Chapter : 10. Cry of pain..

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“What? Babe.. You never said that to me. What did he do to you?” Brandon got worried that he might have done something wrong with Gloria like he was trying to do to me. “He doesn’t have the gut to do anything because he knows way too well that there is no way an impotent guy like him can tame me. He just offered me to keep him as a side boy. But when he noticed that Melania is softer and more innocent than me, he is not only trying to seduce her, but also force her into doing as he wants. I guess that plan of his didn’t work very well because he dosen’t know how strong and brave she is from inside. And now he is trying to blame it all on her to save his own dumb ass.” “You sl*t. How dare you to blame my boyfriend? I know wh*res like you very well. First you try to look sexy in front of boys so that they can fu*k you. And when your plans dosen’t work, you try to find new ways to make him do that. This sl*t is also trying to do the same with Luka. He told me everything about how she tried to have s*x with him in the forest. She has her eyes on him. That is why she volunteered to go with him. And this is also her acts to put false blames on him.” Luka’s girlfriend started arguing with Gloria to prove that her boyfriend is innocent. “Oh yeah. You are so sure about it? You think he truly loves you, don’t you? Then can you explain why did I see you two fighting the whole day? Why was he gawking more at other girls than you? Why did he come to Melania’s tent even after knowing her intensions? Do you have an explanation for all of these questions?” Gloria’s question made her silent as she thought about it for a minute. But after that, her changing expression told all of us that she understood that it is Luka’s fault. He is the one who came here to seduce me. “You fuc*ing wh*re.. I lost another relationship today, and this time it’s your fault. Why did you have to be present in here to ruin my day? Why you had to give your put your voodoo eyes on my man? Why couldn’t you feed on some other boy’s soul, you witch..” Saing this, she came near me a and slapped me on my face. It’s not the slap that hurt me. It’s the name ‘WITCH’ they kept calling me, hurt me the most. I am not a witch. Witches are bad. They kill people to gain power. But all I did now was save myself from getting abused. How can I allow a man to touch my body inappropriately? Did I do that bad? But before I come out of the shock or sorrow of getting accused, I lost control of my body again. Another growl came out of my mouth and this time it was louder that all the ones I made before. “See.. See that? I told you guys. She is a monster. Did you see how her face changed for a second? That sound she is making, it’s a monster’s sound. She is not a human in any ways.” Luka’s words angered me more and unknowingly I attacked him and pulled him up from the ground by holding his neck. “No one calls us monster.” My fingers were wrapped around his neck, choking him to death. “Melania.. Let him go. You are killing him.” Gloria and Brandon rushed to me to help him escape my grip. “Melania is not here. And I won’t forgive this i***t for touching us inappropriately. He was trying to force himself on us. He was trying to take our purity away. And there is no forgiveness for such a huge crime.” My inner beast spoke out and told its reason for attacking. But instead of understanding me or whatever that is inside me, trying to keep me safe, they became shocked and looked at me with scared eyes. They were scared of me. “What are you? What did you do to my friend?” Gloria’s painful cry made my heart break down. She is scared of me. She is now also looking at me as a beast. I am truly a monster to all now. I felt completely broken. The only persons I thought as my closest are now scared of me. I have truly proved myself as a monster or a witch or whatever. The way I am acting these days, who knows I won’t end up attacking my own friends. I am harmful to all now. So instead of sticking around them, I should leave them alone. I should protect them by keeping myself away from everyone. And for that, this forest is the perfect place. No one will be able to find me in here. I was still holding the neck of Luca. Releasing my grip on him, I let him fall to the ground, gasping for breath. I looked around myself once to see all of them looking at me with horrified eyes. Finally, I looked at my friend who were holding each other in fear. They might be thinking that I am going to attack them now. But I will never do that. I won’t even let that inner beast of mine to harm them. I will keep them safe from the danger they will have from me. And for that, I have to leave them. I will leave them until I fix myself. Until I become normal again and safe for all. With this intention, I turned around and started running. I ran as fast as I can. Voices of my name echoed behind me, and I know that they are asking me to go back. But I won’t do that. I won’t take the risk