Stepford Wife ( Aine )

1081 Words
Kaylie' s POV Chiko's idea to visit the old witch, wife of the retired Beta from Black Amous Pack, to counter the black magic threat from Alpha Alex and Huiwi seems like a stroke of genius. But, let's face it, getting approval from our husbands, especially Lucas, is as likely as finding a unicorn in the backyard. They've become super protective of us ever since we started growing their mini-me's in our bellies.They've become like lion dads guarding their cubs, making it nearly impossible to slip away unnoticed. Lucas, with his keen alpha senses, can sniff out even the slightest hint of mischief. Beta Jenson, always the cautious one, has his radar up for any potential risks. And Alpha Gabriel, well, he's just as protective as the others, ready to pounce at the slightest sign of trouble. Trying to get their approval for a clandestine witch hunt is like trying to convince a cat to take a bath—it's an uphill battle. "Your idea is top-notch, Chiko. But there's no way our husbands, especially Lucas, will allow me to trot off to visit some witch in Black Amous Pack. And he definitely won't buy into this whole black magic apocalypse scenario. He'll probably come up with some logical solution to shut down this threat. My husband is the epitome of level-headedness, always approaches things with a logical mindset. He's like a walking encyclopedia of practical solutions. When faced with the idea of black magic wreaking havoc on Blue Sapphire Pack, he'll probably scoff at the notion, dismissing it as a mere superstition. He'll likely argue that there's no concrete evidence to support the existence of such magic, let alone its potential threat to our pack. Instead, he'll propose more rational explanations, like heightened security measures or diplomatic negotiations with Alpha Alex. To him, the idea of black magic causing disaster is about as believable as pigs flying." "Huh... There's no logic about black magic," Rose interjects with her usual rhyme words, making me and Chiko grin. "We don't need permission, Kaylie. We'll sneak out. The alpha's closed meeting will go on till evening. With a car, we can be back by the evening, before the meeting ends. giving us the perfect window to make our move. With a car, we can easily slip away and return before anyone notices. Just picture it, Kaylie, three of us like rebellious boarding school girls, sneaking out under the nose of the dorm mother. It'll be an adventure. It'll be an adventure, a much-needed break from my pregnant mommy routine " Chiko says, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "I mean, seriously, it's like my husband has turned into a walking, talking safety manual. 'Careful, don't walk too fast,' he always says that. Gabriel acts like I'm carrying a fragile treasure, not a baby. His eyes are on me like a hawk. His gaze feels like CCTV cameras monitoring my every step, making these past five months unbearably dull." Chiko raising her eyebrows mischievously. " I feel the same way, Chiko. These seven months have been like I'm this delicate antique vase that's about to shatter if touched. Even during lovemaking, Lucas moves like a ballet dancer. I have to practically beg him for 'harder and faster,' but he always shakes his head, leaving me frustrated because I can't reach maximum climax," I chuckle. "Me too, I can relate," Rose chimes in, and we all nod in agreement, feeling like kindred spirits, having husbands who are overly protective during pregnancy. On one hand, it makes us feel cherished and loved, but on the other hand, it makes us, free-spirited women, feel confined and unable to express our freedom. "Who's driving?" My certainty became to flatter. It wouldn't hurt to meet up and ask the old witch for advice on how to tackle this impending problem. You know, better safe than sorry, Just like how doctors always prefer preventing illnesses rather than just treating them afterward. "I am. I drove my car here earlier," Chiko says, raising her hand like a schoolgirl answering her teacher's question. "Then we should leave after lunch, so the husbands won't suspect anything," I suggest. "Smart thinking, Kaylie. You're the brains of the operation. I agree. Let's leave after lunch to keep them clueless. Once the meeting's over, we'll be back at Blue Sapphire Pack," Chiko nods. "What about Liana? She'll figure out we're gone. But we can't take her with us because of the baby," Rose points out. " Then, it's time for some honesty with Liana. I've got faith she'll zip it and keep our little escapade under wraps. My sister-in-law is a treasure," I add, grinning. Liana, the Luna of Red Sapphire Pack, is Toby's wife, Kaylie's brother, actually he is my cousins. Toby's father, Uncle Ted, is the twin brother of my father, Max, who left Red Sapphire Pack because he fell in love with my mother, who happens to be a vampire. Their love story wasn't approved by my grandfather, so my father left everything behind to be with her. Years later, I reunited with Uncle Ted because he's Leah's father, the woman I helped, and he legally adopted me as his daughter before I married Lucas. "Alright, it's a plan! Let's go back to Lucas's mansion to whip up a lunch fit for royalty. We'll put on our best Stepford Wife impressions, complete with perfectly timed smiles and exaggerated nods act to keep our husbands blissfully unaware of our impending escapade, " I declare with a mischievous twinkle in my eye. " After lunch, we'll make our move to find a witch to counter Huiwi's black magic. Let's go, girls," I say, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of our adventure. With laughter bubbling from our lips like fizz from a shaken soda can, we strut towards the mansion, ready to play our part in this covert operation. The thrill of our daring quest tingles down my spine, and I can't help but wonder if Lucas will notice the mischievous glint in my eye when I serve him lunch. As we approach the mansion doors, I can't shake the image of us as a trio of undercover agents, ready to tackle whatever challenges come our way. But hey, amidst all this excitement, there's that niggling thought poking at the back of my brain: Are we geniuses or just setting ourselves up for a colossal belly flop? Well, time to find out, I guess!
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