Chapter 25 - Hypotheticals

2258 Words

Valerie’s POV “Taking their history is something you would do. Yes, but let’s discuss the kind of therapy you would think about. I mean, you have just over a year left. You should have some kind of idea of how you are going to help this poor couple.” He was looking amused again, and I was starting to despise the fact that he knew it all and I was still a damn student. “Fine,” I sat back in the booth and crossed my arms over my chest. “From their history, I would know when their problem started.” I was playing for time, trying to think of a non-sex.ual way I would be able to help this hypothetical couple. His smile while taking a sip of his drink made my stomach do a small flip and I cleared my throat. Did his gaze have to be so damn penetrating?! “Yes, and?” “This couple is hypothetic

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