A Visitor

631 Words
Ace's pov        Inside down, I still have a feeling in my heart for Denies. But I can't lie to Xander, I love him a lot. Though, I can't stop my feelings from taking over me.        She was my best friend, my partner in crime in everything and mostly, the person who knew everything about me.        No one can know me more than how she did. Even Xander. I sighed and continued eating.        After a year of staying in this madhouse, I finally got used and started making friends. And after two years, I made some close buddies. I realized that crazy people are the best.        Louis and I are doing okay. We are great friends and he comes to visit me every weekend. It's our bonding time. I really regret being mean to him before, he turned out to be a good guy.        Frank comes with him too. We try to find so many plans on how to get rid of Oliver, but there's a problem. We're sure that somebody helped him and when I remember that call Denies received, I get scared.        Someone close is roaming around us. Thinking of ways to finish us all without us even knowing who it is. I'm more scared about Xander than I am about myself. He's living there now, what if something happened to him. I wouldn't be able to take it.        Anyways, Elizabeth has been taking good care of Noel since Denies can't do it anymore. She says that there's no progress, just the same as it has been all these years.        I've lost my two best friends. The twins I loved the most. They were everything to me beside my family but now I can't see any of them all.        I haven't told Elizabeth to inform my family about me being here. The positive thing is that they don't watch TV, it's better like that. But I'm thinking of informing them, they have the right to know.        I stood up from my chair, took my tray with me and sat beside John, the best guy in this place. He smiled at me nudged my shoulder"You're being so quite today."        I shrugged my shoulders and ignored his question. To be honest, after meeting Xander, I have changed a lot. To the better of course. Something that only used to happen when I'm with my parents or Denies. This boy is even capable of changing a beast to a beauty.        "Why did your boyfriend visited you today for only a few minutes?"he asked.        "He has a presentation at college so he just came here because I am the only one who can calm him down. He was so nervous and was going to freak out. But he said he will come again today”he nodded sadly.        ”Are you okay?”I asked worriedly.        ”I am. It’s just that I wish I can have someone who will love me that much.”       ”Bla bla bla. All of us know you have a big crush on Celia and vice versa, just ask her out already”I rolled my eyes.        ”It’s not like we can get out” he had a point.        ”You can make her a nice dinner on the roof, I'm sure the nurses will accept”He gave me a grateful smile and we continued eating.        Celia was a nurse in here. Both her and John seem to be madly in love but they both haven't confessed to each other yet.        John is older than me in 5 years, he’s 25 and Celia is 29.        ”Ace Brown, you have a visitor”the security guard said. I ran towards the door excitedly, ignoring the laughs of the other boys. 
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