Second Chance

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We both sat down to eat all the while I kept thinking about the next step in this whole situation. We just admitted to each other that we had feelings for one another, but how deep was this going, or should I really be thinking about going back? "You're quiet." I looked at him, my eyebrows arching at him. I put my plate down and got comfortable. "Just thinking, from the little I've read and have heard, you beings are pretty greedy, dangerous, and clearly deceiving." He sat back not offended in the slights, just listening to my concerns. "I've never heard of a shapeshifter involving feelings or an actual connection with someone. Do you mean what you said earlier?" He got a little closer and took my hand and put it on his chest. I could feel his chest "Feel that beating, that's the difference between me and them. I have felt safer with you than I have ever felt with any other person in the world. I am greedy because what is mine stays mine, it will be dangerous being with me, but deceiving.. not anymore than someone who wants to protect the one they care for." "And how often does that happen?" "Never with a connection like this, and I've felt connected to you from the moment I saw you." " Since the first moment, Nick..we've only known each other for a month..." He suddenly grinned and looked away, then something hit clear as day. "You don't phase into just one creature, that part of the story is true for both sides, you're the freakin' black cat that's been staying with me." "I told you, I'd be around,and it's a good thing, I smelled my brother here a while back. I didn't want to scare you." Then I remembered the guy from a few weeks ago. "When you say brother you mean..." "From the same parents, not just in what we change into." "He came asking for you. I think he caught my lie because he sat in the doorway for a while, he might've smelled you in here." He went still. "I can't leave you alone, not for right now, but part of me wants to leave and hope he follows." "You mean the caring side of you, Nick, you know running won't always work. If you were sure about it, you would've done it long before now." He sat there looking tired, but not from work, but just with everything. "How long have you been running from them?" " My whole life, my brother killed my godfather, his people kicked us out, as punishment for bringing that beast to the res, and I've been living here for four years in peace. The pioneers had the right idea, but it's only hard to find where exactly." "You mean the Mormons. What do you mean?" "A lot of these lands are blessed, so in some ways it's considered consecrated ground. I can walk on it with no problem, but my brother really has to watch his step." "We should hide out in a church." "I don't think the bishop would appreciate that." I grinned true, but then it meant he would have to stay close to me. "So then what do you suggest?" "What do you have left here?" "Nothing, I finished everything." "Nice, patchy but nice." "Hey!" I pushed him, playfully. He smiled,but then went serious again. "Come stay with me, at my house. We could be a little more comfortable there, here Veals or any other neighbor is going to get nosy." " I don't know that in itself can be ..." "Dangerous?" He asked when I looked up at him. His eyes blazed with desire, us alone could lead to too many things. "Yeah, a little dangerous." We were sitting shoulder to shoulder, when he turned just a little and started kissing my shoulder into my neck. "I know how to behave, but if you want us to misbehave, we can do that too." The idea was definitely tempting, and if I wasn't careful it could happen, here or there. "Do you have a guest room?" He looked at me with very dreamy eyes, kissed my lips once, then pulled away. "You'll be staying in my room, and I'll behave, unless you say otherwise." He had an evil glint in his eye, and it sent a delicious shiver down my back. "Fine, but when you go to work what do you suggest?" "Like I said, there are places he can't walk into, so you'll be safe at MY house." "Fine, I'll go get ready." I could feel his eyes run up and down my back, but I kept walking as I was about to close the door. I took my top off, giving him only to view my back, and his eyes got so big and roaring with fire. Before he could reach me, however, I closed and locked the door. "You little tease." I heard him mumble at the door. I laughed and got ready and took the only bag I had brought with me. "Andy?!" I turned and saw Jesse coming toward me, "where are you going with this guy?" "That is none of your business, Jesse, now leave me alone." I said firmly, and we got in my truck. Nick didn't come in a car. We pulled out and headed to Nick's house.He looked a little smug, but didn't say anything. "What?" "He's desperate, I got to give it to him. He doesn't like to give up so easily." "He's getting married. If he really liked me he would've come looking long before now." "You were married then." "Before that too, but now that I've changed and have become a different person, now I'm interesting." "You snooze, you lose, in my opinion." I looked at him, and he laughed. "All I'm saying is that he didn't give you the chance then, and now when there's a chance he could lose you again, he's still taking his time, if he were really interested he would've jumped in that moment." "Exactly." "You sound disappointed." "I guess part of me is, I've cared about him more then a friend should, yet he plays with the idea, like it's a sick game." The air in the truck got cold, Nick just dropped all joking and was speaking from the soul. "I don't think you're a game, and part of me knew if I took the first step to you, you'd be the real thing for me, but I want you to be sure that's what YOU want." I looked at him, then back at the road, and nodded, grateful he was letting me process and choose. Once we got to his house, I parked the truck. Nick grabbed my bag for me and I sat there for a second. