Tears In Heaven ( Eric Clapton )

1196 Words
Kaylie POV Rose bursts into my room, wearing all-black attire with a stylish mesh veil covering part of her face. "Kaylie, hurry up! We need to get ready. Luna Leah's funeral is about to start in the main hall of our place," Rose says, gently pulling the blanket off Leah, who is fast asleep while holding Adam. Still half-asleep, I ask, "Where are we going so early? Are you taking me out for a walk?" "No, we have to go downstairs for Luna Leah's burial ceremony. Lucas suddenly announces that it will be held today," Rose explains, sounding urgent. I look at Rose's fancy outfit and say, "Do I have to go? I don't like funerals, and I don't have anything as nice as what you're wearing." "Don't worry, I have an outfit for you. You have to come, and someone needs to carry Adam. He only wants you to hold him," Rose reassures, determined. Reluctantly, I sigh and agree, "Okay, I'll come. But it's for Adam's sake and to pay my respects to Luna Leah." I hurry to the bathroom, saying, "Let me get ready. While Adam is still asleep, we'll prepare everything. Then I'll take care of Adam. He should be there to say goodbye to his mom." Rose nods, understanding the importance of Adam's presence. "Absolutely, Adam should have the chance to say goodbye properly. Let's make sure he can bid his mom a proper farewell," she says empathetically. With determination, I rush to the bathroom, ready to prepare myself for the emotionally-charged event and the grandeur that awaits us at the Blue Sapphire Pack's farewell ceremony. Adam cradled in my arm, with Rose by my side, we slowly walk down the spiral staircase, making our way to the magnificent hall where Luna Leah's funeral ceremony will take place. In the center of the hall, a white coffin is covered with lilies, a symbol of grace and beauty. Alpha Lucas sits in front of the casket, his face buried in his hands, tears streaming down his cheeks. He is still overwhelmed by the loss of his beloved wife. I gaze at Lucas, my heart heavy with understanding. I take a deep breath and speak in my mind, "I understand that you're grieving the loss of your wife, but have you ever thought about your child? Your child who now only wants to be held by me, a human, someone different from all of you." Rose glances at me and gently pats my shoulder, offering a comforting gesture amidst the turmoil. She knows and understands the inner turmoil that I feel. The hall is filled with mourners, pack members from the Blue Sapphire Pack, and even guests from other packs who have come to pay their respects to Luna Leah. The somber atmosphere is palpable, as sorrow hangs in the air. Despite the luxury and grandeur surrounding us, the profound loss felt by everyone present is undeniable. Rose motions for me to take a seat beside Lucas, who is seated in the center of the grand hall. Adam nestled in my arms, we descend the spiral staircase, making our way towards the somber ceremony of Luna Leah's funeral. The hall is adorned with opulence, and a beautiful white coffin adorned with lily flowers stands at the center. Lucas sits there, his gaze fixed on the casket, his tears flowing uncontrollably. I couldn't care less about Lucas and his melancholy. Let him mourn as long as he wishes. My focus is only on Adam. I approach the casket, holding Adam tightly, and gaze at the serene figure of Luna Leah, now transformed into a peaceful white wolf, resting peacefully in the beautiful coffin. In a gentle voice, I speak to Adam, "My dear Adam, we are here to accompany your mother on her final journey. This will be your last chance to be close to her. After this, you will carry her memory in your heart. Trust me, Adam, your mother loves you dearly. She gave her life to bring you into this world. Grow up to be a strong and healthy child. Make your mother proud, and let her sacrifice in bringing you into this world be meaningful." Adam seems to understand my words, his little eyes opening and his gaze shifting towards the resting place of Luna Leah. He cries, his tiny sobs resonating in the hall, touching the hearts of everyone present, including myself. I can't help but weep alongside him, feeling the weight of the moment. And there, amidst the tears and grief, I can't understand how Lucas can remain silent, unwilling to acknowledge his own son. "What's wrong with you, man?" I look at him with my eyes full of fire. The funeral ceremony unfolds with an air of profound beauty. The hall is adorned with elegant floral arrangements, their sweet fragrance filling the air. Soft, somber music plays, "Tears in Heaven," a beautiful melody sung by Eric Clapton, creating a melancholic atmosphere. The guests, dressed in their finest attire, pay their respects to Luna Leah, their hushed whispers mingling with the gentle sobbing. As the ceremony progresses, an aura of reverence envelops the room. Lucas, still immersed in his grief, sits with a heavy heart, his tears an unending stream. The flickering candlelights cast a solemn glow upon his face, highlighting the depth of his sorrow. In the midst of it all, I hold Adam closely, allowing him to witness the beauty and solemnity of the occasion. His innocent eyes scan the room, taking in the sea of mourners, the floral arrangements, and the serene presence of Luna Leah in her final resting place. The eulogies spoken for Luna Leah are filled with heartfelt sentiments, recounting her kindness, strength, and unwavering devotion to the pack. Tears flow freely from the guests' eyes, their sorrow echoing through the hall. With each passing moment, the weight of the loss becomes palpable, but there is also a sense of unity and shared grief. Strangers reach out to comfort one another, offering solace and support in this time of mourning. Amidst the sorrow, a glimmer of hope emerges. The unconditional love and care I shower upon Adam draw the attention of some guests. They recognize the bond between a grieving father and his son, even if Lucas himself remains distant. As the ceremony draws to a close, the final farewell is given, and Luna Leah's coffin is gently lowered into the ground. The guests bow their heads in a collective moment of silence, paying their last respects to a cherished member of the pack. Although grief lingers in the air, there is also a shared determination to honor Luna Leah's memory by supporting one another and embracing the healing power of unity. The beautiful farewell has touched the hearts of those present, serving as a reminder of the fragile nature of life and the importance of cherishing loved ones while they are still with us. Would you know my name? IfS I saw you in heaven Would you be the same? If I saw you in heaven I must be strong And Carry on Cause I know I don’t belong Here in heaven
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