Chapter : 8. Into the forest..

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Finally, after hours’ drive, we reached to the place we are about to set our camp in. It took us almost four hours drive to get in that exact part of forest because it’s way far from Hemdale street. But I have to admit that he truly impressed me. This place is beautiful. Even though it’s in the middle of the forest, the Klamath river is not far from here. We can clearly hear the river flow right beside the land we are standing in. And this part of the forest is not that dense as it only contains long redwood and pine trees. The sweetest smell I think of about a forest. I really love it. Once I was out of the car, not only the surrounding or the smell impressed me. The freshness and the calmness it offered me did a very good job to take my mind off from my worries. I could live my entire life in a place like this because it’s better than living in between some mean peoples of the city. I felt so happy to come here that I wanted to run through the forest. Run with the new speed I just gained. I wanted to be free where no one is watching me and I can be my own self, no matter if as a normal human or a monster. I want to live where there is no one to judge me. And this forest is the perfect place for it. “Looks like someone is finally enjoying the nature.” Gloria broke my thoughts by saying it when she found me standing in one place, closing my eyes, and taking in the fresh air that was blowing through my free hair. “Yeah. I am truly enjoying this feeling. I feel like I am finally free.” “So, Brandon was right. And I was fighting with him by saying that you won’t like it here.” “Brandon truly did a nice job. He deserves a thank you and a sorry for everything.” I looked at Brandon, who was busy pulling everything out of the car, and set up the camp for all of us. He is a very responsible guy who fulfills his duty when he takes in a charge of it. “Hey girls.. A little help would be great in here..” As Gloria and I were only staring at him while he was doing all the works, another boy called out for our help. He is one of our classmates who came here with his new girlfriend. Well, maybe exactly not for camping. But I guess you know what they are going to do in here. It would be truly rude to not help in anything while everyone is doing something. So we also joined them and started helping them to set up the tents. There will be four tents surrounding the campfire, as we are seven peoples. Two in each and one spare for only one person, whom in this case is me. Looks like I have to spend the night alone. “Hey.. Is there someone who will help me get the wood for the campfire? We need it first to cook our food for lunch.” That boy who called us to help, named Luka, announced to all. “Why don’t you take your girl along?” Gloria replied to him, without even looking at him. She has a little problem with him, as she doesn’t like Luka much. I have no idea why. “Who? Me? No way.. I am not going in there. Who knows what kind of creature is in there.” His girlfriend, who is a kind of brat, spoke up immediately. Soon everyone started looking at each other’s face but no one volunteered to go. The two remaining boys were too busy to prepare everything and the rest of the girls got too scared to hear that brat’s words. Now they are also thinking that something might cath them if they go far from that spot. I can literally read the fear in their eyes, along with Gloria’s. “I will go. I will help Luca with this while you guys can make all the arrangements.” Seeing no one agree, I thought about volunteering. I am not that scared of the forest or it’s creatures after coming here. And besides, someone has to do it, so why not me? I am standing here free anyway. “That’s awesome. Let’s get going then.” Luca said and started walking into the forest without waiting for me. “Hey.. Take care of yourself. Okay?” Gloria was worried about me going with him. I just passed her a nod and started running on the way Luca went. As we went a little far from the place, the forest started getting thicker and quieter. But the farther I was getting from the place of the camp, the happier I was feeling in my heart. Maybe I am too scared to stay with people now. My eyes were roaming on top of the trees and I was enjoying the nature to my fullest, even though it was making me fall behind from Luca. But who cares. I want to be lost now. “Looks like this is the end of the land.” Luca’s words attract my attention and I noticed that we came on the edge of the land. Trees and bush were covering the end, but if you look down from there, you can see the slope of the edge that is ending directly on the river. One slip and you will end up in the deep blue water of Klamath river with the chance of ever coming to the surface. That’s a very dangerous fall. “Hey.. Are you coming? I don’t want to lose the prettiest girl in here in side a forest.” I got stunned for a bit. Did he make a joke, or is he trying to flirt with me? I didn’t put much thought in it and started following him again until we reached to a place where there is a lot of dried woods laying on the