Chapter 10 - Life changing events

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Aries’ POV “Do you want me to stop?” I was clinging onto the last bit of my control. The young woman in the restraints had been pushing me to my limits. Her soft black hair flowed down the side of her face. If I didn’t pay too much attention, I could imagine her being … Valerie … “No, Sir.” She whispered breathlessly. “Please, Sir. I want more.” That was all I needed to continue. Valerie’s POV I swallowed hard to try and rid myself of the knot in my throat before stepping back into my favourite class. Thanks to Emily, I was able to come back to university without Ruston being able to find me. Emily agreed that she would bring me to class and pick me up afterward. She would be my chaperone to save me from the big bad wolf and his horrible intentions! But inside the classroom, I was left to fend for myself. I quickly scanned the room for an open seat. “Miss, you may take this seat here in front.” Oh, goddess! Not again! I closed my eyes at the sound of my professor’s voice. Did he know? Did Emily tell him to keep Ruston away from me? I took a seat, unable to look the man in the eye when he pushed a piece of paper in front of me. “These are the notes on the work you missed.” He lowered his voice a little. “If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask.” I looked up and as our eyes met, a spark of lightning rushed through my entire body! His usually light grey eyes were darker today. “Move!” I heard Ruston softly growl next to me and look at him with astonishment! How dare he speak to the professor like that?! Only to realize that he was speaking to the person sitting next to me. I looked at the professor before quickly looking down at my textbook. “If you all settle down, we can start.” The professor didn’t sound happy, and I had the feeling he was thinking the same thing I was when Ruston first spoke! “Valerie,” Ruston leaned in and his hot breath just below my ear gave me shivers. “Shhss,” I tried my best to silence him, noticing the pair of grey eyes flashing in my direction. “I want to talk to you.” I could hear his teeth grinding as he tried his best to keep his voice calm. “Ssshhh,” I said a little louder this time. “Valerie! Do you have something to add about brain farts? It seems yours is whistling at me.” My cheeks turned bright red, while my lips seemed frozen in their shushed position. It took me a moment before I could move them again! “See, that is the perfect example of one, class. Now onto today’s subject …” Thankfully, Ruston didn’t bug me again, until class was dismissed. He grabbed me by my elbow and dragged me out of the classroom, taking huge strides that forced me to almost run. I complained about being unable to keep up, which I shouldn’t have done, because he suddenly appeared in front of me, scooping me over his shoulder so fast I couldn’t stop him. I hung midair trying to get him to let me down. He walked off with me! “PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!” I didn’t give a damn about who heard me talk like that to a ranked member! This time he had gone too far, but no one came to my aid, and we turned a corner where I found we were completely alone as soon as he put me down. “Dammit, Ruston! What the hell were you thinking?!” I started shouting. If he felt he had the right to humiliate me like that, I sure as hell had the damn right to scream at him. “What else was I supposed to do? Val, you won’t talk to me.” He stepped closer, and I found myself caught in his embrace, with the walls enveloping my back. His hand stroked my cheek and goosebumps broke out ALL over my skin as my doodah started to ache, and a small puddle formed on the bottom of my panties. Not sure if I had just peed myself or if I was actually feeling aroused, all I wanted to do was get out of there. “At least tell me why? I think I deserve that much.” He was holding my chin between his thumb and forefinger, not allowing me to break eye contact, which was making things really difficult for me. “You are ranked and I’m an omega. You can do much better than me.” I couldn’t look him in the eye and tried to avert my gaze, but he wouldn’t let go. I was scared that my eyes would betray how I really felt. “That is not a reason, and it can be overcome. Haven’t I proven that to you?” He finally let go and I broke eye contact. “I don’t feel what you feel.” I tried again, and he looked down at my chest, which did betray me as my breathing sped up, and my heart started to race. “Your body is telling me otherwise.” A small, sad smile started forming on the corners of his lips, but I still couldn’t look him in the eye. “Let go of me!” I tried to push past him, but he just pinned me up against the wall, his hands firmly planted on my hips. “I know something happened to change your mind. Val, please. Tell me what happened.” He was begging me again, and it almost broke my heart. “I simply realized we don’t belong together. Now, please.” I saw an infuriated Melody from the corner of my eye. “I don’t love you, and you don’t love me!” I said a little louder. “You would be better off with someone like Melody, who could give you what you need.” I felt the sting of tears forming in the back of my eyes, and he must have realized something was wrong because he let me go, and I pushed past him, running past a smirking Melody. “Ruston, baby …” My hurried footsteps drowned out whatever else she had