Chapter 4

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POV: Lydia Today is the day. I'm officially 18. It's my birthday. I leave today. I'm making breakfast for the whole pack for the last time. Since it's my last I'm going out with a bang. French toast, waffles, pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, bagels, yogurt, mimosas. I always do mimosas on my birthday. I was 15 when I first tried one and I fell in love. Thats why I had Nana get the champagne a few weeks ago. We only do them once a year. No one has caught on that they are done on the same day every year. They think the we just pick a random day. I'm making my favorite muffins, double chocolate chip and banana nut. I also do blueberry, regular chocolate chip and strawberry. Tiffany should be happy. I also do crescent rolls and cinnamon rolls. Like I said I'm going out with a bang. My finally will be tonight. Chocolate fudge cupcakes that say goodbye on all of them. Isn't it just perfect. "Wow isn't this a lot this morning. Is something special going on that I don't know about?" Emma asks. "Nope. Just a normal day. Some of this stuff was just about to expire though." I use as an excuse. I eat a muffin and set some aside for me for later. This is my day and nothing can ruin it. I have the whole day planned out. I'm going to act like nothing has changed today. I will be doing all my chores and Luna stuff. Their are some things that I'm sad about leaving behind like Mia. If I could take her I would but I have no way of caring for her. I'm setting the buffet up when I see the alpha d***s come in put the corner of my eye. They're early this morning. I turn to see them and I feel frozen in place. This is so weird I'm suddenly feeling things. I'm so confused. I just stare and get lost in both of their eyes. They're just staring back at me. "Um Alphas is everything ok. Can I help you with something?" Emma asks breaking me out of this trans. Thank you Emma. They both clear their throats. "No. Thank you." Conrad says. Conner just stares at me somemore. "Mate." Conner growls. What!? I look around behind me. Is he talking to someone else. I don't see my mom anywhere. "Conner come on. No! Office now!" Conrad drags Conner away look back at me. He had this unreadable expression on his face. This is so weird but you know what I'm not going to let that get me down. Emma and I finish setting the buffet up. "Alright everything looks good let's go clean." I say. Emma gives me this weird look." Before we clean though I eat and have a mimosa. "Girl are you good. Your acting strange today?" Emma questions. "I just woke up in a good mood today." It's not a lie. I am in a good mood. I suddenly feel sad. It's like I want Conrad and Conner here with me. Weird but I brush it off. We finish cleaning when Nana Darlene grabs me from the kitchen and into her office. "Happy birthday!" Nana Darlene says. "Oh thanks. So I guess this is our last session." "It is. I'm going to miss you my child. What are your plans for today?" She asks. I tell her everything. "Then I'll sneak out at night. It will be easier to get out that way." "Well I guess we should end our last session with a bang huh." She says. "Yes that is the theme of the day." "I see that. You had fun with the menu for today. Now how about tomorrow." She asks. "OK so let's go with and easy bang. Cereal and yogurt bar. Sandwiches. Order pizza." "Well that is very easy and simple. The omegas won't know what to do with themselves." I know right. "It needs to be. Ease them into the hard stuff. Managing that kitchen is not easy. I wish when I find a job I could use this as a preference but I can't." "I'm sure they will do well. I wish you the best Lydia." She says. "Nana you are like a mother to me. You and Blair. I'm going to miss you. Good bye." I say leaving. In any case that happens today I'm leaving and those goodbyes are important. I go clean the bedroom. Might as well give them a good clean before I go. I leave small letters for my mom, Conrad and Conner in their night stand drawer to find later after I'm gone. I clean Conrad's bedroom first like always. Then I go grab my mother. I find her out in the garden today. "Hey mom. I need you to come with me." I tell her. "Haven't I told you to stop telling me what to do." She yells at me. I'm tempted to just not do this and leave it for her to clean up but that wouldn't be right of me. "Mom i need you to come sign something. Just for once take some responsibility and do what your suppose to do." I say annoyed. She slaps me in the face. "Responsibility? I have plenty. Things get done just fine. Your the one that doesn't do anything. You skip lunch duty. You disappear at times. You sleep around with that Dustin. You're nothing but a little slut. Don't judge me when you have plenty to be judged about." That hurt. She thinks that I sleep around. I guess she saw something with Dustin and made an assumption. I just loose it right then. It's my last day anyway so what does it matter. "For your information I never slept with Dustin. He raped me." I tell her. "Your lying! Thats a lie. I saw you." She doesn't believe me. That alone hurts. "You know what I don't care. Just go sign the damn papers so I can get all the other stuff done. Do you want a treat?" "Fine! Let's go. I want you to admit that you're a whore." Oh no she didn't. "Fine!" We walk into her office and I get the papers out for her to sign. She signs them. "Well admit it." She says. "I am not a whore." I say and walk right out. Hell now am I saying that. f**k her. I clean her room then start on Lunch. Today will be Grilled chicken salad, tacos, pulled pork sandwiches. Conner and Conrad come in for lunch. They just sit down at there table. They don't yell or anything. I just grab their plates and place them in front of them. What is up with them today. They are acting so weird