Chapter : 4. Principal's punishment..

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After I was expelled from the class, I went to sit outside the principal’s office according to our Professor Miller’s order. I don’t know what other unfortunate events are written in my fate today? “Yes. Okay. What did she say her name was again? Melania Varlett. Okay. I will see what I can do.” All of a sudden, I heard our principal’s voice and looked around to find him sitting inside his office, talking in the phone. This office is made completely soundproof so that no outsider can’t hear what the principal discuss in his office. But how am I hearing him then? I checked once more to see his door still closed. So there is no way I can hear him from all the way through that soundproof glass wall. I became more scared to realize that I might be going crazy because everything that is happening around me is absolutely impossible. “Miss Varlett. Follow me.” While I was worrying on my own, Professor Millar called me to follow him into the principal’s office. I slowly got up and went with him as he took the permission to go inside. “Yes. How can I help you?” Principal Murphy asked us both after he offered us a seat. “Sir. This girl was disturbing me during my lecture. She screamed out at me and told me to shut up in front of the entire class. I request to you to do something about it, so that no other student can dare to do such things to their teachers.” I became shocked to hear him. That is a completely false blaming. I didn’t scream out at him in the first place. “Sir. It;’s not true. I was..” I tried to defend myself but got stopped by the principal. “Did anyone ask you to speak up? Have you lost you basic etiquette? Never speak up when seniors are talking. What is your name?” I had to become quiet because there is no point in fighting with them. It will only make my collage life worse. “It’s Melania Varlett.” I answered calmly. “Melania Varlett? So, you are the one who broke an innocent girl’s leg?” I became way beyond shocked to hear him. “Wah.. What do you mean? I didn’t do anything to anyone.” “Do you know Miss Hazel Bennett?” “Yes.” “Is it true that you both had a fight in the girls bathroom?” I got scared to think that is Hazel the one they are talking about? Did I truly broke her leg? “Yes. But she started it first.” “That’s not important. She said that you hit her and pushed her hard. And in between that, her ankle got twisted and now she has a cracked bone.” My jaw was dropped to hear that. So it is my fault that she broke her leg. But I didn’t push her that hard. How can this happen? “I’m sorry. I didn’t know she would get hurt. She was about to slap me and I just tried to save myself. I didn’t even push her that hard. I don’t know how that happend. I’m really sorry.” Few drops of tear came out of my eyes to think that I hurt someone. No matter who it is or what situation we are in, I never take the path of violence. But don’t know how today I hurt a girl unintentionally. I feel so disappointed. “Saying sorry to us won’t work. We have to call your parents to solve this matter. She can take legal action against you if she wants. So, before that happens, we need to talk to your guardians. Give me their number.” My head came down and my eyes settled on my lap to hear that. How am I going to give them my parents’ number when they don’t even exist? “I can’t.” “Look young lady. Stop playing with us. You have done a huge mistake and you have to get punishment for it. There is no way out of this. Now, give me their number or I will suspend you from collage.” “My parents are dead. I am an orphan.” “What?” Just as they hear that, principal Millar started searching for my admission papers. After checking on them and making sure that I am telling the truth, he came back to his seat again. “Okay. So, I don’t know what to do now? Umm.. I will see what I can do. But you have to give me a written notice that this incident won’t happen again and you won’t cause any trouble for anyone while you are studying at this university. Will you do that?” I nod my head to agree. I am guilty of what I did. And I am ready to do anything that can tell them how sorry I am for that mistake. After a handwritten letter and one last warning, they finally let me go. I became so tired, not only physically but mentally, that I lost the will to join my last class. I think it’s better if I stay out of crowed for today. So, instead of going to my last class, I went to the library to have some quiet and alone time. As I was searching for a good book to read, a book came into my eyes with the title of Supernatural beings. Instantly, it reminded me of the book my parents gave me. Wasn’t it about supernaturals also? Out of curiosity, I pulled it out and went to sit on an empty table. Turning through the pages, I found out that it’s about the powers of supernaturals. According to it - Witches were perceived as evil beings by early Christians in Europe, inspiring the iconic Halloween figure. Images of witches have appeared in various forms throughout history—from evil, wart-nosed women huddling over a cauldron of boiling liquid to hag-faced, cackling beings riding through the sky on brooms wearing pointy hats. In pop culture, the witch has been portrayed as a benevolent, nose-twitching suburban housewife; an awkward teenager learning to control her powers and a trio of charmed sisters battling the forces of evil. The real history of witches, however, is dark and, often for the witches, deadly. Early witches were