Rescue Me

885 Words
Louis' pov       "Phoebe, please get me a cup of coffee"my secretary nodded and walked away.        Phoebe has been my secretary since I started working here. She's more like my younger sister than a secretary.        She has always been loyal and sweet to me. She's married to a man even sweeter than she is! They are the cutest couple I've ever seen. They're both peacemakers and I've never seen them fight before.        I took a deep breath and laid on the back of the seat. I just want one sign. One sign for me to know if you're still alive or not. One sign.        I smiled as I looked at the picture frame on my desk of her and I. We took it before minutes everything happened.        It was a selfie of us on the bridge while we were hugging each other.        I grabbed it and hugged it close to my chest. You'll always live in my heart, my firecracker. I let some tears escape my eyes freely.        I need to tell you a secret. From that day, I've been seeing her. I know I'm going crazy but I actually see her one time every week.      I searched on the internet for people who have experienced the same thing as me. And surprisingly, I found a lot of people like me. Most of them were parents. They see their dead loved ones. They got help from therapists. But do I want help? No, I don't. Because I want to keep seeing her, I don't want her picture to leave my imagination.        It's the first time I felt that being crazy is a good feeling. It makes me happy. At least, I didn't completely lose her.        ”Sir, here's your coffee”I got out of my trace and immediately wiped my tears away. I placed the frame back on the desk and smiled at Phoebe who had a sympathetic look on her face.        ”Thank you Phoebe. It's late now, you can go home”she nodded and walked outside.        As I rested my head I the desk, I felt someone rub my shoulder. I relaxed, sat back straight and smiled.        ”You’re here”I gave her a toothy smile.        ”I am”she giggled.        Denies always come up as a pretty 18 year old girl, wearing bright colors. Not black like she used to. She looked like an angel.        ”How have you been?”I asked as she sat on my lap and laid her head on my chest, listening to my heartbeats.        ”Not really good”I sighed at the answer I’m used to hear. She has never told me why she wasn’t good and I thought it’s because she's missing me a lot.        ”You always answer like that.”       ”Because I’m not okay, you have to help me. Please”she pleaded.        ”Why?”I pulled her up and stared in her eyes.        ”I can't answer. But always know that I love you more than anything in this world, sweet cheeks. Rescue me”she hugged me before standing up and going away.        ”Wait! No, stay here please”I tried to follow her but she was long gone. ”Denies”I muttered as I leant on the wall and slid down on the floor.       I let out a sob and stayed in the same state for some time. ”You can't leave me every time like that. With the same answer and a pleading look in your eyes. It's torture.” **** After 1 hour       I got out of the building and found Tyler there waiting for me. I nodded at him and sat inside.        While he was driving, he glanced at me from the mirror and said”You miss her a lot, don't you?”I ignored him and kept looking outside the window ”I can see it in your eyes.”       ”See what?”I asked frustratingly, nearly shouting. I wasn't in the mood to talk.        ”The pain, heartbreak and sadness. I can see it all. You look like a devastated person living for no reason”he turned his eyes back to the road.        ”Because it's the truth”I murmured.        ”It’s not, trust me. Even if she's not here, she’ll always be in our hearts. Although people celebrate that day but we're going to stop them and if they will do it again then we have to be the same as what Denies was like. If you want to die then who will avenge her? Huh? You think Xander will? He's like a baby. Frank needs our help in doing so and Ace is stuck in the hospital!”      His voice was loud and he seemed so frustrated, so sad and angry, all together.        Was there really a reason for my life? There was and little did I know what it was. I have to avenge her, even if it meant risking my own life. She's all what I had and they took her away from me. I'm going to find the rest of them and finish them all. One by one. Just like how my parents died. 
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