ground. We finally found the thing we were looking for. “You look sexy in that wet t-shirt.” Another sudden comment made me startled as I stand up straight. I was picking up woods with him, when he spoke it out. But what did he just say? I looked down at my dress to find that it has gotten wet due to the sweat I was having. It’s really hot in here at this season and on top of it, we walked a few miles to come here. The thin white and blue strip shirt I was wearing is now stuck with my body, showing my curves perfectly. Is he watching my body instead of doing work? “Thanks..” I din’t know how to react to such a comment. So, I pretended to be casual to him as a friend. But I might have never said that if I knew that he would take it as a wrong sign. “Why don’t you take it off. Isn’t it uncomfortable to wear in such a hot weather?” He motioned me to open my shirt. “No thanks. I’m fine with.” I told him and started gathering woods again. “Come on. Don’t be sigh.. Open it. Wait. Let me help you with it.” I didn’t understand what he meant by help, until he came to me and started unbuttoning my shirt. “What are you doing? Stop..” I tried to back up, but he pulled me closer to him by holding my hip. My hands were full of the woods I gathered till now, and I couldn’t even push him away with it. “I’m saving from getting flashes. Your body is already hot. Too much warmth is not suitable for it. Let me help you cool down. I have many ways to cool you down.” Saying this, he got rid of all the buttons that was keeping my skin hidden from his dirty eyes and started caressing my back from inside the shirt. I don’t know what to do or how to get rid of him, because I know he is not going to listen to me anymore. He has already made up his mind to hook up with me. At that moment, I remembered the woods of my hand. Without thinking twice, I released them from my hand, making it all fall on his legs. He immediately screamed out and back up from me. “I don’t need your help in anything. I can take care of myself. So, stay away from me. And don’t forget that you are here with your girlfriend.” “So what? I’m here with my girlfriend, that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the trip in my own ways. You are here alone. So, what is your problem with this? You are free to enjoy yourself. Or is it that you already made plans with someone else?” His words were making me angry. Who does he think he is? Who gave him permission to look at us girls in such a low view. “I am single, but that doesn’t mean I am available. Not everyone has a dirty mind like you. And I think your girlfriend will be really happy after hearing about what you were trying to do in here.” Just as I said that, his eyes became wide. “Heyy.. I was just doing a prank on you. It was a joke. I truly respect you a lot. Please don’t ell her anything. I truly like her a lot. I think she is the one. So, please don’t break this relationship with her.” My one simple threat made him scared of my intentions as he started begging me to keep my mouth shut. He thought that I am truly going to do that. It’s not a bad idea for a second thought. “Fine. But if I see you looking at any other woman than her, I won’t waste even a second to tell her about it.” I gave him one last warning before buttoning my shirt and picking up the woods I collected and walking on my way to the place my friends are in. I didn’t turn around or give him a look as I kept walking to my destination. But in heart, I felt really good to stand up for myself after so many days. I finally spoke out to defend myself in front of someone. And not only my own, but I think I just saved another girl to get harassed by him today as well as the girl who likes him and trusted him to come here with. I think by this incident, I made him realize that he truly likes this one girl the most. Once I came back to the camp, I saw that everything is already set. The tents are perfectly placed, and the surrounding is clean for us to spend the night without any fear. They have made a circle in the middle with some rocks which look like the place we will build the fire. So, I know where to put down the load I was carrying and a few of them came to help me as well. A few minutes later, Luka also came into that place with a guilty look. Maybe he is scared that I already told everyone about what he did. “What happend to him? Why is he looking like someone just took his virginity away?” Gloria asked me when she noticed the sudden change on his mood. “Maybe not virginity, but he lost his charms today. I’m sure he is not going to speak up another word for the rest of the time we are staying here.” I replied to her with a smirk on my face and she realized what I mean. “You truly are getting in form. I am glad to see that you are coming out of your shell again.” She said as she took me in a quick hug. “Okay. Let’s go and get changed. My shirt is completely wet and so does your hoody. It’s too hot and too sticky to keep wearing this s**t. We need something lighter.” Gloria also agreed to my thought and we both went into a tent to get changed in shorts and tank tops.
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