Chapter 24 - How to save a hypothetical couple ...

1971 Words

Valerie’s POV I shifted around in my chair, feeling really uncomfortable while pondering whether I might have gotten some kind of infection from dear Ruston. My attention was immediately drawn to the class when I felt that familiar pair of eyes on me. I looked over to where Ruston usually sat, but he wasn’t in class. A pang of regret filled my heart. I heard the girls talking in the dorms over the weekend about how he and Melody were so “in love” and that, apparently, was what a real love mate bond or whatever the hell they wanted to call it looked like. All I knew was that he had broken my heart, lied to me from the first day we met, and humiliated me in front of the pack to the point where I would never be able to show my face again. Even Melody’s beatings over the years didn’t humilia

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