Chapter : 7. Camping trip..

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Today is off day in our university, so Gloria is with me today. She is trying her best to console me by saying some sweet lies to me. Even though I know that they are all lies, still I am getting relaxed to hear that everything will be alright. I will get my normal life back again. I am a normal girl with normal abilities. Everything that is happening to me is just a hard stage of life that will soon pass away. After two days of starvation, she gave me some food, and I ate them with pleasure. I didn’t know I was that much hungry until I took the first bite. Bandon was gone the entire day. I don’t know where he is and what he is doing, but he said to wait for him till he returns. So in one way, I am still waiting to see what plans he has in mind. After the daylight was gone, Bandon came back. There was a huge grin on his face that is informing us that he had made a bigger plan than we can expect. But what is it? “Babe. Where did you go the entire day?” Gloria asked him the question that I was wondering myself. “I told you. I went to arrange something for our Mel.” He replied with the same smile plastered on his face. “Yeah. But what is it?” “We are going on camping.” “What? Gloria and I both shout out at him in once. “Are you crazy? We are going to spend a night in an unfamiliar place? That’s impossible.” Before I can say something, his own girlfriend denied his plan. “But why? It’s the perfect opportunity to have a camping trip. Mel needs some time in the nature as well as we all do. We need this to calm our minds.” “How will our minds stay calm while only us three will live in a constant fear of getting attacked by wild animals somewhere far from civilisation?” “Who said that only us three are going?” My eyes became wide to hear that. “So, who else will be there?” I asked him in shaky voice.. “Few of our friends who truly likes you and supports you. They are with us in this fight.” “I don’t think this is okay. I am not comfortable with others like how I am with you. Can we please do something else instead?” “Don’t worry Mel. We will be there with you too. And I have already discussed everything with them. They won’y do anything that will make you uncomfortable. Look hun. This is your chance to prove that you are just a normal girl like others. Once you start hanging with them, they will realize that you are the nicest person in this whole wide world, like your friend said on your birthday. But if you don’t communicate with them, how will you prove that? Don’t miss this opportunity. Show them who you really are.” This time, Brandon’s words gave me a little strength. Maybe he is right. Maybe coming out and talking to others can make it easier for me to prove that I am not harmful for them. I will never do anything that can harm any living soul. Or maybe the dead one too. “Okay. I think you are right. I am ready to take this leap. We will see what happens in the future.” “That’s my girl. You truly are a brave one.” “But I am not convinced. Can I first know where are you planning to take us?” Gloria just reminded me that I still don’t know where we are going. “Into the forest beside Klamath river. There’s a perfect spot for camping. We have decided to go there.” “Are you serious? Forest? There would be so much insects, wild animals, snakes and who knows what else. We can’t go there.” “Babe. You have no idea how beautiful that place is. And there are no wild animals in that part of the forest. Yeah, maybe there are some insects, but I have already made arrangements for that. You don’t have to worry about anything at all. Trust me.” “I don’t know. What do you say Melania?” I was hearing Gloria and Brandon argue about the place we will be going. I am not too excited to go on a camping trip. But I won’t say that I am not excited at all. I love forests. I love trees and greenery. And besides, there won’t be anyone like Hazel to judge me or call me a monster. If Brandon says that it’s safe for me to go on this trip, I trust him. I need this distance from this horrible city life anyway. “I think we should go. Sometimes a quiet and lonely forest can give you the calm and happiness that you can never get in here.” I replied to Gloria. “See.. Mel also wants to do this. Please, babe.. I know it’s going to be fun. Please don’t say no.” “Fine. If my best friend wants to do this, then I will do anything to support her. If this trip can bring you back to normal, then let’s go and do this.” Gloria said as she fist pumped herself, bringing a smile to my face. So, now it’s fixed that we are going on a camping trip to the forest beside the Klamath river. Brandon informed us that we will be leaving on Saturday, stay the night in there and return before Sunday night. And this Saturday is in day after tomorrow. So we have one day to get prepared. I am not in the right mind yet to face the outside world. Maybe everything will come back to normal or maybe I will gain the strength to stand up for myself after this trip. With this hope, I locked myself inside the room again while Gloria went to college and work alone. There is this another thing I am missing in between these days, except for my