Chapter 8

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POV: Lydia I wake up to crying. What is that? I look around and see that there is stuff in my room that wasn't before. What the hell? I look in the crib to see Mia. Mia! What is she doing here? I thought Conner took her back to the orphanage. I pick her up but she doesn't calm down. I find some diapers and change her. Then I fix her a bottle and feed her. After that she was a happy baby. "There is that all better. How did you get here?" I coo at her. "Mama. Mama." She says. Awe she so cute. "Oh I wish I could be baby girl." I say sadly. I don't know how this stuff got here. When I went to sleep none of this stuff was here. Conrad suddenly comes in. "Why are you in here?" I question. "When did you wake up?" He asks instead of answering my question. "Dada." What!? Is mia nuts pointing at him and saying that. Conrad is no father. Though I will say the look he had when she said that was priceless. "Ummm. I was just coming to check on her. We put this stuff in here for her. Mia can stay here with you of that's what you want." He says. They did that for me? I have to say this is the first nice thing that they have done for me. "Really i can keep her?" I question unsure. It could be some kind of trick. "Yes. When did you wake up?" He asks again. "Not that long ago. She was crying." "OK. Do you feel better. You slept an entire 48 hours." He says. I'm sorry what? "I did not. How did I do that?" "You were exhausted. Your body needed sleep badly. We just let you sleep. Conner and I took turns with Mia." He explains. Wow! Just wow. "Was she ok? She does tend to be fussy with a lot of people." I say worried that she might have gave them trouble. "No. She was a very quiet baby. I honestly don't see what everyone is complaining about." You have got to be kidding me. She was calm for them. I hoping she'd at least give them some kind of hell. "Wow. She's not normally like that." I say in disbelief. "Oh don't act so surprised that were good with kids. You may not remember but when you were little you'd come running to mine or Conner's room when you had a nightmare." He's right i don't remember that. "No I did not." "You did. You slept in there many times. You'd get scared at night and here you come. That bear is still in my room from the last time." So that's where that went. I had a stuffed bear name Mr. Wiggles and I lost him. "You have mr wiggles and kept him." I glare at him. "I assure you he is safe and has kept me plenty company during the night." "I want him back." I tell him. "Then go get him yourself." He says. "Wait where is he really. I've cleaned your room so I know what's in there." "Hidden. Somewhere high. Where you can't reach." There's a lot of places i can't reach. Everyone here is taller than me. "Just return him." "Whatever. Come on let's get you fed. You haven't eaten in two days." He says. I am actually hungry. I look down to see that Mia has fallen back asleep so I lay her in the crib. "I can take care of myself. I always have." I tell him walking out of the room. I don't need him to tell me when to eat. I've been taking care of myself since I was six years old. "I know that." He says. I roll my eyes. Whatever. I walk into the kitchen and see that no one has started breakfast. What time is it anyway? I look at the wall clock to see that its 2 in the morning. Just an hour before I normally get up. I see the coffee the brew and look what's posted on the menu. Cereal bar. I wonder if that's what they've been doing the past few days. "Seriously Cereal. I put that up there a few days ago. Cereal is done once a week. Ugh this kitchen is a mess." I'm honestly annoyed at this. Dishes are all in the sink and not the normal amount that would be there from the night. Things are not in there proper place. They have done a Cereal bar twice or more this week. What the hell. The menu is a mess and not very nutritional. "What? again." Conrad says. Is he for real. Him and Conner are the ones that approve the menu. "I thought you two approved the menu or are you not even looking at it? This is a mess. I can't let this be like this. No." One could say I have OCD. I don't know exactly what that is but Nathan and Alex think I have it. They say that it's why I'm so organized and neat. I'm not sure if I am or not but I know this i have to fix this. I erase the entire menu. "What are you doing?" Conrad asks me. "I can't let this be like this. It's horrible. Just Cereal. Apple pie and apple fritters for dessert. Apple fritters are for breakfast and you can't have two apple things. Eggs for lunch? What are you people thinking? This is all wrong." I'm freaking out. "OK. OK. Its just food. It's nothing to get worked up about." I take a deep breath. I write down scrabble eggs, pancakes and blueberry muffins down for breakfast. It's not what I would normally do but it's a lot better. Then I write down chilli for lunch and Jambalaya for dinner. Then apple pie and cheese cake for dessert. "Feel better now?" "Yes I do. It's not what I would normally do but it's a lot better than what it was before." I say. "OK so what do you want to eat now?" "I'll just eat while I cook breakfast like I always do." I tell him. "No. Your not working anymore." He can't be serious. "So now that I'm this mate thing to you I'm suddenly too good to work now?" I say. I want to know just how he sees this. "No. That's not what I meant. Your still recovering and don't need to be working right now. You could rip your stitches." He says. Oh. I look down at my bandaged wrists. Alex and I had a long talk about everything. He