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" "I'm pretty sure, or is something else on your mind?" There was the fact of staying with him. I had never had any other boyfriend or was not sure what to expect from another man. Of course, that bridge was crossed with him being a shapeshifter, but I didn't want to move too fast or too slow or even do something I could later regret. I guess he picked up on my thoughts because he took my hand gently in his. "Look, all jokes aside, I would never hurt you or force you into anything, I really do just want to keep you safe." All I could do was nod and follow him out of the truck and inside the house, and true to his word, he took me back to his room, and let me get settled. He was in the kitchen when I next saw him and had made dinner. "Come in and sit." I did and it wasn't awkward, it was like we had been doing this our whole lives. I was comfortable with Nick, even when I knew what he was, I just couldn't let go of what was normal, to be here in the now. Maybe there was something in how fast it all happened with Mitch. Yeah, he helped me grow, but he also crippled me.Now that he was gone, I didn't know how to act with other men. Romantically at least, but I guess it was time to get right on that old bike again and see if I could still ride without the need for training wheels. "What's on your mind?" "Huh?" "Yeah, you look deep in thought." I huffed a little laugh, and just shrugged, then finished eating. After washing dishes, we moved to the couch. "Did you have any other questions?" "Does it hurt when you phase, I mean?" "No, not really, it's like a shot. You feel the poke, then it's done, then you're sore after or hungry in my case." "If you could, would you walk around naked?" "Yes, and no, I'm not afraid of my body haven't been for a while, but It's already a shock for people that you're so different, why paint a bigger target on yourself." "I saw you have been looking into things about the others. Are you also looking for yourself too?" "I have been, there aren't many like me. The last one I met like me was in her sixties and I was only thirteen at the time, and she could only turn into one thing, not multiple things like me." "And you can't pass it by like through a bite or seliva or by genes?" "I've bitten a few people and not once have I seen them phase after, and I have no idea if it could affect my children. I was the only one in my family born like this." "So you're not immortal, you can die as easily as any human, and are animals the only thing you can change into." "Right, to all of those." "How can the others turn into humans too?" "My godfather's theory was that my gift was given from The Great Spirit, your God, and it was to be a part of what life is, but others have to do horrible things to obtain the power, and they want to deceive others, to kill and hurt, but I just want to live in peace." It was so weird that his answers actually calmed me so much. There were no evil intentions in him, or not for human kind anyway. "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but why aren't you married or have a girlfriend or just someone to share this with?" He really seemed to think hard about this question,but then the only thing he did was shrug. "I guess I just haven't found the right one." "But you have had...." This made the biggest grin cross his face. "Yes,Andrea, I've had my flings and stuff, but that's all it was a fling. I can usually read people well, and more about how they feel and it was all in the moment." "So what makes me so different?" "Hmm, I'm not sure, but there is something definitely different and I want to find out what." I finally sat back and relaxed. I hadn't realized how tense I was until now. "Can I ask you something?" he said to me after a moment. "Sure." "What were you looking for when you came here, or what was the plan?" "I just needed to get away from the rich bachelors of the state. My mom has been playing cupid since Mitch passed away, which was only a month after his death, and I got sick of it. They want me back in the fold, but I don't want money just handed to me. I want to work for it, and they don't understand that.I worked with my dad for this whole year, that's what I'm using to fix the house, but I wouldn't doubt Dad dropping a few more dollars in there to "tempt" me back home, but it just reminds me that not everything can be bought, so I came out here to see if I come back, what would keep me here and give me hope to start over, if I found the reason I was going to buy the house from my parents, I have the money to do it, and if not go back and drown in money, misery, and loneliness." "Don't rich