Sacrifice ( Bebe Rexha )

1159 Words
Adrien ( The Healer ) POV The sound of the helicopter echoes as it lands on the rooftop of Blue Sapphire Hospital. Kay, the gamma of Blue Sapphire Pack, and I stand waiting for the helicopter, piloted by Alpha Lucas, to touch down. Dr. Kaylie steps out of the helicopter, carrying Adam. Two warriors swiftly approach and lower the body of the deceased omega from Yellow Stone Pack, who had warned Kaylie about the danger posed by Alpha Alex to Blue Sapphire Pack. "Adrien, can you perform an autopsy with your healing abilities?" Dr. Kaylie asks, handing Adam to Melany, Adam's nanny, who had been waiting with us on the helipad. I nod and reply, "For deaths caused by non-medical reasons, I can determine the cause simply by touching the corpse. But for medical or poison-related causes, I'll need to conduct tests on each organ or blood." "Alright, I'll assist you in examining the kidneys and heart so we can find out what really happened," Kaylie says firmly. "Can you handle the surgery, Kaylie? Your belly is quite big," Kai says, concerned. Then, Lucas's voice who comes down from the helicopter interrupts, "That's right, Kaylie. Let Adrien perform the surgery alone. You don't need to stand for hours; it'll make your legs swell. It's better for you to come with me to welcome the alphas and lunas who will attend the meeting to strategize so I can be elected as Alpha King." "You guys wiht Jenson can handle the meeting, Lucas. Let me assist Adrien so we can find out what happened to Inggrid faster and figure out how to thwart Alpha Alex's evil plan," Kaylie says, pulling Adrien's hand and leaving Lucas and Kai staring after their mates as they walk away. Lucas shakes his head, and Kai smiles, saying, "How does it feel to have an enthusiastic and spirited mate like Kaylie, Alpha Lucas? Adrien, my mate, has also become more enthusiastic and spirited since Kaylie joined as the head of surgery at Blue Sapphire Pack Hospital." Walking side by side, Lucas responds with a soft smile, his eyes reflecting genuine gratitude, "Kaylie is truly extraordinary. I am grateful every day to have a mate like her by my side. Her warmth envelops me like the gentle rays of the morning sun, radiating through the darkest corners of my soul. Her unwavering enthusiasm infuses me with a renewed sense of purpose and vitality, inspiring me to strive for greatness. And her infectious cheerfulness fills our days with joy, turning the mundane into moments of pure bliss. With Kaylie, every step we take together feels like a harmonious melody, echoing the harmony of our hearts." "I feel the same way about Luna Kaylie," Kai says, his voice tinged with heartfelt appreciation. "Her warmth is like the morning sun, gently embracing us with its comforting rays. It was her unwavering support and determination that convinced the council to acknowledge and approve mine and Adrien's relationship, allowing us to celebrate the first marriage among gay couples in the history of the Blue Sapphire Pack. Her courage and advocacy have paved the way for acceptance and inclusivity, fostering a community where love knows no bounds. I am eternally grateful for her kindness and the light she brings into our lives." +++ In the operating room, I hold Inggrid's cold hand, closing my eyes as the haunting images of her final moments replay in my mind. Inggrid, her petite frame sweeping near Alpha Alex's office, where he converses with a woman with long hair seated facing the open door. Though unable to hear their conversation clearly, Inggrid strains to catch every word as the woman speaks. "I must avenge my son's death at the hands of Hybrid Kaylie. She mercilessly killed my child. I will retaliate by taking the lives of those she holds dear, as my black magic is powerless against a vampire like Kaylie," the woman says with a sinister laugh. Inggrid trembles, pressing her ear against the door to listen more closely. "So, what will you do?" Alpha Alex asks. "I will send my powerful black magic to the Blue Sapphire Pack, turning everyone there against her. No one will dare to support Kaylie anymore. She will surely be frustrated, and then she will leave Lucas, leaving him devastated and withdrawing his candidacy for alpha king, just as you desire," the woman says, her laughter filled with malice. Alpha Alex joins in, laughing uproariously. "Excellent. You truly are the greatest ally. I'm certain Kaylie's leave will crush Lucas and force him to withdraw his candidacy." "What if I make it more exciting and dramatic? I will send black magic that will make Lucas be the one to drive Kaylie away, breaking their mate bond so they both become weak and eventually die," the woman whispers. But the whisper is heard by Inggrid, shocking her, causing the broom in her hands to fall noisily. "Who is there?" Alpha Alex shouts upon hearing the noise from outside his office. Trembling, Inggrid says, "It's me... Inggrid, the omega cleaning the hallway." "Get out of here," Alpha Lucas angrily commands. Inggrid attempts to leave, but the wicked woman with black hair stops her, uttering a spell and pointing her hand at Inggrid. "Aubiaau be hiau la mai blas," she chants. Light emanates from her palm, causing Inggrid to collapse against the wall, blood seeping from her nostrils. "What have you done? She's an omega from the Yellow Stone Pack. You can't harm her. I'm ruthless only to Lucas, but I'm still the alpha for all the members of the Yellow Stone Pack," Alpha Alex says, lifting Inggrid, who is coughing up blood. "I don't want her to leak our secrets. I don't want them to find a way to counter my black magic. It's better to sacrifice one of your omegas than risk our entire plan failing because of this omega," the woman says coldly. "No matter the reason, I won't let our plan fail. Do you want to fail as alpha king?" the woman adds. Alpha Alex appears helpless, then says, "Get out of here, Inggrid. You must promise not to report what you've heard to anyone, or you'll die at the hands of Huiwi. This is the last protection I can offer you as the alpha." Inggrid nods weakly and stumbles out of the office. Instead of heading to her room, she walks with determination out of the Yellow Stone Pack and towards Prestige Hospital and University to meet Doctor Kaylie, knowing she studies there. However, she eventually succumbs to her injuries caused by Huiwi's black magic, turning her organs black. I opens my eyes, sadness evident in my voice as I recount to Kaylie everything I saw during my vision while holding Inggrid's hand. We both sit in silence, enveloped by the weight of sorrow, our hearts heavy with the burden of tragic events that demanded one life as sacrifice.
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