today. They say nothing to me. I just walk away but I can feel their eyes on me. It's so strange. I continue my work in the kitchen. I I go clean Conner's bedroom. After that I go to training. When I get out there Blair, Nathan and Alex are out there holding a cake with lit candles for me. "You guys didn't have to do that." I say in awe. "Yes we did. Sweetheart. It's your last day here. I'm going to miss you." Blair says in tears. "Awe I'm going to miss you too. Thank you." I say "Well what are you waiting for make a wish. Blow your candles out." Nathan says. I close my eyes wishing to be free and blow them out. "Yay." They clap. "No training today. Just cake." Alex say cutting the cake. He hands me a plate with a slice on it. We all sit around eating the cake and talking and laughing. "Lydia this is for you." Alex gove me and envelope. I open it to see money in it. "What no I can't take this. It's too much." I trying to give it back to him. "Yes you can. This will get you started. And take this. If you need anything I want you to call me. If your in trouble call me or Nathan." He puts a phone into my hand. Wow this really make me leaving real. "OK thank you." I hug him. Don't cry. Don't cry. I keep telling myself. I don't want to break that promise. Nathan hugs me. "I love you guys. I'm going to miss you so much. Good bye." I tell them. I just walk away because I don't think I can stand it seeing them anymore. "Lydia. The alphas want to see you now in Conrad's office." Beta Mason's informs me. I just nod my head going up to see what they want. Before I can even knock on the door "enter" one of them says. I open the door and walk in. "What did I do this time?" I ask. I just know I'm in trouble. "Nothing but loose the attitude." Conrad demands. I don't care today. I'm leaving anyway. "Sit down Lydia." I get this weird feeling so I sit in the chair closet to the door. "How old are you?" Conrad asks. Is he for real. Wow step fathers of the f*****g year her. "Why?" I ask. They frown at my response. "Just answer the question." Conners demands. "18! Why does that matter?" I ask. "When is your birthday?" Conner asks. What the hell is going on here. "Of course you two don't even remember when my birthday is. My own mother even forgot." I say. "Loose the attitude and answer the damn question." Conrad commands. I glare at him. "Today. Why? It's not like you two care anyway." I say angrily. What they getting at? Conner and Conrad share a look. "f**k!" Conrad says suddenly. "Something has happened Lydia." Conner says calmly. "Wha" I ask. "You know how your mom and us are chosen mates?" Conrad says. "Yes and?" "Well today we've found our fated mate." Conner confesses. "So what does that mean your kicking me and my mom out?" I ask. It's not that I care. I'm leaving anyway. "No. Your our fated mate Lydia." Conner says calmly. What!? I bust out laughing. This is so funny. "I'm sorry it sounded like you just said that I'm your fated mate. Yeah right thats a good one. But seriously." I say laughing. They both frown. "This isn't a joke. We're serious." Conrad says very seriously. I loose the smile looking at them shocked and horrified. "No! Your lying. This is so.e kind of prank. No I'm leaving." I say not wanting to bleive any of it. "No one is lying and what the hell do you mean your leaving?" I glare at both of them. "I'm leaving. I'm getting out of here. I hate you both." I yell at them. No this can't be happening. This has ruined everything. "Your not going anywhere until we figure out what to do." Conrad demands. "No. It's not true. You have to be lying. Anyone but you two." I say. Conner grabs my hand suddenly and these sparks run up my arm causing me to gasp. What the hell is that. I try to pull my hand back but Conner won't let go. "Do you feel that? That's part of it. Deal with it." Conner says. "So what do you want me to do? Is this something your go to use to torture me with now. Just let me go." I yell. No way this is happening. Then realization hits me hard. This is true. They won't let me leave. I can't be here. I hate them. Plan B. I have go Plan B. "Go about things as you have. When we figure it out we'll let you know." Conrad says. "Fine. Can I go now?" I ask. "Yes go." Conner let's me go and I couldn't get out of that room fast enough. I go to the day care and orphanage and just hang out with them until I have to do dinner. I hold Mia the entire time. I don't want to leave her. I lover her so much. She already sees me at her mother but I can't take care of her. I don't have the means. And now she'll never have another chance to see me again. "Mia baby i love you so much and I wish that I take you away with me but I can't. I hope you can forgive me for leaving you." I kiss the topnof her head and lay her in her crib to sleep. I have to do dinner now. For dinner I'm doing country fried steak, meatloaf, spaghetti. For dessert is an ice cream bar and chocolate cupcakes that say Goodbye. Happy birthday to me. It will be my last though. How can I be mated to them. They don't even like me. They hate me and I hate them. I wish I knew why. My own family didn't even care to remember my birthday. How pathetic is that. Once dinner is served I help the omegas clean up. After everyone is gone I clean the dinning room up and take one last look. I walk around the packhouse looking around remembering things. I am trying so hard not to cry. I can't allow myself to. I go to my room and write a letter. Then I grab the knife I have hidden in a drawer and I slit my wrist. Both of them. Blood gushes out. I drop the knife and fall to the ground. I look up the ceiling welcoming peace. "Lydia! What did you do. Damn it f**k!" Conner hovers over me. "Let me die." I say in a whisper because that's all I can manages. Darkness evades me and all I see is darkness.
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