of going back to them. My vision has gotten blurry due to the tears that my eyes formed in pain. My heart was burning from the ache of separation from my only loved ones. My lungs were refusing to take in the air and trying to choke me to death for the mistake I did. I lost everything. In just few days, I lost my job, my study, my only family/friends, everyone I know, everything I know.. All of it. I am all empty now. As far I was going from them, the more their sound became quiet until one time it disappeared. I finally came far away from them. But I didn’t stop. I kept running and running with no intention of stopping soon. I don’t know how long I ran or how far I have gotten. But I only stopped when I tripped on a broken branch and fell on the ground with a loud thud. My elbow and knees skin got ripped and blood came out from there. I finally felt that I was tired and can’t run anymore. To mourn on the loss I just had, I crawled myself in between the gap of a nearby tree trank. Hugging my knees into my chest, I started crying aloud. I tried to put all the pain of my heart out by my tears so that I can calm down. But it seemed nearly impossible because I don’t think I can ever overcome the thought that I had to leave everything for my own fault. I had to leave everything because I couldn’t keep my emotions in control, I couldn’t keep my body under control. I just became orphan again. I don’t know how long I am sitting here. By the look of the moon, I think it’s past midnight. I finally dried my tears off and now I am only blaming myself for doing those unnecessary things that put me in trouble today. I don’t know if it’s happening because of the book my parents gave me or is it happening because of my own fate. But I think I am going to end up just like my parents. People have already started hating me now. It’s just a matter of time that they com to kill me. I am also going to get killed by my haters. As I was thinking this, a sudden noise broke my trance of thought and brought me into the real world. But what was that noise? It was more like a dog’s whine. At first, it was a loud one that scared me in this quiet place. But then a continuous silent whining came from just a few feet in front of me. I don’t know what kind of animal it is, but by the sound it was making, I can feel that it’s a dog who is in pain. Maybe some lost dog got hurt in the middle of the forest. Should I go there? Should I go and check what is a dog doing in a place like this? My heart is telling me to go there and see what happend to that innocent dog. I was feeling sad about it because it is also alone in this huge forest, just like me. But my mind is telling me not to go there. I am not sure that it is a dog that is whining in there. What if it’s some other wild animal who is trying to lure me in and eat me once I step into its trap? But what if I am wrong? What if it truly needs someone’s help? I can’t decide what to do? Finally, after thinking for a while, I decided to go there and check what kind of animal is making that sound. If it’s a dog, then both of us are really lucky. And if not, at least I will be used as a satisfying meal for that animal. In both ways I am helping an animal on way or another. With this decision, I started taking slow steps towards the way the whining sound was coming from. My heart was beating faster and faster with each step I am taking. But finally I came to the spot the sound was coming from. At first, I hid myself behind a tree because I wanted to see what kind of animal is waiting for me there before directly going in there and getting killed by it. I am not ready to die so easily. Taking a long deep breath, I pecked my head out to see what is behind this tree. But what I saw next, blew my mind completely. I have never seen such an animal before or heard of anything like this before. Even though it looks like a normal wolf, but it was not normal at all. Its size is the one that shocked me the most. This wolf was higher than a human when we are standing, and its length can be compared to a horse. The tail of that animal is full of fur and more that two feet long. Have any of you heard about a wolf of this size in your life? I was scared to death seeing such a scene. If that wolf decides to have a feast, I will be only its appetizer. I was about to run away from there because I have to warn my friends so that they can run away from this place and save their lives as soon as possible. As much as I am scared of my own life, I am also worried about my friends too. But just as I turned around and was about to leave, it made another whining sound. My feet stopped me from moving instantly and something made my heart twist in pain. The cry of pain from that huge brown wolf shook me to the core and I feel really bad to leave it like this. I stood in my place for at least five minutes, deciding what to do. Should I go to my friends and warn them? Or should I go to that wolf and check what happend to it?
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