Chapter 9 - Is it really better to have loved and lost?

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Valerie’s POV “Here you are!” Ruston’s voice echoed through the laundry room. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere. What the hell are you doing here?!” Spit flew out of his mouth with every word. His face was dark red with anger, and every muscle in his body was pulled to its fullest capacity. I felt my skin crawl as the memory of what Melody rushed to the forefront of my mind. Her warning was still as clear as if she’d just told me. “Ruston, please.” He stepped closer and was about to take my hand to drag me out of the room when I stepped back and out of his reach. I couldn’t help flinching at the thought of his touch. “This is not going to work.” “What is not going to work? I can tell you what I think isn’t working! You, in here!” His growl echoed through the laundry room so loud that Emily stepped out of her office. “Sir, I believe Valerie is asking you to leave.” Emily stepped between us. I guessed that Melody had told her some distorted version of what happened, but I was nonetheless thankful for Emily’s kindness. She had far more experience of putting a ranked member in their place without offending them to the point that they would report her to the Alpha. “I want to know what’s going on?! I demand to know.” Ruston stepped back with his fist clenching so tightly that his knuckles were starting to turn white. “I don’t want to see you, Ruston. That’s what’s going on. Whatever you thought this was, it’s over.” I was begging him. Outright begging! “No! I won’t accept it!” His intense gaze made me cringe slightly. I wasn’t this weak person, but under these circumstances, I couldn’t take it anymore. “I believe you have no other alternative but to accept it, Sir.” Emily’s voice was filled with determination. Ruston glared at her. “Do you know who the hell you are talking to?!” I could hear from the lower tone in his voice that Emily was pushing the boundaries to their limits. “Yes, I believe I do, Sir. I’m sure your father will not approve of you pursuing a young lady who is clearly not interested in your affections.” But thankfully, she stood her ground and didn’t move an inch. “Val? Is that what you really want?” He almost sounded hurt, but I couldn’t give in now. I just couldn’t. I nodded, but I couldn’t look at him. I wasn’t sure if that was what I wanted. In fact, if he were to find out the truth, he would know it wasn’t what I wanted! He glared at me for a moment before mumbling something I couldn’t hear, and then stormed out of the room in a huge cloud of swear words. Emily turned her attention to me and wanted to know if I was okay. I couldn’t find my voice and kept quiet for fear that I might burst out into tears. I tried to focus on the laundry again, but my hands were shaking so badly I couldn’t seem to keep anything in a proper grip! “Oh, honey.” Emily put down what she was busy with and walked up to me, rubbing the sides of my shoulders. “You didn’t want him to leave, did you?” I slowly shook my head. “Valerie, I’m going to ask you one question and I want you to answer me honestly. Don’t tell me what you think I want to hear or what that little b***h Melody told you. I want you to be truly honest.” Her voice was filled with kindness, but also with pity. My heart started to race because I knew what she was going to ask, and I didn’t know how to answer her. “Do you love him?” Aries’ POV I was furious! She wasn’t in class today, but the boy was, but he looked distracted. If only I could ask the boy where she was without raising suspicion! But when class was over, I couldn’t stop myself and called the boy over. “Where is your friend? She can’t afford to miss one single class.” I was busying myself by packing away the very same books I would need in a couple of minutes in a feeble attempt to sound and look casual. “She’s not my friend, she’s my girlfriend, and I don’t know where she is.” The boy couldn’t look me in the eye, and that infuriated me. “Well, girlfriend or not, I suggest you tell her that if she misses tomorrow’s class, I will have no alternative but to report her absence to the Dean.” The boy glared at me, but quickly averted his gaze when our eyes made contact. One of the advantages of being Alpha born was that very few people could stare you down. I had made some inquiries about him and knew that he was the future Beta of my neighbouring pack. The very same one that she was from. I found it strange that they would even allow him to see her. As far as I knew, their ranked members only dated and mated other ranked members. “You may go,” I informed him as the next group of students started piling into the classroom. Melody’s POV I waited for Ruston in the passage. He looked furious when he came out, but I was convinced that I would soon make him forget about that stupid girl. “Ruston! Can you give me a lift home? I’m afraid the girls left without me.” I fluttered my eyes and then looked down, trying to show him that I was submitting to his will, but he hardly looked at me. “Sure.” He absentmindedly waved his hand through the air and walked on, and I tried to keep up with his long strides. “Thanks.” When he didn’t respond again, I pouted to puff my lips up, but there was no reaction, but at least we would have time alone on the drive back home. He unlocked the car and slid in behind the steering wheel, leaving me to open the door for myself, but I got in before he decided to drive off without me! Driving in silence, I wrecked my brain for something to say. “Did you have anything to do with it?!” His question caught me off guard. “Excuse me? I have no idea what you’re talking about. Did I have anything to do with what?” Feigning innocence the moment I realized what he was referring to. He took his eyes