Chapter 16 - Sabrina

2217 Words

Chapter 16 - SabrinaThe sky turned an ominous bronze-y-orange as the sun melded into a cloud bank the color of a dark-blue bruise. Since it was November, the sun went down on a southwestern horizon. I always wondered what the sunset would look like this time of year in this part of the country. It wasn't the sunset that seemed different, but the horizon itself. Flat with less trees, and less houses and towns. The trees grew mostly near waterways, otherwise, it was all fields, and where it wasn't farmed for crops, cattle grazed. We didn't graze cattle in Illinois. I sipped on the chilled bottled water I'd purchased earlier today, and gazed out the windshield, pretending those dark, bumpy clouds were mountains. I knew they were not, since we were nowhere near Colorado yet. But for some reas

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