Chapter 15 - The Other Man

2582 Words

Chapter 15 - The Other ManVasyl unfurled himself from the blankets that covered him like a cocoon. He pulled in a breath and let it out, then scrubbed his face with his hands. His knuckles bumped into the wall when he stretched. He drew his hands back and blinked open his eyes. Memory returned quickly. He was in Sabrina's house—in her vampire guest room. He drew himself out of the comfortable bed. If he were home, he would seek out one of the mares upon which to feed. Gerta, the gray, was his favorite. But he wasn't home. Sacrebleu. I will have to do something about the lack of food here. Panic put him into motion. Bare feet took him to the door. He undid the locks and strode down the hall, floorboards creaking slightly, but he didn't need to be quiet. He continued down the stairs into

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