Chapter 16 hunted

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Huntson’s (hunter) P.O.V   I c****d my gun and watched along the tree line, waiting for him to show himself to me.   “THERE!” I shouted and fired my gun, but I didn't land the shot. I had missed the bear again, he was just too fast. He ran and jumped over some boulders, then he was gone.    “That's it, we are going to be hunting, but we also need to get someone else out here to hunt. Somehow we will, but in the meantime let's go home and relax because soon we will have someone else to play with.” I said, laughing my best evil laugh. My laugh even made my partner, Chuck cringe as I knew that he didn't like my laugh at all.   “Dude, can you not laugh like that. You even scare the f*****g birds out here with that laugh.” Chuck said and I just shook my head as I walked off towards the truck.   “Don't be so pathetic, now come on, dickhead or I’ll leave your ass out here for the wolves to feast on.” I said and he rolled his eyes at me before following me to the truck.   Unknown Werebear’s P.O.V   I had finally found the cave, but I was yet again right back where I started from, when they first started hunting me. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. Flashback…. I was new to this town and had moved onto new territory with my parents as we had transferred to a new pack. I was out walking through the streets of the nearby village looking for a job, when I stopped and sat down in a cafe after searching for a couple of hours and ordered a coffee. I was flipping through the pages of a newspaper that someone had left on the table and looking through the jobs section. There were loads of jobs, but I wasn't qualified for almost all of them and then I saw an advertisement for a job being a runner and it paid $300 a day, which was excellent. I could totally do that job, running from one place to another, collecting and delivering things, that would be really easy. I called up the place straight away and was invited to go for an interview. I was so excited and decided to dress smart casual, wearing jeans and a shirt, thinking that there was no need to wear a suit and tie to become a runner. I pulled up the directions on my phone and made my way to the address that they had given me when I had phoned and asked about the job. I arrived there after fifteen minutes of driving and found the place I needed, I knocked on the door and when I heard someone say come in I walked in, but as soon as the door closed behind me I was hit over the head with something hard and knocked out. I woke up in the middle of nowhere, it looked like a forest, but I had no idea where it was and then three men told me that I had two hours to run and they would be hunting me, trying to kill me, so I ran. I ran as fast as I could and they found me a few times, but I managed to escape each time until I found a cave. Flashback ends….   I was in the same cave now and I had been living here, I could hardly leave because they would find me and now after ten years they had found me again, not once but twice. I have to hide, even though I wanted to go and see her again. I knew I had to stay here, I can't leave, soon enough they will find me and I will have to run again.   Cheyenne’s P.O.V   I knew that my daughter would be going off to college soon, but she needed to train and learn how to control them before she went away. She needed to learn not to use them unless she absolutely needed to. It was early morning and we needed to start training as we didnt have a lot of time, so I went up to her room and knocked on her door, but there was no answer.   “Anna, if you don't get up then I’m going to pour cold water over your head.” I said and suddenly heard a loud thump. I knew that she had fallen out of bed and I tried hard to control my laughter when she begrudgingly opened the door, rubbing her butt.   “Get dressed and meet me outside. We’re going to train today until you get your powers under control.” I said and she slowly nodded before shutting the door. I let out the laughter I had been holding in as I walked downstairs and outside, earning me a weird look from Mercury, but I just shook my head at him, telling him that I would tell him later.   Anna’s P.O.V   I was sleeping so good when I heard knocking on my bedroom door, but I decided to ignore it, hoping that whoever it was would get the hint and go away. Nope, no chance of that though.   “Anna, if you don't get up then I’m going to pour cold water over your head.” My mom said and I was rushing so fast, but I got tangled up in the bed covers and landed flat on my ass. I got up and hurried to open the door, all the time rubbing my ass. I knew that if my mom wanted me up it would have to be something urgent. When she told me to get dressed because we were going to train today, I knew not to question it and do as she had asked otherwise she really would come back in here and pour cold water over me. I quickly shut my bedroom door and I could swear I heard her laughing as she went down the stairs, great. I hurried to get dressed, being careful not to fall over again and put my shoes on, before hurrying downstairs and outside to meet my mom.
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