Chapter 18 they took our daughter

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Anna’s P.O.V   It took us three hours to get to the college and when we got there we saw that there were loads of students walking around and hurrying to see where all their classes would be. My mom and I hurried into the building where the dorms were and I couldn't wait to see my new room and who my roommate was going to be. Once we got inside we found that it was even worse than outside, there were so many kids running around, meeting up with each other, that I had to cover my ears because it was so loud. We looked at each room number until we finally came to the room that I was going to be staying in, I opened the door to see that someone was already in here. She looked to be about twenty years old, with short blonde hair, green eyes and she had a really pretty smile, but when she saw me she jumped up and started clapping, scaring the s**t out of me.   “Hi, my name is Nelsa, welcome to the dorm. I hope you don't mind, but I already picked my side because I will be starting classes tomorrow.” Nelsa said, shaking my hand and I nodded.   “Hi, my name is Anna and of course I don't mind, it's cool as I won’t be here for another few weeks.” I said and she smiled brightly at me.   “Great, I’ll see you then, but if you excuse me I need to go and see where my sister is at.” Nelsa said and I nodded as she left. Mom and I stayed in the dorm room for a while, checking it out and we were both surprised at how big it was. There was a small kitchen, a small table, a couch and a huge flat screen TV.   “I can work with this.” I said and my mom nodded as she looked around. We left the room shortly after and walked around the school for a few hours, finding the three classes that I would be taking and it was now time to head back home. We stopped off at Subway on the way back, getting two subs, a cold cut trio and a BLT, then we started back on our journey home. It took less time to get home since there was barely any traffic, we turned down the road to our house, when suddenly a huge truck rammed into the back of our SUV. my mom sped up, but it continued to ram us several times. My mom tried to keep control of the car, but the last time the truck rammed us it caused us to flip over a few times.   Cheyenne’s P.O.V   Anna’s head bounced off the dashboard as the car landed on its roof and I could hear the tyres still turning, but then I smelled something. What is that? SMOKE! The SUV must have caught fire, I shook my head, trying to clear the fogginess that I felt.   “Mercury, help. Quick. Our car was rammed and it's on fire, we’re on the road leading to the house.” I quickly said, mind-linking him.   “I’m on my way. Are you and Anna okay? Are you hurt?” Mercury asked, but before I could reply I saw Anna being pulled out of the car. I tried to grab her, knowing that no one could possibly have got to us this quick and it had to be the ones that rammed us off the road, but then someone grabbed me by my hair and dragged me out of the car. I made sure to look at the men closely, making sure I would remember everything about their faces. The men threw me and Anna down on the ground as two other men came over and they all looked at us.   “Which one do you wanna take, man. We have two here to choose from.” The one man said as the other looked me up and down first, then turned and did the same to Anna.   “I’ll take the short one, get rid of this one.” The man said and I had no idea what was going on, but before I could do or say anything I was hit hard in the back of the head, making me slightly lose consciousness. I felt something cold being poured on me and then suddenly I felt really hot, too hot.   “AHHHHHHH!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!” I screamed out, trying to stop the flames from spreading over the rest of my body.    “MOM!! MOM!!! MOMMY!!!” Anna screamed and I could hear her screaming for me over my own screams, but then she went quiet and I knew they had knocked her out. I looked up trying to out the flames that were spreading over my back and burning my skin to see the men throw Anna into the back of the truck that rammed us and then they left. I crawled to the dirt and started to roll around, putting the flames out, then laid there. I couldn't move, every nerve ending in my body felt like it was still on fire and the pain was agonizing. I could smell my own flesh burning, my clothes had burnt into my skin. It felt like forever even though it had only been a few minutes since I mind-linked Mercury and then I smelled it, his scent. Mercury was close by and I tried calling for him, but my voice had gone from all the screaming. I heard his voice and then I heard as the SUV was flipped over onto its tyres.   “Mer…..merc….” I said, trying to call for him, but it came out as a whisper and I wasn't sure if he would hear me.   “AHHHHHHH!!!!” I screamed out in pain as I felt arms go around me.   “Hold on honey, we’re looking for Anna. hold on.” Mercury whispered.   “They…..they to…..took our…..our daug…..daughter….” I whispered back and then there was nothing but darkness.   Mercury’s P.O.V   Cheyenne was badly burnt and she was in so much pain that she passed out when I wrapped my arms around her, but not before telling me about Anna. her voice was barely audible, but I heard every single word and I was pissed. My wolf took control of me as I lifted my head to the sky and howled out in anger. I was letting all the neighbouring packs know that someone took my daughter Anna and hurt my mate, my Luna Alpha, my Cheyenne. I turned looking at my men, I was unable to hold my growls back and so were they.   “SEE IF YOU CAN FIND A SCENT!! ANY SCENT!!! I'M TAKING HER TO THE PACK DOCTORS!!! THERE'S NO TIME TO DRIVE!!!” I shouted and they all nodded, getting straight to work. I picked Cheyenne up in my arms and held her close, hopefully with her being passed out she wouldn't feel the pain. I ran as fast as I could to the pack hospital.   “DOCTOR!! CHEYENNE HAS BEEN HURT REALLY BAD!! I AM BRINGING HER TO YOU!! GET READY NOW!!!” I shouted through the mind-link to Doctor Cloud and cut the link. I got to the pack hospital in no time at all and the doors were already open, waiting for us as I rushed Cheyenne into the nearest room, but I had no idea if when I put her down it would hurt her even more or do more damage to her.   “Stay right there and let me see how bad it is first, do not let her go.” Doctor Cloud said and I did as he told me. Doctor Cloud examined her quickly before deciding it was best for me to lay her down on her stomach so that he could get to work on her back. I laid her down on the cold metal table, hoping it would help, but when I saw her back I could see how bad it really was. Her clothes were burnt into her skin and were still burning her skin.   “I need to get her clothes off fast, but I need to do this carefully as well otherwise it will cause her a lot of pain and rip her skin off.” Doctor Cloud said and began cutting her clothes away. He started to debris her wounds and then called a few nurses in to get an ice bath ready, as it was the only way to check her wounds fully and also cool down the burning. The nurses came back in when the ice bath was ready and carefully lifted her up, turning her before carrying her to the ice bath.   “AHHHHHHH!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!” Cheyenne screamed out as soon as they had lowered her into the water. She screamed so loud that it shattered the glass in the windows in not only the room, but the whole first floor of the hospital. 
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