off the road for a moment to glare at me, and I felt like sinking away into the chair. “Did you have Valerie moved to the laundry room?!” His voice was filled with emotions I had not heard before! “NO! I would never! You made it perfectly clear you don’t want me! Maybe she is trying to prove to you that she doesn’t want you!” I tried to defend myself, but I could see that he didn’t believe me. This was so infuriating! Did she put a spell on him? I knew that the neighbouring pack was loose in their acquaintances and had witches and all sorts of weird creatures just waltzing through their territory. Could she have contacted one of them and found a potion to use on my mate? “I swear, Melody, when I find out who changed her mind they will pay dearly! I know she has feelings for me, just like I have for her, and nobody and nothing is going to stand in my way!” A shiver ran down my spine. He had never been this angry with me before. If that omega told him what was going on, I couldn’t even begin to imagine what he would do to me! But I was ranked. He shouldn’t even be looking at the girl! Everyone knows the Beta male and Gamma female always marry! Maybe … He was just toying with the girl. Maybe he was just trying to make me jealous. Well, two could play that game! I pulled my books closer to my chest and glared out of the window. When we pulled up outside the pack house, I jumped out of the car and ran to her room, making sure that everyone saw me crying after leaving him in the parking lot. Ruston’s POV I stormed into the pack house, feeling confused about whether I should look for Valerie first or if I should speak to the Luna first. I had a strong suspicion that Melody had something to do with Valerie’s sudden change of heart, and I wanted her out of the damn laundry room and back by his side, where she belonged! After my meeting with Emily, it became clear she was not going to help me, but Luna just might. I always found her to be soft and caring, and nothing like her husband. Turning to the left, I made my way to Luna’s office and caught up with her just as she was about to leave. “Can we talk, please, Luna?” Most female wolves were shorter and smaller than us males, but the Luna was tall because of her rank. I found it comfortable to walk beside her because her stride was the same length as my own. “If we can walk and talk, otherwise I’m afraid it will have to wait. What’s up?” Since I was little, I had a close bond with our Luna and could come to her with anything, especially the things I couldn’t discuss with my parents. I didn’t waste any time and explained where he found Val and what was said, and lastly, what I suspected. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you are talking about, Ruston. I certainly didn’t ask for her to be moved, and the Alpha would have asked me to arrange it if he wasn’t willing to accept your union.” She looked surprised and a little agitated, which made me feel guilty for coming to her with something that might seem trivial to her. “Luna, please. I love her.” We stopped in the passage, and she seemed to be studying me carefully. “Does she feel the same? Did you even think about asking her, or were you being a typical male that just ordered her?” Luna’s question hit me right in the gut. “Why would I ask her?” I frowned, not wanting to show my weakness. “Ruston, if there’s one thing in life I’ve learned, it’s that you can’t force your feelings onto another. I suggest you first find out if she feels the same before turning her life upside down any more than you already have. If you have your answer, you may come and see me again, and we will figure out a way that you two can be together.” She turned and walked away, and I knew that was all she was going to say about it. I would have to find a way of speaking to Val. I had to convince her that we belonged together. Valerie’s POV I breathed a sigh of relief when I could finally lock my bedroom door behind me. I had half expected Ruston to come barging into the laundry room or find him waiting in my room, and I was relieved that neither happened. But in the silence of my room, I felt an incredible pain crush down on my chest when the first sob escaped through my mouth. Why? Why the hell did I allow this man to sidetrack my plans? Why on earth did I ever think things could work between us? That the pack would allow such a union! “Val!” His voice burst through my door as he banged on the outside. “Valerie! I know you are in there! Open the door this instant!” “GO AWAY! I already told you I didn’t want to see you!” I knew it! I just knew he wouldn’t leave me in peace. “Valerie, please. Can we talk about it?” His voice changed to such a soft tone that I got up and walked over to the door. Placing one hand on the handle and my other on the door as if reaching out to touch him. “There is nothing to talk about. It’s over.” I couldn’t stop the tears that were now flooding down my cheeks. “Please, don’t send me away until we’ve talked. Val?” It was a strange thing to hear him beg, but I couldn’t be weak. I couldn’t give in. “No, there is nothing to talk about. Please. Leave.” I leaned her forehead against the door. “Okay, I will leave for now, but I’m not going to give up. I love you, Valerie. No matter what you say or do. I love you, and I’m going to prove that to you and to every other person who tries to keep us apart!” His footsteps moved away from my door and I slid down onto the floor. Pulling my legs up tightly against my chest, I clutched my arms around them and rested my head on my knees as my tears soaked my pants. Tears I didn’t cry for my parents. Tears I never cried when I was mistreated. All the tears I’d been keeping inside for all these years pushed their way through my eyes and stained my cheeks.
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