Chapter : 6. I am a monster..

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Everything seems normal today. I haven’t gotten any kind of unexplainable sickness since last night. Maybe I am all right now. With this hope, I went to college. Gloria and Brandon are shy and silent, since I revealed that I know about their last night's adventure. I like this quiet time once in a while. But how could I know that this peace in not going to last long? Our journey was without any trouble. But just as we entered the university premises, everything seemed different. Actually, not everything but everyone. Once we came out of the car, we noticed that those people who always ignored our existence were also staring at us. Let go about those whom we know. But the question is why are they looking at us that way. All three of us were confused to find that they were staring at us but also gossiping among themselves about us, like we are not human but an alien. What is going on? As we kept entering the hallways, student numbers increased along with their chattering. And we can clearly understand that this is about us. But the question was solved when we find out the source of this gossip. Before we can reach our class, we found Hazen standing in the hallway with her left leg bandaged and her boyfriend giving her support to stand up. She is surrounded by at least a hundred students and she is telling everyone about what happend yesterday. Like a drama queen she is, we can’t expect all truth from her. She mixed up her own twist in it before feeding t to every one. Standing at the end of the crowd, I was listening to her lies. According to her, I was the one who attacked her when she went into the bathroom. I was so jealous of her beauty that I tried to do witchcraft on her and take her youth into myself. She tried to save herself by running away, but I used my unhuman strength and picked her up from the ground before throwing her into the wall on the other side of the bathroom. Thankfully, someone heard the noise and came to check, but before that I ran away from that place in time. What a crap story. Who would believe is such unrealistic story? But that was my thought. By the look of my surrounding, it looks like everyone is believing in her lies. They were cooperating with her and consoling her that everything will be fine, without noticing that I was standing on the back of the crowd. “That’s complete bullshit. Stop telling everyone the lie and face the truth. You know that Melania is innocent, and you are the one who attacked her. Stop pretending to be the victim.” Gloria couldn’t keep herself silent after hearing bad words about her best friend and stoop up against Hazel. But the sooner everyone noticed me behind them, they let out a gasp before quickly moving away from me. They were acting like they are scared of me. But why? It’s not like I am going to harm them or take their youth like Hazel was telling them. It pained me to see that people are believing lie over the fact that supernatural powers or witchcraft are not real. “What did you say? So, you are taking this monster’s side? Did she promise to give you some profit from this? Maybe a good look?” This time, it angered me. How dare is she to say that my best friend in not pretty. “Hazel. Stop this s**t before all of us get in trouble. Stop telling lies because everyone knows witches and witchcraft is not real. And you can’t make the situation look like I attacked you by telling them a fake story when you are the one who attacked me.” I warned her as I went to stand in front of her, so that she can realize that she can’t tame me. “Sorry to say this, but everyone knows who you are. You are a monster. You are not human. A human can never have so much power. And that voice. How did you make that? Admit the truth. Where did you come from? What is your intention for coming here?” She started pushing me again like yesterday. I hate it whenever she touches me. “Hey. How dare you to call her monster? She is not the monster. You are, you b***h. Stay away from her.” Gloria also came beside me to support. “Shut up wh*re. Shut your and your little cu*ts mouths before someone put their di* k in it.” This time I almost burst out in anger. She has no right to speak so dirty about another girl. Especially when she is only trying to stand for her innocent friend. I don’t know what got inside me that all of a sudden I lost my senses and again let out a growl like yesterday, making everyone shocked. “See.. I told you she is not a human. She is some kind of monster.” Just as Hazel screamed out it to inform everyone about the sound I just made, I realized what I did and I cover up my mouth with both hands, to stop myself from making another sound unknowingly. “Oh my god. She truly is a monster. I wonder what kind of creature she is? It sounded like a wild animal. We should do something about her. What if she harms another student like Hazel…” Whisper rise among everyone as they started looking at me in fear. I just proved myself a monster in front of the whole university. I turned around towards my friends for support, but saw fear in their eyes too. Does they think I am a monster too? What if I truly am? What if this news spreads among everyone? What if they make me an outcast? What if they come for me like they once did for my parents and kill like them? No.. I don’t want to die. I want to live and become someone. I want to do something with my life like my mom and dad always wished for me. But at this moment, I am too scared. Tears are flowing out