study. It’s my job. Gloria has talked to Eddie, and he said that he will try to mange few days for me as I never missed a day’s work before. But I am not sure that by the time I get back on track, I will still have my job. I don’t think even Eddie can keep the place empty for me till then. This thought is also taking me more down. What will I do after this? Where will I find a job with such facilities besides my study? Do I have to drop from college to survive? I know you must be thinking that, why don’t I go to work than if I am worried about it so much. I swear that I tried to go out and face the world again. But I couldn’t do it. The fear of people thinking of me as a freak or doing something crazy like I did before is pulling me behind. I still haven’t come out of that horror yet. I still hear those noises or get a smell that is nowhere around me sometimes. How can I take the risk of coming out when I am not completely normal again? Soon two days also passed by and today is the day to go on the camping trip. I am way too nervous by thinking of going out. It’s almost a week I am keeping myself hidden from the outer world. I haven’t gotten a breath of fresh air or looked at the sun directly in these days. I haven’t even met another human except of Gloria and Brandon in these days. For the first time in so many days, I am going to face the world again. I don’t know how I will perform in front of them as a normal person, but I will try my best to act normal. Gloria and I packed a few of our things in one bag. We didn’t take much clothes as we are only going for a day. I chose to were a long sleeve shirt with jeans to avoid getting bitten by any insect, while Gloria chose to wear a hoodie with jeans to keep herself over protected. She is scared that some insects will try to get inside her ears and lay eggs in there, and their babies will feed with her brain. I mean, that a bit overdramatic, but there is no harm in being safe. On the other hand, Brandon looks really excited, and he wore a simple t-shirt with cargo short pants. Once we were ready, he took our bag and led us to his car. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and took my first step out of the apartment for the first time in days. As I came out of the shade, the sun ray hit me, offering a warmth I missed these days. Maybe this day will not be that bad. Maybe today I will finally find myself and return to the place I belong. I will return to my friends and be the normal girl I truly am. With this hope, I climbed up on Brandon’s car. Soon we were on our way to the place we are going for camping. The rest of our team also join us along the way in their own cars and I noticed that we are seven in all total. There are three couples among us while I am the only one who is single. So, this is going to be weird. I don’t know why Brandon only invited couples on this trip when he knows that I am alone. I can’t be with them. I don’t want to be an only thorn among roses. “Brandon. Maybe you should drop me off. I think I am better in our home.” I called him out while he was still driving towards our destination. “What? Why? You said..” “It was different back then. I didn’t think that all of you will come in a pair.” I didn’t let him finish before specking up. “Mel. I know what you are thinking. I promise that I didn’t invite all couples. Plans changed in a day. Those who were single refused to come, while the others chose to bring their partners along. Theses are all not the peoples I actually invited. But what can I do now? I can’t tell them to go back.” “I understand. But think how uncomfortable it will be for me. I don’t want to do this anymore. You can drop me right here and go on. We are not far yet. I will go back home by myself.” “No.. You are not going anywhere. I agreed to go to that forest only because of you. And there is no way I am ditching my bestie in the middle of the road. Eighter, you are coming with us or I am going back with you.” Gloria instantly jumped up and got ready to leave with me. “What is going on? Girls, I thought we had a deal. Please don’t ruing this now. I was so excited to do this with both of you. Please forgive me for this mistake and don’t go. I am giving you my words that I won’t let you feel alone at all, Mel. You are the reason we are here in the first place. I am taking responsibility that no one will make you feel alone.” I don’t know what else to say now. It’s true that Brandon made this plan only for me. He is really excited about going camping. If I don’t go, Gloria will absolutely refuse as well. And I don’t want both of them to miss this opportunity for me. Maybe I should do this sacrifice as they are the one who planned this for me. I can’t disappoint them when all they are trying to do is help me get well. “Okay. I will go. But I have a condition. You will do everything as I say. You won’t say no for anything I ask from you.” “Deal. It’s your time, baby. We will do our best to give you a good time.” Brandon and Gloria agreed to do as I say in return for my presence in their camping trip. I made them agree to this term because I know I will definitely need it when we will be in that forest.
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