was very disappointed but understood how I felt. He explained that Conrad and Conner would act differently around me now and that they would explain more about that later. We talked about me staying here in the pack. I don't really have much of a choice. They won't let me leave. I feel like a prisoner here. Alex says to give it a chance. To give Conrad and Conner a chance. I'm trusting him and I'm going to give them one chance. "What are stitches?" I ask. I'm not really familiar with that kind of stuff. I have never been to a doctor. "The thread in your wrist that's keeping the cut closed. If you move it to much you will rip them and you'll begin to bleed again." He explains. I just put some bread in the toaster and put some Nutella and slices of bananas on it. "So that's where the Nutella is hidden." Conrad says. I always hide the Nutella. That's one of the things that we never have enough for everyone here. I hide it all the way in the back of the pantry. Hey if they want it bad enough then they can search for it. "First come first serve." I tell him. "Yeah but it's not really fare when you know where it is and no one else does." Thats the point. "Well I guess no one wants it bad enough." I say. "There you are." Conner comes in Mia. "Hey." Conrad greets his brother. "Where'd you get the Nutella from?" Conner asks. "She hides it but I know her hiding spot now." Conrad tells him. I smirk. "Not all of my spots." "Oh so your hiding other things too. That is very unfair of you." Conrad says. "Unfair? No whats unfair is me, a human put up against a bunch of werewolves everyday." I tell them. "I thought you had been training with Alex this whole time. He said that you have taken Nathan down before." Conner says. "That's different. Nathan doesn't actually go full force on me. Take Dustin for example. Do you know how many times I tried to get away but failed because he's stronger than me." "Ok. Fine we get your point." Conner says holding up his free hand in surrender. "Oh um Alphas. Can I get you anything?" Emma comes into the kitchen. "No thank you." "OK. Lydia are you back?" Emma asks me. "No." Conrad answers for me. "Oh. Well we all miss you anyway." She tells me. "Yep. Me too." I clean my mess up from my food. "Oh Emma the menu is changed for the day." I tell her. "Oh ok. So what am I doing then?" It is literally posted right there on the wall. I tell her nicely what it is. Why she can't just look on the wall i have no idea. Honestly how hard is it? I walk out the kitchen and go back to my room with the alphas following me. "Someone's annoyed." Conner states. Really? I wonder what would make him think that. "Luckily I don't think it's us this time." Conrad says. "No and why would you think you two have nothing to do with it?" "Because you were fine until Emma showed up. Now your mad and moody. Though I can't figure out why." Conner says. "OK first of all. Apparently no one in this place can do anything right. Second of all if Emma wants to know what she's suppose to be cooking then look on the blackboard. It is posted right there on the wall. Yet she asks me everyday. Third of all I don't understand anything thats going on with me!" I vent out to them. I breath out. Oh that felt good. "Feel better?" Conner asks. "Yes much better." Conrad takes Mia from Conner and puts her on the floor. "What do you mean what's going on with with you. Elaborate." Conrad asks. I sit on my bed criss-cross. "Well a lot of things. One the weird feelings I've had for you two suddenly since my birthday. Why you two are suddenly nice to me? What is...." I get this sick feeling in my stomach and run to the bathroom. I puke into the toilet. I feel my hair being held back. "Are you ok?" Conner asks. "Yes I'm fine. I just got sick all of sudden. It's no big deal." I tell them. It's ot the first time I've gotten sick like that. I wonder if it's going to happen again. Through out the past four years I would get sick like that a lot. It's only happened like three times. Then all of a sudden my period will get really bad. The bleeding will be a lot more than usual. It only last for a few days but after that I feel fine. Those are the only times I've ever really gotten sick like that. I've had little coughs here and there but nothing major like that. "Are you sure?" Conner asks unsure. "Yes. It happens sometimes. Hopefully this one won't be as bad as the last time. The last time I got like this the pain was horrible. The bleeding was worse than the other times. "What do you mean the last time? What are you talking about?" Conrad demands. I explain what happens when I get sick. "Are you happy now." They both exchange a look and look back at me then growl. They look really mad. "Oh great. What did I do this time. Your mad at me because I'm sick like it's my fault. I wonder what kind of punishment I get for being sick." I say. They both look at me like I've gone mad. "You really don't know." Conrad says sounding worried. Why would he be worried. It's not that big of a deal. "What do you mean?" I ask. They both look at my stomach. I look down to see if something is on my shirt thinking thats what they're looking at but nothing is there. "Why don't you just lay down and rest for a while. We'll come check on you later." Conner says in a strained voice. I look at them weirdly. They're acting strange. I don't understand. They both leave my room with Conner dragging Conrad out. I pick Lydia up and lay down in my bed with her. Those two are so strange sometimes. Why would they be freaked out over me being sick?
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