Chapter 8 - Crushing reality

1880 Words
Valerie’s POV I wasn’t familiar with the ways of the world, but I was undoubtedly familiar with how cruel it could be. When my parents died, I didn’t just lose them. I lost everything. Even the example which should have taught me what love looked like or could feel like. Over the years, my memories of my parents became more like a fairy tale, and I was no longer sure which was fact and which was simply a figment of my imagination. The love I saw between pack members wasn’t the best of examples. Most of our matches were arranged marriages, and very rarely were two ranked members love matches, which meant that I never really learned much about what a true mate bond looked or felt like. I only had the gossip I could listen to, and the silly notions as portrayed in books, and none of that seemed appealing to me. To find a mate and have your life turned upside down because suddenly your body and your brain, for that matter, are no longer your own. Your mind was ruled by an invisible thing that nobody could really put into words, and all that because the moon goddess deemed that you should love that one person for the rest of your life. If your fate wasn’t really in your own hands, why were we alive in the first place? If everything was preordained … Why give us free will? You will end up with your destiny no matter what you choose … I was so deep in thought that when I came around the corner and walked into the front of the pack house, I came face to face with a furious Melody. “YOU!” Her head bobbed from one side to the other before she grabbed me by the back of my neck and dragged me to the bathroom on the first floor, where she shoved me inside. I was an omega and had no strength to go against a ranked member. Besides that, I had been trained, intimidated, and basically brainwashed into believing I was weak because of my rank, even though I had always felt as though there was more to me than that. Unable to defend myself, I just stood there glaring at her. “Why couldn’t you just listen when I told you to stay away from ranked males?” She slowly stepped forward, and I fought for control over my temper. If I were to do something, anything to harm her, or even just attempt to defend myself, the Alpha would have my damn head! “Ruston is mine, yet here you are seducing him with whatever it is you are hiding between your legs.” Her face was covered by a look of disgust, as her crew moved in behind her to make sure I couldn’t escape. That was if anyone was even going to help me! It was time. The truth would come out and Ruston would probably be standing outside the bathroom with his hoard laughing when I came out! “I didn’t do anything. I told him to leave me alone and I sure as hell wouldn’t open my legs for the first male who gave me his attention, or I would have had any number of males running after me by now!” I slapped my hand over my mouth and felt my eyes grow wide as her face turned from disgust to bloodthirsty anger. “Excuse me? Did you just talk back? Have you forgotten your place, you stupid little b***h!” She looked from one friend to the other before a smile formed on her ugly face. “I do believe you just talked back to a ranked member of the pack, and that is punishable by … Well, I guess whatever punishment I want to give you.” She crossed her arms over her abundant chest and a smug smile was plastered all over her face. I didn’t want to use Ruston’s name to protect me, but I feared what she might do to me! It was my last resort, and I just prayed that he wasn’t going to betray me. “I don’t know if we should do this, Melody. Ruston warned you.” I almost thanked the girl as relief flooded over my entire body. At least one of her friends would talk some sense into her before this situation got out of hand! “He wouldn’t dare lift a hand against me! He loves me. He just hasn’t seen it yet.” She turned her anger on her so-called friend, who flinched slightly. Then I made the mistake of rolling my eyes at her. She stormed at me, grabbing me by the throat, and a sharp pain shot through my skull as it slammed the back of the wall. Her nails dug into my neck, and I felt the warmth of my blood as it ran down my chest as I struggled to breathe. I grabbed at her hand and tried to pry her fingers away, but she was stronger than I could ever have imagined. Being ranked sure as hell had its privileges! “YOU will stop seducing my mate! I don’t even want to see you so much as looking in his direction!” She growled as her eyes started glowing bright blue, her canines barring and ready to rip at my throat. I tried to tell her that I’d been trying to avoid him, but he was the one who was pursuing me, but her grip was so tight that I had trouble breathing and could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. I was almost praying for the darkness, but feared what she might do if I was completely out of it. “Say it! Say that you will leave him alone!” She was shrieking at the top of her lungs, squeezing harder by the second. “I will. I will!” I opened my mouth and felt as if I was about to gag, my words were forced when they came out. “Good girl! Now leave! I don’t want to see you near the dining room again! The omega housekeeper has a new job for you.” She turned around, and her little minions followed her out of the bathroom while I clutched my aching throat. After the worst of the shock had worn off, I got up, only to notice the deep purple marks forming around my throat. If Ruston saw this, he would surely kill her! I couldn’t let him see this! I couldn’t see him! It was a fun game while it lasted, and I really had fun being able to get back at Melody for some of the things she had done to me over the years, but it was getting too dangerous. With my heart beating loudly in my ears, I slowly opened the door and looked outside to see if there was anyone who could see me. When the coast was clear, I rushed through the passages to get to my room. Once there, I locked the door and tears rushed down the sides of my cheeks as they freely started pooling on my shirt. Maybe the moon goddess didn’t give me Ruston as a mate. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part. I wasn’t feeling any of the feelings I’d heard some of the girls talk about over the years. Well, I was attracted to him, but that was about it! Something started to bang against the outside of my door, which made me jump, and I stepped back, just staring at the door. “Valerie! Open the door this instant!” I was relieved to hear his voice for just a split second before fear gripped my heart. Why the hell wouldn’t he just leave me alone? “GO AWAY, RUSTON! I don’t want to see you.” My entire body was shaking, and I was convinced I was going into shock. I didn’t have a wolf to heal me! “Val, please. Let me in.” I knew he could break down my door if he wanted to, and I half expected him to, but his voice became calm and almost concerning while he tried to convince me to open my door. “Please, please just leave me alone!” I begged and jumped when one last bang hit my door. I heard him swear out loud before his footsteps became softer as he walked away. Why? Why did I have to become the ranked kids' next victim? The latest wolf they could toy with until they got bored and returned to their own kind! I didn’t ask for this, I didn’t even want a damn mate! I fell down on my bed and put my face on my pillow while big sobs ripped through my body. I would never give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I would find a way to get Ruston to leave me alone. Having lost track of how long I’d been lying there crying, I jumped again when a soft knock on my door drew my attention. “Valerie, it’s Emily. Please open the door.” Emily was an old spinster and the one in charge of the omegas. I couldn’t avoid her like I did Ruston, and I got up to unlock my door while trying to wipe the tears from my cheeks. She was used to omegas crying in their rooms, but not to me crying. I never cried, especially if I knew someone could see me. “Good god, what have they done to you!” She lifted my chin, and I winched as she studied my latest injury. “It’s nothing.” I turned away, trying to avoid eye contact. “It is not! I will report this at once.” Emily hardly ever lost her temper, and I hadn’t heard her this angry in a long time. “No, Emily, please. It will just make things worse. All I want right now is to go to work. She mentioned that she spoke to you.” Emily frowned, not looking very happy, she nodded. “I thought you could work in the laundry with me for a while until things calm down a little more. That way, I can make sure they stay away from you, and you don’t get into any more trouble. What about your classes? Are you going to go back to university? I can’t exactly go with you.” Emily was kinder than most omegas realized, but their rebellious streaks got them into trouble, whereas I was always following the rules. I nodded thankfully and just as we were about to leave the room, she stopped and turned to look at me before removing her scarf and softly tying it around my neck. “Here, this should help hide your injuries. At least until you are properly healed.” “Thank You”. I whispered, fighting back further tears that threatened to fall. What about school? I couldn’t go with Ruston and Melody both attending, but I also couldn’t afford to be kicked out if I missed classes … What the hell was I going to do?!
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