Uncertainty ( Rachael Schroeder )

1057 Words
Kaylie's POV I sit in silence in the chair outside the operating room. Without the need for surgery to perform the autopsy, Adrien have already determined the cause of Inggrid's death. Her body was severely injured, oozing black blood due to the black magic cast by Huiwi, Blake's evil witch mother seeking revenge for her son's death. I recall the time when I had to kill Blake because he was about to kill Lucas, rendering him immobile. Luckily, my vampire blood allowed me to fly and escape the enchanted ground created by Blake's mother. If a werewolf steps on that cursed ground, they become paralyzed and easily killed by Blake. At that time, I also shifted into a wolf for the first time. My first werewolf transformation happened without needing to mate with Cas, Lucas's wolf. Back then, I didn't know I was a hybrid of wolf and vampire. I lived in an orphanage in the human world until I became a doctor and was placed in a hospital on the edge of the forest. It was in that forest where I saved Leah and met Lucas, my chosen mate. However, due to Lucas's unawareness of my she-wolf status, we were afraid to make love because Lucas feared that Cas would harm me when he reached climax. All Lucas's fears never materialized because when we first made love, my wolf, Ay, emerged and had fun with Cas. until that event when Ay showed up to give Blake a piece of our mind and save Lucas. Since then, I've been hitting the training ground hard, with Lucas, Jenson, and Kai giving me a hand. Now, Ay's ready to jump into action whenever we need her. But, during this baby growing time, Lucas wants me to steer clear of training in the field. He says I tend to go a bit overboard, especially when I'm not paying attention to the baby bump. In addition to training, I've been diligently working to become a surgeon. Now that I've graduated, Lucas has entrusted me with the Blue Sapphire Pack hospital as its head surgeon. Blue Sapphire Pack hospital now will manage for all living creatures in need, not just werewolves but also vampires requiring surgery. Because not every werewolf's illness can heal on its own, if they are severely injured by a gun or have a tumor, they all need surgery to cure the disease. One advantage of being a vampire hybrid is that I am immune to black magic. Black magic like what Huiwi gave me will not affect me. The only thing I need to learn later from my vampire uncle Henry is the ability to heal patients affected by black magic like Inggrid, but that seems to have to wait until after I give birth. Distracted by the sound of two women screaming, I snap out of my reverie about my past. I stand up and smile at my two best friends, Rose and Chiko. Rose has been there for me since I arrived at Blue Sapphire Pack, while Chiko played a crucial role in giving Lucas her vote when the council initially opposed his claim to the alpha king position. They both have been my pillars of support, helping me transition from a hybrid to a respected and loved Luna by all Blue Sapphire Pack members. "Chiko, Rose, what are you doing here?" I ask, embracing them both. "Has the meeting started? Are all the alphas present?" "It has, no need to worry about that. The alphas are having a closed meeting in Lucas's office. So, we thought it'd be better to come here to help you. What can we do? Do you already know why the omega died? What caused her death?" Chiko bombards me with questions. I give a tired nod and fill in Rose and Chiko about all the details Adrien saw during his vision while holding Inggrid's hand. "So, what do you two think Huiwi's capable of with her black magic? What sort of chaos could she unleash in Blue Sapphire Pack?" I finish recounting. "Hm... she'll definitely send black magic to Blue Sapphire Pack, but you won't be affected by that black magic because you're a vampire," Rose says, furrowing her brow. " But according to Adrien's vision, Huiwi said she would make me leave Blue Sapphire Pack and abandon Lucas" Kaylie furrows her brows, puzzled, as she continues, "I mean, seriously, how could I even think of leaving someone I love dearly, especially with this big belly? Lucas, the father of my child, and my adorable son, Adam, mean the world to me." She shakes her head in disbelief. "It's just not something I can wrap my head around. But hey, I guess that's the thing with black magic, right? It messes with your mind and twists everything up." She lets out a nervous laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "I just hope whatever Huiwi's planning, we can figure it out and stop her before things get too crazy." "We can't really understand anything about black magic. It's unlikely that Huiwi would use black magic to harm you directly, but she might cast spells to make you leave Lucas," Chiko says, pacing back and forth, deep in thought. When Chiko's deep in thought, she tends to pace like this; she says it helps her think more clearly. Rose and I exchange smiles. We let Chiko wander around, knowing she's probably brainstorming ways to counter Huiwi and Alpha Alex's malevolent plans, Then, suddenly, her eyes light up, and she blurts out, "Kaylie, remember when Inggrid mentioned finding a more powerful witch to counter Huiwi's black magic? Well, I've got just the person in mind. She's an elderly witch, married to our retired beta. They've settled on the outskirts of the forest near Black Amous Pack. What do you think about paying them a visit for advice? Maybe they have a trick or two up their sleeves to help fend off Huiwi's dark spells." Chiko's idea to hunt down a supercharged witch could be the ticket to dialing down my stress levels right now. But can this elderly witch truly help me? As uncertainty lingers in the air, I cling to the glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, she holds the key to warding off the looming darkness that threatens our pack.
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