Chapter 15 werebear what

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Anna’s P.O.V   I thankfully slept in today, but I left the curtains open and the sun was shining through, the warm beams hitting my face. I pulled the blankets over my head, not wanting to get out of bed just yet. The dream I had last night was still deep in my thoughts and it woke me up several times throughout the night. When I finally managed to get back to sleep it was really late, but I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep now, so I threw the blankets off me and got out of bed. I grabbed my favourite fluffy blue towel and went to the bathroom. I turned the water on in the shower and waited for it to get warm before stripping my pyjamas off and getting in. The steamy water ran down my body, relaxing me, but I still kept thinking about the dream I had. I shivered at the thought of having people chasing after me and I had to keep telling myself that it was just a dream, that I wasn't going to let it get to me.   “Dreams are not real.” I said out loud to myself, but I’m not sure if I was stating it as a fact or trying to convince myself. I showered and got out, drying myself off and walking back into my bedroom to get dressed. Today was the day I was going to go back out there, I was determined to find out who or what was out there. I got dressed in baggy shorts and a baggy shirt, there was no point in wearing anything nice as I was only going to take it off and tie it to my leg when I got to the edge of the woods. I walked out of my bedroom, down the stairs and straight to the kitchen through the back door to the yard. I carried on walking until I reached the edge of the woods and hid behind a tree as I stripped my clothes off and tied them to my leg before shifting into my wolf. I ran all the way back to the pond and stopped to take a drink, just like I did before and then shifted back into my human form, quickly putting my clothes back on. I started to look around, trying to see if there was anyone or anything else here with me, but the only thing I could find were a few broken limbs off the trees. I picked one up and sniffed it, trying to see if I could get a scent from it.   “Werebear….but why would a werebear be out here by itself? This is weird, maybe it got lost or something.” I said to myself, looking around once more, but there was nothing else there. I shrugged it off and got undressed again, tying my clothes to my leg before shifting back into my wolf. I looked around once more and sniffed the air, but I couldn't smell anything, so I ran back home.   Unknown Werebear’s P.O.V   Damn it, I just jumped down from there and I had to hide again because that wolf came back. She seemed to be looking for something, but when she couldn't find it she gave up and left. I wish I had the guts and was brave enough to just go and tell her who I am, but it's just too dangerous. It was too hard right now, especially seeing as she would either worry when she saw that I was wounded or she would attack me for trespassing. The hunters had come close to catching me, but I was faster than them and they were unprepared. I had to leave here and get to the safety of the cave before they found me again.   Jessica’s P.O.V   I had come over to see Anna, but when I saw her running out of the house and into the woods, shifting into her wolf I decided to watch and see what she was up to. After a while she came back, running out of the woods and shifted back into her normal human self before walking back into the house. I wonder if she was sneaking off to meet someone. I swear to god if she has found her mate I am going to go mad, it isn't fair. I want a mate, I want to be one of them. I decided I was going to confront ehr and get to the bottom of this, so I went up to her room and knocked on the door. Anna opened the door, smiling at me, but before she could say anything I held my hand up.   “What are you doing going out into the woods by yourself? Are you meeting up with someone and spending time together?” I asked, point blank and she rolled her eyes at me. I knew right away that I had gotten the wrong end of the stick and that I was wrong.   “Then why are you going by yourself?” I asked, still suspicious.   “Well, it was only twice. Lizzy wanted to go out on a run yesterday, but I felt like something was off, so I went back today to take a look, but I found nothing. Whatever it was it's gone now. I smelled a werebear and the poor thing probably got lost, so maybe it found its way out. Who knows, but it's gone now, so no worries.” Anna said and I nodded.   “Okay, well no more going out there by yourself. It's too dangerous, rogues could have found you and killed you or they could have done worse than killed you. You need to be more careful, Anna.” I said, but she gave me a weird look.   “Jessica, you're human and I am a lot more capable than you. I can look after myself, so stop worrying. What is wrong with you anyway, why the sudden concern for me and why are you talking about rogues like you're a werewolf?” Anna asked and even though it pissed me off that I wasn't like her or the others I bit down my anger and just smiled at her.   “I’m just worried about you and trying to look out for you.” I replied, still smiling at her.   “Alright, I’ll be more careful, now will you stop worrying. I’ll be fine, I’m not going back out there.” Anna replied and I was glad to hear it.
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