Chapter 9

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POV: Conner "Conrad you need to calm down now." I tell Conrad. He's pissed and I don't blame him. Lydia has no idea what she just described to us. She had no idea. How could she not know? f*****g Dustin. "What if it's about to happen again. What if she is?" Conrad voices out. "I know. Believe me I know but this isn't helping anything. Maybe it's best that she doesn't know." I hate to do that and keep the fact that she was pregnant and has had three miscarriages. That's not fair to her but what would that do to her emotionally. It makes what Dustin did to her even worse. According to what we know so far the last time Dustin touched her was just before he left which was almost three weeks ago. We won't be able to hear the heart beat to tell yet for another few weeks if she is. "So you just want to keep this all from her. More stuff for her to hate us about. No. You heard her the last time was bad. What if she bleeds out this time?" Conrad says. "It's not going to happen. We don't know if she is or not so let's not jump to conclusions. If she is then we will cross that bridge but until then let's not scare her. She's already freaked out and doesn't understand a lot of this stuff. We didn't allow her to learn much growing up so now she doesn't know anything." I calm him down. "I can't even imagine the pain she went through with that all alone and not knowing. What have we done?" Conrad says. If you haven't figured it out yet. Conrad is the very angry and emotional one while I'm the voice of reason. "I know but there is nothing anyone can do to change that." I tell him. "I can't handle this right now. River wants out. I'm going on a run. You should set a meeting up with the aunt Darlene about the omegas today." With that Conrad leaves me. I know he's mad and so am I. Rain isn't happy about it either. We're just being calmer about it because someone needs to be. Even if Lydia is pregnant I wouldn't hold it against her. It's not like she asked to be. I do worry about how she feels about us around Mia. We weren't the best to her. We should have raised Lydia as our own but we didn't. Although how weird would that be if we had with her being our mate. That would bring a whole realm of new problems there. Having a mate is not suppose to be this complicated. Vivian was never the best mate either. Our relationship with Vivian is complicated. She lost her fated and ended up agreeing to mate with us. We don't even share a room like normal mate chosen or not would. Now she plays the part very well of making it look like she's a good Luna and mother. Conrad and I tried to produce an heir with Vivian for years but that never happened. She ended up confessing to us that she can't have children and never could. At that point we just gave up on it. We haven't slept with Vivian since. She wasn't even that great in bed anyway. We only see Vivian when we need to now. She's for appearances. That's all done now though. Conrad and I have been so consumed with dealing with Lydia and making sure she's ok that we haven't told her about Lydia being our mate yet. To be honest I'm dreading it. We haven't even told our council yet. In order to break our bond with Vivian we need the council present. I think Conrad and I should get that over with today. I'm not sure just how Vivian will take it. "Conner get out here now!" Conrad minlinks my. "Where are you? What's going on?" I ask him. Something is wrong. I can hear it in his voice. "I'm on the northern boarder. Get put here now!" He orders. Out of both of us Conrad is the oldest. We are both the alphas but when push comes to shove it is his final say. Conrad is alpha of me. He doesn't push that on me but when he does he means business. Something is seriously wrong. I hurry out of the packhouse and shift into river. I run all the way to the northern boarder and along it looking for Conrad. When I find him he's in human form in only a pair of shorts. There is someone standing in front of him. I shift to human form to know what's going on here. Conrad throws a pair of shorts to me. I quickly slip them on. "What's going on? Who are you?" I demand of this other person. "He claims that we have something that belongs to him." Conrad says. "Just what could we possibly have of yours and who are you?" The person smirks. "Black and white wolves how interesting. You have the blood stone." The man says. Blood stone? What the f**k is that? "Look we don't have this blood stone. Who are you?" I asknonce more. It's passing me off that he won't tell me who the hell he is. "I'd answer all of his questions. I have a temper but my brother's here can be worse than mine." It's true. I just have more control over it. You know I'm beyond mad when I loose control over it. "Fine. My name is Magnus. You can't lie to me. I can feel the blood stone here." Magnus says. I can't get a full read on him. I can sense a wolf in him but there's something more to him. His eyes are somehow familiar to me. It's odd that they are because they are just normal brown eyes. "Well Magnus we don't have it. You sense wrong." Conrad says. "No I don't. The blood Stone's keeper is here. I can feel her. That stone belongs to me. It is my birth right." Magnus says angrily. His eyes turning to red. "I don't know what your talking about. Leave my boarders now." Conrad warns. "I'm getting to the keeper one way or the other. He can't hide her from me forever." The more he talks the more he reveals. I guess he can't keep a secret. "Who?" I ask. I'm guessing this keeper is a she. For some reason I have a bad feeling about who this her is. I get the feeling like I know them. "Her! She is here i feel her. He took her from me! She is my own blood and I can sense my blood so I know she's close." He starts speaking some kind of words in another kind of language. "Do you have any idea what he's on about?" I mindlink Conrad. "Not a clue." He links back. "Something wrong with mate." Rain says to me. From the look on Conrad's face river is telling him the same thing. "Go! I'll handle this." I tell him. He doesn't even hesitate before he shifts and runs back towards the packhouse. Magnus is looking at my with this evil look. "She will reveal herself soon to me. The stone is comeing." He says. What? "Conner we have a problem. I don't know what the hell is happening but Lydia is like floating in the air and towards your direction. I can't stop it. I am trying to keep her down but she won't stay down. She's freaking out." What! I glare at Magnus. "What have you done? Release her!" I command him. He is not getting my mate. It's not long before Lydia appears. She's screaming scared out of her mind trying to get down to the ground but she can't. Conrad is hot on her heels following her. When Lydia gets to the boarder it's like a force field stops her from crossing. She drops to the ground. Conrad is quick to catch her. "What is going on?" Lydia crys scared. I take Lydia's hand out of curiosity and put it right at the boarder line and push it but she won't pass through. What the hell. She's can't cross at all. She can't leave the pack territory. Magnus growls and roars angrily. "Gabriel!" Who the hell is Gabriel? "What is that?" I know Lydia is scared. She clings to Conrad terrified. "What do you want from her?" Conrad asks growling. "Give it to me! Give me the blood stone!" Magnus screams at Lydia. Lydia holds on tighter to Conrad scared. "What?" She's confused. She has no idea what he's talking about. "I'm not going to warn you again. Get away from my land!" Conrad says in his alpha command voice. Lydia's whole body shakes and covers to the tone. That's normal. We have rarely used in on her. The command wasn't towards her but she can still feel the aura it sends out and that alone can make her submit. Conrad is also using it in full force so Lydia is in bad shape right now from it. "Conrad ease up. Lydia" I point out to him. He looks down at her in his arms and let's the command up. "Well now that is interesting. She's your mate. My dear daughter i will be back for you." What?
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