Chapter 17 training with my powers

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Anna’s P.O.V   I ran over to my mom and she was smiling so brightly at me that I couldn't help smiling back at her.   “Alright mom, you got me out here, now what do you want to show me?” I asked and my mom looked at me.   “Listen, you're the one that will need to be careful, especially when you get mad. If you're even the slightest bit angry you make the sky go dark and make lightning strike down, hitting whoever you are mad at, you could easily kill them. You need to learn to control your powers and your anger. Also don't give anyone a death look, you know what im talking about, when you glare at someone like you want to kill them because you will kill them. Don't blow out a breath of cold air by mistake because you could freeze them or worse drown them. You are my daughter and you are very powerful, but you need to understand that.” My mom said and she was right. Every move or action I made could potentially end up killing someone if I wasn't careful.   “I want you to think of something that will get you pissed off and I want you to use that anger. I want you to use it and I want you to try and freeze something.” My mom said and I started to think of something that would really piss me off.    Cheyenne’s P.O.V   I watched as Anna started to think of something that would piss her off and I don't know what it was she thought of, but it worked and when she opened her eyes they had changed colour to that of her wolf Lizzy’s, but they seemed to glow. I saw that Anna was focusing hard on a tree stump, she stared at it for at least twenty minutes before the stump began to freeze.   “Okay, stop and let it go.” I said and watched as Anna blinked a few times before the ice surrounding the stump began to melt away from the stump.   “You did great, I'm proud of you Anna.” I said, smiling at her, but then for some reason she leaned down and placed her hand to the ground. The ground began to shake as the earth opened up in front of her hand, she then lifted her hand slightly and the earth closed back up.    “Wow, I didn't think I could do that.” Anna whispered to herself as I looked on in pride.   “Now do you see what you are capable of doing, you need to be more careful and never use them in public, you could get into trouble and people might think that you are a witch. No dont get me wrong some witches are good, like your grandmother Faith, but there are also bad witches who use dark, black magic, those are the ones you need to stay away from.” I said and Anna nodded.    “Come on, let's go back inside, I’m hungry and we still need to go to the college today to take the tour.” Anna said and I looked at her in shock.   “Well, why didn't you say so earlier. Let's go back inside and eat, then we will get going. Your dad has meetings all day, so he won't be able to come with us, but I know that he will be mind-linking me every five minutes, asking questions about the dorm. He has already said no sharing a room with any guys or the guy will end up missing.” I said and Anna shook her head, laughing, but she knew what her father was like and how protective he was.   “Mom, I know we are the big deal Mafia, but please tell dad to calm down. If you remember I already said that I didn't want a mate, meaning no guys full stop. I want to live my life first and if I decide that I want a mate, then I will give dad full permission to drill him, until he knows he can trust him, but until then he can trust me not to bed some strange guy.” Anna said and I started laughing, but I understood what she meant and where she was coming from.   “You know your dad, he will come up there and check on you and so will I. I’m just forewarning you that it will happen and don't tell your father that he has your full permission to drill your mate or he will put out the thumb screws and you might not get your mate back for at least a year. Now come on, let's go eat.” I said and Anna started laughing as we walked back into the pack house. We made a quick snack before going upstairs to our rooms to shower and get ready to head off to the college.   “I heard your conversation with Anna and you heard what she said, she gives me full permission.” Mercury said, mind-linking me and I rolled my eyes at him. I finished getting dressed and was just about to put my boots on.   “She only said that because she didn't think you were listening. She hasn't even found her mate yet and you are already planning what to do with him aren't you?” I asked, mind-linking him back.   “No, of course not. How could you think…..” Mercury started to say, acting all innocent, but I knew him better than that.   “Mercury, first of all I know you and I know what you are like. Don't get any ideas about messing with her mate.” I said, cutting him off and I heard him laughing through the link.   “Okay, okay. I promise that I will go easy on him, at least for a week.” Mercury said and quickly ended the link before I could protest.   “Men.” I said out loud to myself, shaking my head. I finished getting ready and met Anna at the bottom of the stairs, then we both went outside to the car, getting in and driving off to her new college.
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