Way Back (Rayana Jay)

1115 Words
Jenson's POV I enter the room and find Rose, my mate, who is five months pregnant, looking herself in front of the mirror. . "My beautiful mate, you look amazing," I say as I embrace her. Rose pouts and replies, "How can I look amazing? I feel like a big balloon about to burst. Why isn't my pregnancy like Luna Kaylie's? She's already seven months along, but her belly isn't as big as mine." I kiss her neck and whisper, "Every woman's body is different, so don't compare your belly to Luna Kaylie's. What matters is that you're still sexy to me." Rose turns to me, placing my hand on her belly. I gently stroke her belly while speaking in a childish voice, "Hi, little one, daddy's here. How are you today?" "Daddy, I'm fine. But mommy's not doing so well because she hasn't found the right outfit for the meeting with Alpha Lucas's allies," Rose replies in a childish voice as well. I look at Rose, who's only wrapped in a towel after her shower. It seems she hasn't found the right outfit for the meeting yet. I gaze at Rose with a smile on my face and say, "You'll look beautiful in anything, Rose." " But I know you prefer me not wearing anything," continues Rose in a flirtatious voice as she drops her towel to the floor, now her body was completely naked in my arms. "Don't be naughty, Rose. What are you doing? We'll be late for the event. Representatives from Red Sapphire Pack, Yellow Stone Pack, and of course, Luna Chiko your new best friends from Black Amous Pack will arrive soon. We need to prepare for their arrival," I say softly, planting a loving kiss on Rose's cheek, feeling the overflowing affection in my chest. " No need for the full version, we can just do a quickie." Rose says as she lifts my hand that was on her stomach and moves it to the bottom of her stomach. I slides my hands down to test how wet is she. How much she wants me and it seems this pregnancy makes Rose always need me inside her p***y. I quickly pull down my pants, Taking out my hard d**k and thrusting my little brother into her wet p***y. It taking me right to the hilt and make Rose moans. She crashing her mouth onto mine, her tongue exploring my mouth as I thrust in harder in rhythm. I repeadly thrust her harder and harder until our body collapse to each other as we reached our climax together. Rose whispers in my ears "I love you." " I Love you too." I reply by kissing her cheek. "Let me hold you like this until my breathing calms down." We embrace tightly until I hear Lucas's voice through the mind link, "Jenson, Kaylie and I are on the helicopter heading back to Blue Sapphire Pack. An omega from Yellow Stone Pack came to Kaylie's graduation ceremony and said that Alpha Alex is planning something sinister for Blue Sapphire Pack. Have all the alphas from our allies arrived?" "What happened ?" I exclaim. "So now you're coming back with that omega?" "No, she's already passed away. We're bringing her body back for an autopsy. I've contacted Adrien for it," Lucas responds via the mind link. "Oh no..." I reply to Lucas with a long sigh. "Jenson, please answer my question. Have all the alphas from our allies arrived?" Lucas asks again, this time with a firmer tone. I quickly respond, "Only Toby and Liana from Red Sapphire Pack have arrived. The others are still on their way but will arrive in time for the meeting in an hour." "Alright, tighten our security at the border. Don't overlook anything suspicious. Kaylie and I will arrive in 20 minutes," Lucas instructs before cutting off our mind link before I can reply with an affirmative "Yes, Alpha." " What happened?"" Rose asks, grabbing her towel to cover her body. I pull up my pants while briefly explaining to Rose what Alpha Lucas relayed to me. Rose looks angry. "Why can't Alpha Alex compete fairly? By presenting programs for the welfare of all creatures, why does he have to compete in such a dirty, tricky and unfair way? From the beginning of the candidacy for Alpha King, Alpha Alex has been trying to hinder Lucas from participating. He protested, claiming that the entire pack didn't want Kaylie, a hybrid, as a queen. I'm really upset with him," Rose expresses her frustration. I respond to Rose's question with a sigh. "Alpha Alex is resorting to dirty tactics in this competition because he doesn't have standout programs like Lucas does for the well-being and peace of all supernatural beings. So, the only way for him is to use every dirty trick in the book to win the Alpha King title. Now, out of the 10 packs in our region, we have 4 packs as our allies. Another 4 are Alex's allies. One pack hasn't decided yet whether to support Alpha Alex or Alpha Lucas, and the pack of the former Alpha King, whose term has ended, cannot participate in the election as they are the organizers of the Alpha King election. This is to maintain neutrality. With the balance of power like this and the absence of programs from Alpha Alex, it forces him to resort to any means, even deceitful ones, to win the Alpha King election," I explain to my mate Rose lets out a heavy sigh, her voice trembling with emotion. "I really hope nothing bad goes down with the Blue Sapphire Pack," she says, her concern palpable. "I just want us all to stay safe. And, honestly, I can't bear the thought of anything happening to Alpha Lucas and Luna Kaylie," she continues, her worry seeping into her words. "They're not just our leaders; they're like family, our best friends. Kaylie's been through so much to be an amazing Luna for the Blue Sapphire Pack," Rose adds, her voice wavering with admiration"I just want her to have a smooth delivery," she finishes softly, her hope shining through. " I hope so too, Rose," Jenson replies, his voice tinged with emotion. "I can't bear the thought of Lucas falling into despair again, like when Luna Leah passed away. Kaylie was his rock back then, his guiding light through the darkness. If anything were to happen to Kaylie now, I fear Lucas wouldn't be able to find his way back." Can Rose and Jenson's hopes come true, oblivious to the ominous presence of the thick, suffocating black fog creeping its way towards Blue Sapphire Pack?
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