to say to him, and I ran out of the building, thankful to find Emily already waiting for me. Aries’ POV I noticed the uncomfortable exchange between them, and it made me wonder if they were in fact a love match. I thought again of the Moon Stone and its belief in strong bloodlines rather than love matches. Could that be the reason why they were fighting? Why would an omega refuse a beta if it meant she would have one of the highest stations in the pack? I needed to find out everything I could about this girl. If she had been with the boy … NO! I clenched my fists by my sides. I couldn’t be with a student! If I were to get involved with a student, I would have to give up my position at the university and my only option left, would be to take over the pack as Alpha. NO! I wasn’t ready to give it all up yet! There would be no more visits to the dungeon because I would have guards with me all the time. At the moment, my parents allowed me more freedom to just be a teacher, but as soon as I became Alpha, my entire life will change! I looked at my phone and searched for the number of the new girl. “Play tonight?” “Please, Sir.” Her response was almost immediate, making me breathe a sigh of relief. When I stepped out of his classroom, he saw Valerie running down the passage, followed by the boy. But the boy was stopped by the snooty girl who had been trying to get HIS attention all semester! She was dangerous, and he was relieved when she found a new target. It took a bit of convincing, but she finally saw the light that she had to point her attention to someone her own age! “Ruston, baby. Will you take me home?” She almost purred and it nauseated me. “Not now, Melody!” He pushed her aside, and I hung back a little. I might just be able to get some information without having to ask. “Ruston! She’s not worth it, you know? She’s not ranked!” She followed the boy, still purring like a kitten. “Oh? Let me guess!” The boy turned to look at her and his eyes flashed amber. “And, are you? Forget about it, Melody! I don’t love you! I will never love you!” And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving Melody in tears, which from her body language was clearly fake. Under normal circumstances, I would walk over to try and comfort her to a certain extent, but not this time. I didn’t trust that she would behave like the properly ranked lady she proclaimed to be, and I ducked behind one of the pillars, so she wouldn’t see me. Melody’s POV I fixed my lip-gloss while studying myself in the mirror. “I don’t understand what she has that I don’t. She’s not even blond! She can’t possibly be Moon Stone born! Can she?” I turned around to find my friends sitting on my bed, not listening to a word I was saying! “CAN SHE?” I raised my voice to get their attention. “Oh, Uhm, yeah, you’re right.” They suddenly looked at me, but I knew that they didn’t hear a word. I sighed and turned my attention back to my reflection in the mirror. Ruston would be mine. I just had to find that one thing that would take his attention away from that trashy omega. A smile started to form on the corners of my lips. If I played my cards just right, I might just have the answer to my problems. Valerie’s POV Ruston came to my room again after dinner, but I didn’t open the door. This time I also didn’t answer him, so he would think I wasn’t there. The size of my room had never bothered me before, but suddenly it felt as if I couldn’t breathe. As if the walls were closing in on me and the next moment, I heard the door crack before it flew off its hinges, and he was standing inside the door looking absolutely enraged. “I want to talk to you!” His voice was filled with so much emotion, but I didn’t give a damn. “You broke my damn door!” I shouted while pointing at the splintered wood lying around my room. “Good! Now you won’t be able to stay here anymore! I want the truth, Valerie! Did Melody do something to you?” He demanded, and his gaze captured mine. I found myself unable to break eye contact. As an Omega, we were trained from an early age that we shouldn’t lie to ranked members. Not that I was able to lie in general! This was the toughest thing I’ve ever had to do! Blatantly lie! Lie through my damn teeth! “No, nobody did anything. I just realized that it was all just a dream, and it would never work between us.” It was actually easier than I thought it would be once the words were out of my mouth. “You are lying to me!” What? How the hell did he know? “You pull at your nails when you are lying.” I looked down at my hands, and he was right. Oh, f**k! That’s just great! He took a step forward, and I took a step back. His anger was loud, and I couldn’t bear to be anywhere near it. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before stepping closer, but I stepped back again. “Val, please. I won’t hurt you.” He held out one hand and I just looked at it. “But someone else might!” I slapped my hand over my mouth and stared at him with wide eyes. Melody had warned me not to say anything! If he told her … She would … “I knew it! That little b***h has been interfering this entire time, hasn’t she?” He turned around, with one hand on his hip and the other pulling through his hair, he took a step away and then turned back to look at me. “I want you to move to my floor. Now! Pack your bags.” He was using his full beta voice, and I had no alternative but to do as he said.
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