people have side flings?" "That's the thing, though I was to be a trophy wife, but if I was ever caught cheating, my parents disown me and he doesn't give me a cent, so what's the point in having all the money in the universe when you're lonely and miserable!" "So you would rather be poor and happy?" "More or less, if I have to work for my money, sure, at least I have a freakin' purpose to my life." "And have you found a reason to stay?" I looked at him, he was hopeful for me to say yes, but after the beating from Yuliana, and Jesse not getting the hint, and now some crazy thing is after me, it seemed good reasons to leave. "I'm not sure yet." That seemed to dampen the light in his eyes. Did he really care about me that much,and if so, why couldn't I just accept it? For sure, I liked him and what was stopping me now? He came closer, it just seemed we couldn't keep our hands off each other, there was something very, very strong between us, but neither of us knew what it was. Lust, desire, or was it just the heat of the moment? His thumb caressed my bottom lip, as his eyes burned into mine. I could see the confusion in them as it was in mine. We barely knew each other and yet, it felt so safe and comfortable being with each other. I could feel a soft tug toward him, as he did say he wouldn't force me into anything, but like him, I couldn't get enough of his lips, touch, or anything he gave me. Our lips met softly, the kiss was so sensual, it got me thinking and imagining things, but we controlled ourselves, even when the kiss got deeper and more hungry, we still had all our clothes on, but only barely. He was on top of me, running his hand along my waist when he stopped, and groaned suddenly. "What?" "My godmother is here." He got off me and went to the door to open it and I fixed myself, so by the time they both came back, I looked a little more normal, they were speaking a different language, and from the sounds of it she was mad. She snapped at him and he grunted in frustration, then didn't say anything. She slowly turned and walked toward me. "I understand my Godson has told you about what has been going on?" "Yes, he has." "We are in danger and I need your word that you will keep my son safe from outsiders." Nick started to protest, but a wave of her hand and he was silent again. I was a little nervous about what she might want me to do, but I nodded and waited. She pulled out two flasks and held them out to me. "There are two poisons, one in each of these, one will kill you slowly and painfully, the other only takes seconds to make you drop dead. Which would you choose?" I looked at Nick, he didn't say or do anything, just watched. "The one that kills slowly." "Why?" "Because, just as I have faith, you'll make it on time to save me. It is the same faith you have in me not giving you up to the enemy. It could hurt and all, but I would die before I told them anything." "Then here, drink it." Nick tried to protest again. "No, prove your faith, girl."I took it and again looked at Nick, then back at the Godmother. "Salud," I said and downed it all. I put the flask on the table and looked at her and waited for something to happen. "She told the truth." "I don't know why you still do that, you almost killed the last person you did that to." "This potion has always been my ally, but for once there is an honest person among us." "What just happened?" "It's a potion she gives anyone coming into the family. The last person she did that on was my mother when she married Dad..." "It spoke the truth, didn't it? Your mother knows no bounds to her greed!" "What does it do?" "It causes the drinker to start coughing up blood. If they lie, I have no idea how it works but it does." "So we are trusting you, and poor you if you betray us." "I'll keep that in mind," I said as she turned and left. Nick walked her out and they argued a little more outside. I went to the bathroom and rinsed out my mouth. That stuff had an awful aftertaste. I looked up and found Nick leaning on the wall next to me. "So did I really pass or is there some other right of passage things I need to do?" "No, she does that just to prove she can still work her magic." I laughed and walked toward him, leaning on the wall opposite him. "You're safe with me." I said, looking him in the face. He looked comforted by my words, he took my hand and kissed the back of it. "I've never doubted that." For the rest of the afternoon, we went to check some what he called boarder lines and found he was keeping an eye on how close his brother was coming, but either he found a way to hide or he'd never been anywhere close to the house. We got back and I got to shower to relax my leg muscles when I realized my only pair of pajamas had blood on them. I looked around and found one of Nicks oversized shirts and pulled it on. When I walked out, he looked up at me suddenly. "Sorry, my nightwear still has blood on them, so I borrowed your shirt." "No, that's fine, it's just ...I like that look on you." I felt my face heat up as I threw my clothes back in my bag. I got under the covers and was just going to lay down, when Nick ran up in cat form. . "The cat again really." He just cuddled up to me and I turned so I could hug him. It was easy to fall asleep when I felt so safe here with him.
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