Chapter : 5. Our little party..

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Once we were done dressing up, we went to join our manager to start with our shift. Our manager Eddie is a very nice middle-aged guy. He is the one who gave us this job after hearing about our struggle, even after we were minors. He always helps us and tries to make our life easier. But when our fate has planned suffering for us, who can do anything to solve it. When we went to meet him at his desk, he was working with some papers. But we know that we are always welcome to him, so we didn’t hesitate to approve him at all. “Hey my little doves. What are you doing here? I thought you would be taking a day off today.” “Why would we do that when our one day salary is at stake?” I replied to him as we sat down in the chair in front of him. “I thought you would at least enjoy this on a special day of your life. You just turned into an adult. Well, at least now I don’t have to fear of getting caught in the case of child slavery.” We smiled to hear about his worries. “My birthday is not important as the money I will earn today. The salary gives me food and shelter, not birthdays.” “ There is noting left for me to say. You win. Anyway, Happy birthday sweety. I wish you a happy life in front.” He took me in a hug and I allowed him to with a smile on my face. “I’m sorry that I didn’t bring any gifts for you today. But you can take early leave today as one. I will take care of the rest.” Eddie gave me a gift I desperately needed. So, I became happy about it. “Really? Can I get early leave as well?” Gloria asked him excitedly. “Yes. You can take that too. I know she won’t go anywhere without you. So, both of you can enjoy for today. But you have to work hard from tomorrow, okay?” “Of course. Thank you Eddie..” Gloria just jumped on him and took him in a hug, which made me laugh out loud. She can get too much clingy when she is over excited. After we were done talking to Eddie, we began our work of setting the tables for our customers. I was decorating one of the tables on the front while Gloria was working somewhere else. But all of a sudden, out of nowhere, she came to me and started dragging me towards the break room. It’s the room where we change our clothes and take a little rest whenever we become too tired. “Gloria. What are you doing? Where are you taking me?” “There is something much more important than working. Now shut up and come with me.” I didn’t say anything to her and started following her where she is taking me. Once we reached break room, she made me sit in there and told me not to move while she again vanished somewhere. Few minutes later she came back with aplte of food and handed me it. “Here. Eat something first. I know you haven’t had anything since breakfast. Finish it up and come back to work quickly. I will handle your works till then. Hurry up..” Without waiting for my reply, she went back to work. I looked at my plate full of food and thanked the god for giving me such a friend in my life. Once I was done with my food, I went back to work. My mind is a lot calm and I am enjoying serving the customers today because we got nice batches today. Not like other days when rich and arrogant people come in here who think of us as insects. Everything was going perfectly until it happend again. I swear that this time I wasn’t thinking about those books or anything. But all of a sudden, the noise became louder as well as the scent of foods in this place. The loud noises of people chattering was making me deaf, and the mixed smell of different food with rich perfumes was making me sick. I felt like I was going to throw up at any moment. I don’t know what to do or how to save myself. I even do anything while I am serving my customers. I started getting anxious and freaking out to find no way out. I wish everything just stops for a minute. Just as I wished that in my heart, everything became quiet. More quiet than normal. My eyes were closed while I was making that wish. So, when I opened my eyes, I found everything perfectly still. It seemed like the time has stopped. No one was moving at all like they were frozen. I freaked out to see such a scenario. What is going on? What is happening around me? Am I getting crazy? Is this a dream? My breathing got heavy, as I couldn’t understand. I don’t know what to do to get my senses back. I didn’t have to do anything at all because exactly about a minute later, everything became normal again. People started eating their food and talking in their normal voices, which made me more scared. I got so scared that I ran inside the break room to avoid facing anyone. What is going on? Why is this happening to me? Am I truly getting crazy? “Melania. What happend to you? I saw you run here. Are you okay?” Gloria came rushing to me in worry. “No. I am not okay. I think I am getting crazy. You won’t believe what is happening to me even if I tell you.” I said to her as I felt tears pricking in my eyes. “Nothing happend to you. You are taking too much stress nowadays. I think it’s time for you take a rest for a little. I think this is enough for today. Wait for me here. I will take care of the tables we were watching and then I will inform Eddie that we are living for the day. Besides, it’s 10pm already.” I nod at her to agree. I also don’t