodbye. Lydia Rae Grayson. I read the entire letter out loud to Conrad. I had no idea a lot of that stuff was happening. How could Dustin do that to her? It pisses me off that he touched her. Nine f*****g times. And I just go off and give him a Opportunity. What the hell has Vivian been doing? How could she not believe her. Lydia confesses something so deep inside and her mother just dismisses it like it's nothing. Lydia is going to need a lot of help when she wakes up. "How could we not see it? I should have known when she didn't want to talk about her black eye." Conner says. "It's not you fault. I missed it too. Lydia was good at hiding it. She his it for four years." I say. "What are we going to do about Dustin. I don't want rapist walking around the pack freely. Who knows who else he's done this too." Conner says angrily. "I agree but this is Mason's son. Dustin will be punished and the fact that Lydia was a minor up until today makes it worse." I say. I brush some strands of hair out Lydia's face. "She did all the luna stuff the entire time. Even trained. The Logs show that Vivian was training. Alex covered for her. He trained Lydia instead. Why didn't she defend herself against Dustin if that is the case?" Conner says. I don't know why Lydia didn't defend herself. Maybe she did but wasn't strong enough. We're talking about a human girl against a male werewolf beta. The odds were not in Lydia's favor. "We don't know the whole story." "We should get some sleep. Lydia's not going anywhere any time soon." Conner says. "I'm not leaving her I'm staying here. I can sleep right here." We both end up sleeping in the chairs next to Lydia. I really hope she wakes up soon. My poor baby.
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