people who practiced witchcraft, using magic spells and calling upon spirits for help or to bring about change. Most witches were thought to be pagans doing the Devil’s work. Many, however, were simply natural healers or so-called “wise women” whose choice of profession was misunderstood. The werewolf is a European folkloric figure which literally means “man-wolf.” Lycanthrope is a human capable of transforming into a wolf through a curse or affliction. Through time, the werewolf is depicted as a man who transforms into a wolf and vice versa in a given period of time. A man may undergo the process of lycanthropy if he is under a curse or is bitten by another werewolf.Most werewolves transform during the full moon. Moreover, a genetic werewolf can easily transform compared to a bitten werewolf. During transformation, the human grows sharp teeth, more hair covers the body, nails become like claws, and facial features, including the nose, eyes, and mouth, become larger. Like other supernatural creatures, a werewolf is known for having extraordinary abilities. They have super senses of sight, smell, and hearing. Furthermore, werewolves are very fast and have speedy healing abilities. A werewolf can share its thoughts with other werewolves. Okay. Now I am more scared. According to this book, I am getting all these weird abilities. Am I turning into one of those monsters? What the hell is going on? Ugh.. This is all this stupid book’s fault. Why am I even reading this? This is complete bullshit. I closed the book with a loud bang and put my head down on the table. This is all happening because I read that book all those stupid informations were planted on my head. I shouldn’t have read this kind of books in the first place. I need to calm myself down and think only about peace. I am not a violent kind of girl. Once I seceded to forget every wrong and calmed myself, I came out of the library. If I don’t think about those things, it won’t happen to me at all. With this thought and a smiling face, I met my friends after their classes were also over. But when I was approaching them, I found both of them looking at me with concerned eyes. What happend to them now? “Are you guys okay? Why is your face looking scared?” I asked them once I reached them. “We should be the one to ask you that question. Are you okay?” Gloria took my hand in hers and asked me. “Yeah. I am fine. Why?” “We heard that you had a fight with Hazel and you beat her up. You didn’t even attend other classes. You didn’t even come to have lunch. We were worried about you.” “Oh! That. Yeah. I encountered her before second class. It is a very long story and I don’t want to talk about it now. But I am completely fine and everything is fine.” “No, babe. It’s not fine. Tell me what happend or I will rip that b***h’s extended hairs apart for giving my bestie trouble.” I don’t know whether to laugh or be worried about Hazel after hearing my best friend’s threat. But it definitely lightened up my mood. “Okay. So, after we parted, I was going to my class when she and her boyfriend made me trip and dropped a full cup of orang juice on me. To save my dress, I went to the bathroom, but she followed me there as well. She wanted me to bunk classes so that I could stay away from her boyfriend. One thing led to another and she started pushing me. I was getting really angry. That’s why when she was about to slap me, I pushed her. I have no idea how, but she fell on the ground and broke her leg. So, the principal took my class and gave me one last warning. One last mistake and I am out of the university. “That b***h!” “Yeah. That is what I called her too.” “Wait. You called her a b***h?” Brandon got shocked o hear that. “Yeah. What else should I do? She was blaming me for taking his boyfriends.” “Oh honey. Our baby is growing up.” I don’t know why both of them started acting up and hugged each other in joy. “What you did was absolutely acceptable. You did good. We are proud of you.” Gloria said, and they both pulled me in that hug as well. “Stop this stupid acting. This is getting awkward. What will people say?” “Who cares about peoples? But for now, let’s keep it on hold and go to work. Our shift is about to start.” She just reminded me that it’s already 4 and our shift will start in an hour. I haven’t even ate anything yet. “Oh s**t. We are going to be late. Brandon.. Please..” “Yeah, yeah. I know. It’s getting another of my duty now. Let’s get in the car before I get late for my own practice.” “Thank you, babe.” Gloria kissed him and we both get into his car in less than a minute. The five-star restaurant we work in is closer to our apartment, but far from the university. Walking to there in time is impossible and there is no guarantee on the bus. So most of the days, Brandon drops us to there before going for his own soccer practice. Sometimes it makes him late, but he understands our trouble. Today is also one of those days, and Brandon stepped forward to help. After a half an hour’s drive, we finally reached to the restaurant in time. Saying good buy to him, Gloria and I entered our work place. Now our work is to get changed into the waitress costume, set all the tables beroe the customers arrive and wait for our turn to serve a table. We went in and changed our dress first. The dress code of this restaurant is black and white striped shirt with black short skirt (black trousers for boys), and black apron. Sometimes I feel like I am back in my school life in such a costume..
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