of my eyes to see everyone’s scared expression. But the thing that hurts me the most is my friends confused face. I can’t see fear in their eyes too. I have to run away. I have to hide from the world until it ends. I have to hide until everyone forgets about this incident. With this thought, I ran out of that place to go back to the apartment. Maybe staying locked up in my room for few days can solve this problem. Maybe if I stay hidden for a week or two, everyone will forget about this day. I kept running without looking anywhere else. I have to reach home before something else happens to me in the mid-road. I can’t let anyone know that I am a freaking monster. As I was running towards home, I noticed that not only my senses, but my speed has also increased. I never ran so fast in my life. If it’s compared, I would say that I was running faster than any Olympic runner. I took me less than half an hour to reach to our apartment. I just beat forty-five minutes car ride by half an hour run and still not too tired. That’s physically impossible. It freaked me out more. How can I have so much power all of a sudden? It proves that I am a monster indeed. I quickly get inside my room and locked the door from inside. Now this is going to be the only place I will live in from now on to how long, I have no idea. I get on my bed and wrapped myself with the quilt to hide myself from the long. I don’t know how long I was sitting in my room when I heard Gloria call me from outside. “Melania? Are you there?” I didn’t give any reply in hope that she will go away. “Please answer me. Tell me if you are alright? I am worried about you. Please..” Hearing her desperation call, I finally gave her reply. “I am fine.” “Thank god you are okay. Can you please come out? We can talk this through.” “Go away. I don’t want to talk to anyone. I am a monster. Stay away from me.” “No, you are not a monster. There must be some mistake in between. Please come out and talk to me. We will face this together.” “No. I am not coming out. Go away and stay away from me.” I screamed out my final answer and get back into my own cocoon of comfort. “Okay. I am giving you one day. Get some rest. I will take care of everything for today. But I want you to come out tomorrow and discuss everything like a civilized person.” After saying that, she went on her own way. The rest of the day, I remained in that same position and didn’t come out at all. This would be the first time I am taking a day off from work since I got the job. But my life is a mess now. I don’t know what else I would do if I go out in public. Who knows if I won’t end up killing some one? Staying locked inside the room is the safest option for me now. The whole day passed by and I didn’t get out of the room for once. Not even for food or water. I am scared that if I go out of the room, I will find people waiting outside to kill me. It’s not like I am scared of death. I am scared of dying before getting success in life. The next day went the same. I stayed inside the entire day. Gloria and Brandon came to call me out so many times, but I was too scared to get out by thinking I might hurt them. They tried their best to take me out, but they failed each time. They offered me food, But I also denied it. But on the third day, I became so hungry and thirsty that I had to come out. At breakfast time, I came out of my room and found Brandon and Gloria sitting at the dining table eating their sandwiches. But both of their faces were dull and smiled seemed disappeared from their life. They both were looking horrible. “Why are you two looking like s**t?” Just as I said that, their expressions perked up, and they literally jumped out of their chairs to come to me. “Finally, you came out of that room. You have no idea how worried we were about you. You haven’t eaten anything for two days. I thought you were trying to kill yourself by starving. Never do that again. This is not the right way to solve a problem. Talk to us. We will try our best to solve it.” Gloria came to me and took me in a big hug. “She is right, Mel. You did a very bad thing to us. Gosting your friends is never okay. Let us help you. I know we can make everything better again.” Brandon also took both of us in a hug. “I am sorry, guys. I was too scared. I don’t know what has happend to me. Everything has changed. I am changed. Since my birthday, only bad things are happening to me. I think I am a monster.” I said as I felt tears pricking in my eyes again. “That is not true. We know our friend. Our baby can never be a monster.” Gloria said while caressing my cheek. “You don’t know what is happening to me. I have truly gained more power. I have started hearing more. I can smell better. Something happens to me and I lose my senses whenever I get too angry. Isn’t this weird?” “No, it’s not. Sometime our body works in a different way when we are in too much stress. Gloria told me that you are taking too much pressure on yourself for money. Maybe that is what triggered your senses and now it is getting out of your control. I know what is the right medicine for you. You have to get out of your daily life. You have to go out and take your mind off of everything for a while. And I know exactly how to do that.” “What do you mean?” “Wait for a little and you will understand yourself. Now I have to go. I have some things to arrange. See you soon.” With this last words, Brandon went away. I have no idea what he is taking about, but I am sure it’s something unusual. 
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