think I can keep up with the work anymore. Sitting in the break room, I waited for Gloria to return. Once she came back with permission, both of us changed our dress and left the restaurant. We walked all the way back to our apartment and didn’t talk to each other in between that time. Maybe she also felt that I need some peace to gater my mind. Finally, after walking for fifteen minutes, we reached home. Now I can fall asleep and forget about this horrible day. With the intention of getting comfortable in bed, I quickly opened the door and get inside our apartment. But all of a sudden a loud noise made me jump up and bump with Gloria, who was standing right behind me. “Surprise. Happy birthday, Melania.” The dark room lit up and inside I saw Bandon standing with a few of our college friends. The entire living room was decorated with balloons and ribbons and there was a cake placed in the middel of the room. “What is going on in here?” I asked them dumbfoundedly.. “We planned to give you a surprise birthday party. It’s your 18th birthday party. How can we let this day go to waste? So we planned all of it only for you. I wish the happiest birthday to the best person in the whole wide world.” Gloria wished me and took me in a big hug. “Hey.. I am right here.” Brandon reminded her about his presence, as she was calling me the best person in her life. “Melania is the best one. So, get along with it.” Gloria puled her head out to warn Brandon and dug into the nip of my neck again. Soon one by one, they wished me on my birthday. After that we cut the cake and I wished my friends to become the happiest couple for the rest of their life as my birthday wish. They are the only ones have to say as my own. We enjoyed a lot in our little party. We played games, at pizza, had a balloon popping contest, etc.. It was almost 2am when we were done celebrating. Everyone went back to their homes at that hour. Only Brandon stayed behind to help with the cleaning. It took us another hour to clean the house up and finally went to bed at 3am. I don’t know how we are going to be able to get up for class tomorrow. Laying in my bed, I started thinking about everything that happend to me today. It’s a bit strange how those incident happend to me today. The sudden rais on my strength, my hearing ability and also my smelling senses. And on top of that, if I think it clearly, every wish that I made today became true. Is this some kind of blessing or is it a curse? Did that happend only for my birthday or is it going to happen daily? I hope it was just a one day thing, and it’s over now that my birthday ended. With this hope, I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep when another noise came into my ears. It’s none other than the sound of Gloria’s moaning and Brandon’s grunting. Are they having s*x at this hour? But the most shocking thing is, our rooms are on completely different sides of this apartment. There is no way I can hear any sound from all the way there. At least I haven’t heard anything before. But why am I hearing this now? It’s so uncomfortable.. I tried to avoid the noise by putting a pillow on my head. But no matter what I do, I can’t seem to turn it off. At one time, I almost got ready to go there and tell them to stop. But then I stopped myself because it’s really inappropriate to disturb someone when they are having s*x. So, having no other choice, I had to cover my ears to not hear them for almost an hour. Once everything became silent, I was so tired that I felt like fainting any moment. At least now I can have some sleep. It’s not more than three hours before the alarm rang up, informing that I have to get up now. But my body did not agree with my mind and wanted to snuggle into the covers more. After a while, I had to get up from bed to avoid the irritating sound of the alarm that was left ringing on the table. Sleep is still hanging from my eyelashes, making me unable to open them. So with that same closed eyes, I had to walk to the bathroom and took a cold shower to make myself fresh. “Hi, Mel.. Good morning.” Brandon is the one who woke up first and came to the kitchen for a nice hot cup of coffee when I was preparing breakfast for all three of us. “There is nothing good about this morning. I am tired and want to sleep more.” I replied to him in a grumpy tone. It’s half of his fault that I am in this condition. “Why? Didn’t you have a nice sleep at night?” I looked back at him with accusing eyes. How dare he is to ask that. “Did you had nice sleep last night?” I asked him teasingly. “Yeah. The best one in a while.” I noticed his blushing face while he said that. “Huh..I wonder why..?” I teased him more and turned back to do what I was doing before. ”Hey. What are you two talking about?” Right in time Gloria also came in. “The things you did last night.” I told her straight forwardly. “Wha.. What do you mean?” She pretended ike she dosen’t know anything at all. “I heard everything you did after the party. Loud and clear.” That made Gloria shut up and Brandon spit out the first sip he took from his coffee. “How..?” “That doesn’t matter. Go freshen up. Breakfast is ready. We have to leave for class.” I simply said to them and walked out of the kitchen. Leaving both of them shocked in there.
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